Friday, September 14, 2012

Devil in the Details

This New Moon in Virgo occurs on September 15, and  is far different then other new moons. It carries the hint of urgency, and you can really tell because it has no other contact to any other planet other than its ruling planet, Mercury. There are no distractions or anything to pull your attention from what is ahead.  

What that is happens to be the amount of work that needs to be done. Stuff of the everyday variety, cleaning, cooking and making sure we have our ducks all in a row. If you find yourself pulling out all your old crap from your closet and filing old paper work that you just always meant to get around to, then you are making the most of this energy.

Warning: if you find yourself dusting pens and scrubbing at something with a toothbrush, you may have gone a lil’ too far.

It’s easy to get caught up in the details here and not quite see the big picture.

Also Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo; Mercury is the planet that deals with siblings and cousins. This is a New Moon that truly shows us that we all are our brother’s keeper. It also hits the north node of the upcoming eclipse series in Scorpio and touching on Mercury; what this does is shows us what we should all ascend to.

This is a rather optimistic New Moon with lofty intentions with a great deal of grounding and focus. Perhaps it’s the idea that charity begins at home or that we need to take care of the nitty gritty of life and of family details. There is something about Virgo energies that can make people more philanthropic than usual.

This New Moon is also a prime time to begin new projects that demands focus and diligence, and of gleaning over what has occurred over the past year. Basically one of the requests that this Virgo New Moon asks is for you to pick over the good and the bad; to discard the bad feelings, appetites, modes of being and attitudes. After that, reap all the good you have done, and store it away for the coming cold. After all, Virgo is not only known as the Virgin in Astrology, but also the Wheat Barer/Bread Basket; separate the wheat from the chaff and nourish the goodness you have created and have in your life.

And for goodness sake….

Ditch the bad habits.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

All I Wanna Do

Hey dude, are you alright?

I don’t care what anyone had to deal with during this past blue moon (8/31/12) but this moon was a gift. For some, it may not have felt like it, but it truly was. Way bigger than anything Santa or daddy war bucks could have left under a tree or in a stocking. However, some of us in the big ole’ world are just uncomfortable getting gifts of uncertain origins, no matter how lovely or undefined they may be.

Never you mind. It was amazing.

All of this lovely energy happened during the Labor Day weekend, and now the weekend has finished. The Sun and Mercury in Virgo lets us know, under no uncertain circumstances that summer is indeed over and now it’s time to go back to work. We got a brief preview of all the work we need to do, due to the Venus/Saturn conversation that happened on Monday. The tone of the conversation was something along the lines of this:

Venus: I’m going to go and dance, and drink margaritas and flirt with that really cute guy

Saturn: no. You already put on 5 pounds this summer, and that guy looks just like that slime ball you broke up with last year.

Venus: you never let me do anything fun!!!!

Saturn: because you have to get your priorities straight.

On September 6th, Venus is making her way out of Cancer. Of course, Cancer is a perfectly nice sign and when Venus is in Cancer, it is usually a nice, soft time full of sweet shining moments of heartfelt intimacy. However, due to the fact that it was in rather hostile angles to Saturn in Libra, we didn’t get all the good warm feelings we normally would have.

I got some good news for you guys. Venus is making its way into Leo, the sign that is ruled by the Sun. What this means for us is that for 3 short weeks (that’s how long a normal Venus transit is through a sign is) the way we handle and experience love, beauty, recreational and money will take on the flashy sheen of Leo. We will be overly generous in all Venusians matters, and we will be able to be since mean ole’ Saturn isn’t in a position to fuss at Venus in Leo.  

Sure we have work to do. We have a lot of work to do. The Sun and Mercury in busy bee Virgo is buzzing at us all to get cracking at what we need to get done. However Venus in Leo will give us energy, power and verve that we may not have. We all may feel a little run down or overwhelmed. But Venus in Leo will help us do what matters most to us with passion, joy and the enthusiasm of a child.

Play and Work Hard. This is message from the cosmos.