Saturday, April 4, 2015


Starstruck Autumn: LUNAR ECLIPSE IN LIBRA-BEAUTY IS POWER: "BEAUTY IS POWER, ITS SMILE A SWORD"-John Ray Here we come to a Lunar/Full Moon Eclipse in Libra on April 4...


Here we come to a Lunar/Full Moon Eclipse in Libra on April 4, 2015. A Lunar Eclipse is an amphed up Full Moon, shining light on an issue and subject, and often begins the process of closure, and ending if you will.
I’m a Libra Rising, so I feel especially close to this eclipse, and already feel the energy very strongly. This Lunar Eclipse not only throbs with the energy of the Libra Full Moon, but also carries the lingering last Uranus/Pluto square energy, not to mention the Sun in Aries doing a tango with transformation- at- all- cost- Pluto. It can be rough for some of us. Most of us have already gotten the message, and are moving forward. However, there is something left unfinished, undone…do we need closure or the nod from the cosmos for a new start?
I say both.
Wherever Libra shows her graceful self is an invitation to civility, balance and beauty. I think that this eclipse series is a way of the cosmos to remind us of the importance of beauty, manners, grace and the necessity of knowing how to live in the world with others. It can’t JUST be about us. I think for many this Eclipse will remind us HOW to be a member of society, that please and thank you, roses and music are the very things that help to keep us humane.
When thinking about this Lunar Eclipse, I keep hearing the song “Edleweiss” playing in my head. I keep thinking about that scene in “Sound of Music” where Captain Von Trapp is singing his ode to his beloved homeland on stage, performing in front of the hated Nazi’s. It was a stab at rebellion, from the bottom of his heart.
I’m always moved by how this stoic man nearly breaks down, singing this love song to a past memory… to something he loves and that will never be again.
I also love how his wife and children rush in, picking up the harmony and singing this song with the Captain. How their love and support get him through the song, and ultimately through their escape from Austria.
Libra energy….reminds us we never have to go it alone. That we have lovers, kin and other misfits that are waiting to chime in, to help sing us along to the next place we need to go. Just pay attention…you can hear them. For all you know, you could be the supportive harmony for a fellow life traveler.
Some endings set us free, promising us a grand new future. Embrace it. While you are at it, take that loving hand that is extended to you. Embrace that too.