Sunday, May 22, 2016


Starstruck Autumn: WEEKLY HOROSCOPES-MAY 23-MAY 29- A SHIFT: This week we’ve got quite a bit of movement: First Mercury goes Direct (I can hear you all cheering now) and Venus enters Gemini. How...


This week we’ve got quite a bit of movement: First Mercury goes Direct (I can hear you all cheering now) and Venus enters Gemini. However once She slips into Gemini, she’s making an opposition to Mars RX Sagittarius. You’ve already been down this road energetically, since the Sun made an opposition to Mars over the weekend. On May 26th Jupiter makes another Square to Saturn, reminding us that yes we have big dreams and big goals, but we may not be quite ready for the launch, that we have more planning to do. It can feel like a big squelch, but it’s just Papa Saturn helping us out.
The thing that I’m gnashing my teeth at is the reintroduction of Mars to Scorpio. Good news is that the farther back Mars goes RX, the sooner he’ll go direct. Bad news? Well, Mars is in Scorpio. No one fights fair here. Coupled with Lilith freshly in Scorpio, expect there to be undercurrents of unforeseen intensity. No worries, we are all used to it by now.


ARIES SUN/RISING: You’ve got a total shift going on in regards to how you manage your spirit in the face of a tough world. You don’t want to let anything change the core of you, so of course that is what is being tested. However some small daily joys and the pleasure of a job well done can help you make your way. A growing awareness of just how intense your life can get will give you some perspective.

TAURUS SUN/RISING: It’s an odd thing to know just how twisted you can get in regards to yours/mine/ours ideas of money and of your attitude towards sexuality. Is it all about power? Is it dark? This is going to really start to show up in regards to your key partnerships. Love for the sake of it and to really let go in things that bring you joy is tempered with something ELSE. Pay attention to what that could be.

GEMINI SUN/RISING: So you aren’t putting up with crap relationships/partnership issues anymore. You aren’t breezing away from things/people/issues anymore. You just won’t put up with it. If you aren’t there yet, you will be soon. You are looking to put down roots in your life, and you need the right folks to do this with. You’ve got serious standards these days. A focus on amping up your work/health deal is key here.

CANCER SUN/RISING: Your struggle now is how to incorporate all of the opportunities presenting themselves to you into your life; your LIFE isn’t really set up for all that you are trying to do. What needs to get streamlined? What’s excess crap that needs to get trimmed from your daily life? Make room for all that you want to bring into your life.
Mars in 5th house amps up the whole sex/joy/creativity thang. Beware of the ghosts, tho.

LEO SUN/RISING: You are back to it; the focus on what brings you joy and how creative you really want to be. You may be having a hard time letting go and just being joyful; there is no guilt to be had to being happy. Perhaps there’s been a lack of integrity in this regard? You are seeking to make a living doing what you truly love…but you have lost touch with that. Try to reconnect with that part of yourself, at all costs.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: You are finding that there is something happening here that is making it a bit harder than it needs to be for you to step into that role that you want to. Could it be that old tie between work/family life? Is your image somehow split between 2 different realities? Integration of both of these aspects will help make this shift possible. What needs to be communicated these days?

LIBRA SUN/RISING: When folks ask, “How are you”? Odds are you smile, nod and say that you are fine. How in the world could you communicate what is going on in the quiet, secret parts of yourself? You are living much of your life in the shadows these days, and you know that’s necessary. It’ll do you some good to speak from your soul though. You won’t scare anyone. Authenticity about your transformation will do you some good.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: You have been flirting on an edge of wild, and that will continue until the end of summer, so get used to it. I know you want to go go go…but there are lessons that you need to learn. Reach out to your friends, expand your circle. If you do so odds are that it will reflect in your pocket in a fantastic way.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: It’s a focus of yours to put out something into the world that will help your star rise, and to up your game regarding status, and playing in the big league. However there is some stuff happening with how you show up, and present yourself. You are going to need to rework your image, first and foremost. You’ll just need to tune into who you are, authentically.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: You have endless amounts of opportunities to expand the world that you live in… perhaps even to grow beyond the world that you know. However the blocks that stand in your way are the old beliefs that you have about life, and how some things are set in stone, etc. Well the good news is that nothing is set in stone. You get to figure out a new way to be.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: The intense time that you have had this year has been key in your INCREDIBLY personal evolution and transformation. The issues around sex, intimacy and your own personal psychology have undergone some truly positive shifts. What you have been struggling with is finding a tribe that matches up with who you are becoming. Perhaps the lesson here is to learn how to be the kind of friend that you seek.

PISCES SUN/RISING: The struggle is real. You are learning what your limitations are. Heck, you are learning that there ARE limitations. Ugh. What a drag. Even though you think you can go it alone based on your own merit and a little bit of fairy dust, the truth is that you need powerful partnerships. On the other side, you won’t be able to attract the kind of partner that you need if your game isn’t up to par

Saturday, May 21, 2016


Starstruck Autumn: FULL MOON IN SAGITTARIUS- A FLASH OF FIRE: This Full Moon in Sagittarius comes with a warning sign; it’s powerful and hot to the touch. Most Full Moon in Sagittarius’s look lik...


This Full Moon in Sagittarius comes with a warning sign; it’s powerful and hot to the touch. Most Full Moon in Sagittarius’s look like a coming home after a journey, full of knowledge and amped up to begins the next one. However this Full Moon comes with a slightly incendiary conjunction to Mars RX in Sagittarius. This aspect will make us fractious at best, and perhaps forced to fight or argue over our personal beliefs, or our personal journey.
However, since Mars is RX this potential for strife will be minimized; perhaps the person that you will be doing battle with could just be yourself.
Where have you not lived up to your own expectations? Have you been playing it waaaay too safe in your life? This Full Moon isn’t a completion of journey; rather it’s the detour that you need to take to make sure that you are really getting everything that you need from this time in your life, that all these planets in Sagittarius are really teaching you what it is that you need to learn in order to grow and move forward in your life.

Remember that fire is cleansing.

Sunday, May 15, 2016


Starstruck Autumn: WEEKLY HOROSCOPES MAY16 –MAY 22 - A BREATH OF FRES...: This week offers quite the shift. We have been living the life of the land locked, scrabbling an existence out of the tree’s and dirt...


This week offers quite the shift. We have been living the life of the land locked, scrabbling an existence out of the tree’s and dirt around us. In some ways it’s been like an astrological game of “survivor”. However this week we get a little relief, with Mercury making that shift out of RX. The Sun and Venus makes their move into Gemini, stirring up the air and helping us have conversations that can actually move the air around.
Jupiter and Saturn are going to start their whole beef this week; squaring off where Jupiter tells you that you’ve been dreaming waaaay too small and Saturn tells you how unrealistic you are. It’ll be tough going, but these two fighting will eventually help give you the tools that will be the secret to your success.
Sure we have a rather volatile Full Moon in Sagittarius at the end of the week (I know, Volatile is not what I think of Sagittarius) but I think after the past few weeks of plotting and processing, it’s helpful to clear the air a bit. Nothing is getting past us this Full Moon; It’s conjunct an annoyed Mars RX; this will start a conversation that began about a month ago, and will finish up at the end of the summer. Pay attention to what revelatory conversations you have this week.


ARIES SUN/RISING: So this week you get to have some more conversations about your money situation as well as a gradual realization about what you might need to do to up your earning power. There is a shift that is happening in regards to your outlook on life; you might have to defend it to other folks, or even struggle with this shift. You know it’s worth it because it provided you the gold key you crave: independence

TAURUS SUN/RISING: Don’t start worrying about who you are becoming. I know you likely don’t even realize that you are worrying, but you are having a whole other dialogue regarding how you present yourself. There is going to be some kind of deal going down about sex/money/intimacy, something revelatory and hotter than usual. It’s a vibe you can really sink your teeth into.

GEMINI SUN/RISING: Relationships haven’t been the fun and games you’ve been used to in the past. Nope, now you’ve gotta hunker down into the nitty gritty and do what needs to be done. It could be leaving a situation, or transforming it to match up with your upgraded sense of relationship desires. Or you could be learning how to do heavy lifting in relationships now. Use your new vibe to get the ball rolling.

CANCER SUN/RISING: Your intuition game is going to be on point from this week out; you’ll also be faced with the knowledge that you may have been phoning in your every day biz administration in favor of figuring out your rising role in your community. Get back to basics, get healthy and focused. Most importantly, say what you mean and mean what you say. But do it with tact for goodness sake.

LEO SUN/RISING:  Your love life is going to be on FIRE this week. Or rather, the things that get you riled up and hot will erupt this week. This could be a fire that can wake you up in a place that ‘s been dormant. Or it could wake you up to a better, more productive heat. Don’t forget that you can’t be all business and “I’m going to take over the world”. If you don’t play, you’ll fizzle out. And we know that is NOT how you roll.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: Your stock is rising, and everybody knows it.
Your home/family life could be interfering with your boost up in image and goals, and of course vice versa. What compromises need to be made right about now? What outmoded sense of self-needs to be taken out? You may have to fight harder than you thought you needed to in order to gain the ground that you have earned.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: Who knew that rebirth could look so good? Yes my dear, your month or so sashaying around your own private Hades will leave you fresh, sparkling and adventurous. The task at hand here is to use the spiritual revelations and growth as a way to have the kind of transformative conversations that you’ve been DYING to have, but just are beginning to realize now.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: The ongoing conversation of how your crew ups your value and raises your stock may come into conflict with the possibility that you may not want to share, and that you may want to be the girl/boy with the most cake. This is a growing pains kind of situation, with your dialogue with a valued partner that shows you that you do indeed need to share in order to be with others.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: Some of you are using this energy in a philosophical way; that some of these delays are just part of the journey, that you are learning how to harness and control your energy in a powerful way…that nothing is perfect etc. however there is a little more magic here to be found; your new found patience is going to be your ticket to the top.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: There is a joy to be had when you realize that you have a few tricks up your sleeve, and that you are better than you thought you were; that you are able to grow, evolve etc. What’s even better than that is when you find that all of your crazy thoughts and changes actually have a reason occurring behind the scenes.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: Out of all of the signs, it’s you, dear Aqua’s that always impress me. The sang froid, that sense of detachment when the whole world is burning down, you always find the best, most unexpected escape route. Now the world is shifting back into Air energy, and you can breathe again. Enjoy the sensation while you plot your next adventure.

PISCES SUN/RISING: It’s the deal between your partnerships and your desire to evolve past who you’ve ever been that takes a great deal of focus for you into the beginning of June. You’ll need help on your climb, and don’t say no to helpful alliences. However, be smart about those you match up with. Use your intuiti

Thursday, May 5, 2016


Starstruck Autumn: NEW MOON IN TAURUS- OF THIS EARTH: This New Moon is one that I feel keenly; truthfully, it’s the New Moon that I’ve been waiting for, but didn’t realize it until now. T...


This New Moon is one that I feel keenly; truthfully, it’s the New Moon that I’ve been waiting for, but didn’t realize it until now.
This New Moon is a star, a rainmaker; it’s the hare bringer of the Great Earth Trine, the start to something that will endure, and that has value.
I promise that all these planets in RX won’t hurt this amazing New Moon. In fact, it may help it along.
This New Moon makes a conjunction to Mercury, trines to Jupiter and to Pluto while Jupiter is continuing his trine to Pluto; it’s all magical earthly energy
Taurus is really all about life; the sheer simple joys of the sensual aspect of living. Aspects such as food, clothe, scents, sex and clean emotion. Taurus energy is simple, and at times downright hedonistic. Life is to be enjoyed. Life is a gift, one to be valued. This is one of the reasons why Taurus is considered a sign that is magically prosperous; Taurus understands value like no other sign does or can.
So why is La Catrina, a symbol of the Day of The Dead here in Taurus season, when she really belongs in Scorpio land as the glorious figure head of Dia de los Muertos?
 Pluto is in a staring role in this New Moon, and is one of the rulers of Scorpio… showing us the beauty in death link.
As in all things in life, there is an opposite of everything. Opposite Taurus is Scorpio… Scorpio is the sign that deals with the underbelly, the darkness lurking. Taurus is the fertile soil that helps make the flowers grow and crops surge; Scorpio is the dead bugs, bones and bodies that make the soil so lush.  It’s Scorpio’s job to make the old things die away to make room for luscious growth. We can’t appreciate life without the specter of death. We can’t have Taurus without Scorpio, and vice verse.  
Death and life are intertwined, and the interlocking beauty cannot be denied.
The trines happening to Pluto from Jupiter and this New Moon reminds us of all of this; that for a new start to be dreamt of, for something to be planted and grow into something glorious, something has to gleefully die.
Jupiter here will make sure this happens with joy and resolve.  Given the fact that the planetary energies of 2016 has been working in earnest to harken transformation ruthlessly I would say that this New Moon is a boon; it’s letting us know that it’s time, and old parts of ourselves need to fall away.
The hot questions to ask this New Moon is this:
 What do you truly value? What is your worth? How valuable are you? How much do you value your very LIFE?

This New Moon rub some patcouli and bergamot on a candle for prosperity and vision. Smell a rose, rub it’s petals across your cheek. Find a lover and kiss them softly.
Make a list, make a smile, and watch your life transform!