Sunday, January 24, 2016


So far in 2016, with the heavy yet transformative Pluto vibe, Mercury RX in Capricorn and all the Earth conjunctions/trines, we have had to go to the drawing board, to create, to change to scrap plans or rebuild. Even though we have some shifts this week, Venus in Capricorn will remind us of the work that we are trying to do. Mercury goes direct, and passes over Pluto on 1/30 one last time; this is a wrap up of the lessons we have been learning since the middle of December. Mercury than makes a square to Uranus, making thoughts and communications electric.
Jupiter makes another trine to Pluto, and another conjunction to the North Node on 1/30, giving us insight on how to be successful in our projects.


Aries: status baby. With Uranus hitting your sun/rising for the past 5 years you have undergone a sea change where you may not have been able to figure out even for yourself what is going on. But the events of the past few years, especially the past few weeks have left you ready to play. You are in a position to be major player; just don't let what other people want to you be or remain mess you up. You know what star you are reaching for.

TAURUS: I know you are gun shy these days when it comes to love and matters of the heart. You may still feel the sting of Saturn being a total buzz kill in the romance department. However you've got a heap of help these days, with Jupiter still hanging out in your house of love/joy, and Mars barging into your house of partnerships/love. Better yet, Mars will me making a wish granting aspect to Neptune. Love events are fated. This is one of the few times you can jump in with both feet.

GEMINI: you have learned what it is you need to do to have a healthy, functional life: Saturn spent 2 years trying to teach you those lessons, to give you the tools. Now you are fired up to put them in action. The push to do so comes from a desire to create something solid with someone…or just to be able to be considered legit. Your perception of the darker side of life and your willingness to grasp onto true intimacy is also a kick in the butt.

CANCER: I'm willing to bet that nearly all your old partnerships have either exploded, or melted to dust in the past few years. Some have probably gone out with a glorious blaze of glory. The only ones that remain are the ones that are healthy, the ones that enhance you. You are tired of looking back; ruminating even thought Mercury RX will require a little bit more of that. But this week you make a true commitment to those that have earned your loyalty; you move forward with confidence in those you have chosen to keep.

LEO: Family/home/baseline is going to be getting a lot of attention for most of this year. This will encourage you to create a fantastic chance for you to get the structure you need. This goes hand in hand with how you are reworking your everyday life in regards to scheduling, your overall health vibe and productivity. This week gives you a little bit of sweetness, some positive confirmation that you are on the right track.

VIRGO: Jupiter on the north node in your sign is a very big deal. Huge and powerful. That combined with the whole Mars/Neptune love affair that amps up your whole communication and partnership vibe leaves you in an electric place of manifesting the life you want. You know you can't go it alone and you are attracting the right allies and folks to support your dreams and goals. Just remember that at some point you will need to pay it forward 

LIBRA: so far this month it's been a replay of the crap of the past few years’…family crap crossed by partnership crap. However I think by the end of the month you will have solved the conundrum that has been haunting you for the past few years. It's been such a drain. However you will be getting a whole new scene of empowerment with Uranus opposing Lilith in Libra; you may shock everyone with a bad girl swag that has been sorely lacking.

SCORPIO: now you have a little bit of revitalization on board for you; it comes with a fantastic wish granting vibe dealing with love, joy and children. This is a week to bask in that magic, and wait for something fantastic to be created. On that note, you might have to rethink some of the ways that you work, and more importantly communication. How are your message and the way you communicate landing for others? 

SAGITTARIUS: your ruling planet Jupiter cozying up to the magnificent North Node is magical for you in how you show up in the world, especially in the way of wordy acclaim. It's magical stuff, and seems to confirm what you already know. Even though you are being stuck in slow mode in regards to having your money match your work vibe, it will lift and you will realize there have been valuable lessons to be learned here.

CAPRICORN: the whole thing about your place in the world has been pressing on you. Perhaps whoever you thought you were is shifting. I know Capricorn’s are smart and survivors, so hopefully you haven’t been fighting change too hard. This week will give you a glimpse of how deeply and positively your future can look. Keep the faith, and wait and see how amazing your transformation will be.

AQUARIUS: I know you are so very happy to have the Sun in your sign; you’ve been due for a little bit of light. This week is one where you realize a lot is going on in the background in your psyche. You are ready for a shift of some kind, and could very well be chomping at the bit to handle some serious money/value revolution. Victory is nigh!

PISCES: So much of your success these days lies in the hands of your partnerships, your friendships and of your relationships with others. You may not love it, but it just is. You may not be in the proper space to play with others, but you know it’s necessary. However, if you are that Pisces that is ready to play nice with others just remember complete transparency is needed. No veils or masks please.

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