Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Starstruck Autumn: FULL MOON IN CANCER- PRETTY WHEN YOU CRY: Welcome to another year…and another lovely Full Moon in Cancer….another cardinal planetary movement that triggers yet...


Welcome to another year…and another lovely Full Moon in Cancer….another cardinal planetary movement that triggers yet another Cardinal Cross.
If you are reading this, or have been reading anything astrological in the past 3 years then at this point you probably have an inkling about the Cardinal Cross situation…Uranus in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn…
It’s all about moving on. Breaking the status quo. Changing the very idea of who you are, of who you should be or how the world is meant to be.

For so much of our lives we have been told big girls don’t cry, there’s no crying in baseball, suck it up, take it on the chin….

So we eat our pain. We sit on it until it spills out onto every part of our lives, never dealing with it or talking about it.  We marinate in it without realizing what is going on.

This Full Moon is the remedy to all that old way of doing things. This Full Moon will insist we deal with the uglies, and handle the owies that go along with it. It’s time we break the bone to set it properly. Not that we wallow, but we may need to cause pain in order to heal.

However, the hero of this Full Moon is Aquarius. (woohoo!) Mercury is at it’s Aries point (0-2 degrees) so it is SUPER potent. Anything Aquarius lends an air of forward motion, of removing from pure emotion to embrace intellect. With this Full Moon, we can look at our pain, old ways of being, and see the possibility of what we can be.
After all, we are always in the form of reaping what we have sown.

This Full Moon, embrace your emotions, but don’t get bogged down by them. Pay attention to everything that makes you happy, sad, excited, scared and hopeful. The spell, the secret formula to achieving all that is magical and beautiful lies in these emotions. Dig through them to find closure to a painful past, and the start to a beautiful beginning.

Happy New Year my loves….


Sunday, December 21, 2014


Starstruck Autumn: NEW MOON IN CAPRICORN: WITCHCRAFT: Into the deep dark winter we go… Crouched in the dark of the night, with no moonlight to guide your way, you reach ar...


Into the deep dark winter we go…

Crouched in the dark of the night, with no moonlight to guide your way, you reach around using your senses…that unexplainable instinct that is timeless. In this darkness, as we dig our hands into the dirt to plant what will become, we give a silent push of power into our seeds. We dream, we plan, we wait. Lets create on this New Moon.

This New Moon in Capricorn is wrapped in magic… full of potential with a deep throb of power. The Uranus/Pluto Square and Venus in Capricorn conjunction with Pluto has been like when lava flows and creates more land… it can be dangerous work…creation…
This New Moon is also trine Black Moon Lilith; this is an aspect of unbelievable magic. It is so potent, so be careful to use your powers for good without a drop of evil in it.
The New Moon occurs at 0 degree Capricorn. At 0 degrees it’s considered the Aries point of the sign. When a planet falls anywhere between 0-2 degrees of a Cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) it’s called the Aries point. Why this matters is that it’s the MOST potent energy of the sign, and of the movement. If you are a Cardinal sign you will really feel this New Moon. Even if you are a person who is not a cardinal sign with any cardinal planets, you will feel this.
If you have ANY planets that fall on an Aries point … consider yourself a sage, a magician a wielder of all things magical and wild.
This is not your typical New Moon in Capricorn (build, endure, climb etc….) no no no with this New Moon you are the creator. Pulling feats of awe and wonder out of seemingly nowhere….
Whatever you plant, start or begin on this New Moon will have legs, and will bloom into something big and wild. The atmosphere is fertile with magic and power. If nothing else, you will truly get in touch with your power source.
Yes, this New Moon occurs with the Winter Solstice, the darkest time of the year. Remember that it is the deep wet dark dirt that seeds need to lie and begin to become… it’s more important than sunlight.

Kindle your power. Know your aim. Feel it all become.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


Starstruck Autumn: FULL MOON IN TAURUS: GRATIFICATION: This Full Moon in Taurus has us all loosening our belt buckles, signing at the scale yet going back for seconds. The fa...


This Full Moon in Taurus has us all loosening our belt buckles, signing at the scale yet going back for seconds. The fact that this Full Moon is opposite Venus will make us definitely feel like just one more won’t hurt. After all, Venus is the ruler of Taurus, and runs the domain of all things good and tasty. We may be headed into a dangerous direction with the fact that Saturn is Scorpio is looking to exit with a bang and the final word before it goes into Sagittarius at the end of the year. We may over do it to the point that we realize we may have a problem with consumption… be it food, drugs, alcohol, sex, shopping, gambling…etc.
Why? Why do we seek to drown ourselves and our senses in activities that feel so good but do nothing but hurt us? Those of us who are in this category could be seeking obliteration, looking to numb out from the pain and strife of Saturn in Scorpio…this passage of time that demands alert behavior, and dealing with the ugliness of life.
What do we seek? Gratification from the outside, rather then from the inside. Sure, this Full Moon always highlights how you consume. And of course the why’s…
However, another possibility of this Full Moon is the wake up call to how you handle your resources? Have you dug yourself into a hole with food, alcohol, spending etc.? This is the Full Moon for you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get your ish together. You want to get your money situation straight? The opposition to Venus in Scorpio will help you out.
Look to your desires, and how you do or do not express them. Look to your resources, and you save/squander them. That’s the lesson of this Full Moon….and while you are at it, eat an apple or take a jog for crying out loud.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Starstruck Autumn: LUNAR ECLIPSE IN ARIES: THE ME I WAS, THE ME I AM: This Lunar Eclipse is referred to as a blood moon.  Does the high moon foretell of troubles to come or release from the t...


This Lunar Eclipse is referred to as a blood moon.  Does the high moon foretell of troubles to come or release from the troubles of the past?
Astrologically this moon points to release.
Mercury has retrograded into Scorpio. We are staring into that fathomless pit of the past. No small talk, but more of a catharsis.
This Moon happens during with Pluto the planet of death, destruction, power and rebirth making a ruthless square to Venus in Libra, which is sitting on the North Node.
The North Node in Libra is the direction that we should be moving towards…the collective awareness of the need to relate, to be fair.
That brings us to the South Node in Aries, and the Lunar Eclipse that wakes up this aspect. Perhaps it is because Uranus is sitting right on top of this Eclipse, shaking us and gnawing through the fugue state we may have been in. We are learning what our will is, and the way we stand in this world.
However, before we can embrace freedom we need to take a look at the past, and what happened 9 years ago.
Back then the North Node was in Aries, and chances are we have to clean up that lingering debris if we can move forward.

The whole point of this eclipse is to turn away from who you were, and wake up to who you are now. What are you supposed to be? Who are you now?

This eclipse is about your Identity, and your will in the context of your relationships.  Within the Aries/Libra relationship that is the conversation, at all times. How do you not make the relationship all about your needs, how do you make it work? how do you compromise, how do you maintain your own sense of self? How do you do it with Grace? The Sun in Libra will help you do that.

ARIES SUN/RISING: you will be ending the way you show up in relationships. Compromise is necessary; it can’t always be about you. Learning tenderness to those who depend on you, and in turn that you depend on.

TAURUS SUN/RISING: It can’t be easy, mulling over the past and the things that are out of your control. Surrender to your lessons, and the vulnerable parts of yourself. You don’t have to be tough all the time.

GEMINI SUN/RISING: It’s time to let your friends know you need to pull away and focus on your heart’s desire.  Becoming in love with love and embracing passion is the answer now. Create something lasting, either a work of art or perhaps another human being.

CANCER SUN/RISING: At this point, it’s not about the career or your public face. The hard world won’t give you the love and support you crave. Come back to center, and your core. It’s about your clan, more than anything else

LEO SUN/RISING: It can’t always be about the great new adventure…running on the excitement of the next big thing. Could you be running from real life with your constant epiphanys? Put your life into writing. Speak about your life. For God sakes, SHARE yourself.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: It can’t always be about power.  9 years ago you needed to recreate yourself, fashioned yourself in the manner of the Phoenix. That is admirable. But if you did that without integrity, and got caught up in a shroud of power and mild manipulation…now you will see the error of your ways.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: Ending of the way YOU have been behaving in regards to relationships/partnerships. Did you give up your identity to merge with someone else, to keep the peace? You are going to shock everyone by what comes next. Except yourself. It’s time.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: I know you have had enough of soul searching, and want to raise the veil of crap that you have been wearing since Saturn has been in your sign. But come on, do just a little and let yourself focus on your self-care. Only you know what that is. Maybe this is a tall order, but get a little FAITH.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: Your project? Your passion? Your joy? It’s been an inspiration to watch you bloom. Now its time to embrace your community, your friends and your world. Who knows? Maybe the creative energy that’s been your baby can now be a gift to the world.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: It’s time to leave the nest and show the world what you can do. There is the need to light a fire under your arse to get you away from the homestead and out into the world. The spotlight is waiting for you. Step into it, and show us how it’s done.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: Transformation is a huge thing for you, one who always embraces the other, and the next big wild thing. Now it’s time to do so.  You have a strong and wild mind, one that solves problems. You’ll see how your voice of reason will open many doors for many people.

PISCES SUN/RISING:  perhaps money for too long has been your source of self worth. Perhaps you have been fast and loose with your resources, not seeing another way to go. Rather then sharing your wallet and the bling, share what you have. Don’t give it away, but learn how to receive as well.

Many Blessings....

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Starstruck Autumn: NEW MOON IN LIBRA-THE MOST DANGEROUS THING OF ALL: This New Moon in Libra occurs right after the Fall Equinox, and after Pluto moves direct. Pluto has been retrograde since...


Starstruck Autumn: NEW MOON IN LIBRA-THE MOST DANGEROUS THING OF ALL: This New Moon in Libra occurs right after the Fall Equinox, and after Pluto moves direct. Pluto has been retrograde since...


This New Moon in Libra occurs right after the Fall Equinox, and after Pluto moves direct. Pluto has been retrograde since April, running away after the fiasco of the April eclipses, leaving us to clean up the messes. Now he’s back, and trying to atone. You see, Pluto is the planet of death, power issues & destruction…breaking down the order of things for seemingly no reason. However we are learning he has a rough hand, and might be slightly sadistic. Because if you are willing to do the work and salt the field of all he has NEEDED to destroy, while learning to build up your own power source instead of stealing from others, he just might throw you a bone. That bone is freedom from illusions, and entrapment to lies. Because Pluto will NOT tolerate lies.
So back to the New Moon. This New Moon occurs at 1 degree Libra. This is very important. When a planet falls anywhere between 0-2 degrees of a Cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer,Libra,Capricorn) it’s called the Aries point. Why this matters is that it’s the MOST potent energy of the sign, and of the movement. If you are a Cardinal sign you will really feel this New Moon. Even if you are a person who is not a cardinal sign with no cardinal planets, you will feel this.
If you have ANY planets that fall on an Aries point … well the revolution has arrived. And not a moment too soon. Because you are ready.
What this New Moon brings is redemption, and the break from emotional lies, and unhealthy entanglements. I’m willing to bet that in the past 9 years we have all been guilty, in one way or another of doing the following:
11.  using love as currency
 2.  accepting love as currency
33. denying our need just to “get along”
 4.   not fighting the good fight out our worry of our own survival
  5.withholding love because of fear, anger or just being stingy
This is where Pluto comes in, and wakes us up. Libra is all about love, grace, gratitude and the need to have each other. To love each other. To forgive each other, and ourselves. However we have not been doing any of that, even though its all we REALLY want to do. It just hasn’t been in the stars to do so.
However, now Pluto is direct, and has this New Moon in Libra’s back. Pluto wants us to be brave, even though we are scared. Pluto is urging us to do the dirty, gritty deed of digging in and forgiving those who have hurt us in unbearable ways. To forgive ourselves for abandoning our own very souls. To forgive the world for being so messed up. It’s hard, dangerous work. Those who say that it’s not haven’t dipped in. At least, not fully, not yet.
You’ll see. You’ll know you have been graced with the transformative power of this New Moon when you can truly love your enemy.
That is the moment where you will experience the true meaning of Grace.