Sunday, July 31, 2016


Starstruck Autumn: WEEKLY HOROSCOPES – SULTRY DAYS: Welcome to the pinnacle of summer and all the glorious heat it has to offer. The week kicks off with some unexpected roman...


Welcome to the pinnacle of summer and all the glorious heat it has to offer. The week kicks off with some unexpected romantic interlude, or a surprising influx of money. I would also expect some kind of fantastic acknowledgement of some work and tasks that you have under taken. Perhaps there is something that you need an extra push in order to get going.  You could also be infused with a new sense of adventure. The reason for this is a sexy trine between Venus and Uranus, a helpful Sun/Saturn trine, Mars moving into Sagittarius and a shiny New Moon in Leo. Be ready to be noticed.


ARIES SUN/RISING: This week brings with you a ton of sexy energy. Feeling like prowling? Do it. This is a beautiful push from the universe to have fun. You’ll feel sexy, playful and ready to GET IT. This will feel good to you to go out, to party and play. At the same time, this week’s energy will encourage you to allow yourself to be motivated by what you love, and by what makes you happy.

TAURUS SUN/RISING: This week can be intense in that it really will push you forward in any subterranean healing that you need to do. It’s going to go super fast, because the cosmic energies happening aren’t going to put up with any lolly gagging. Your karmic/spiritual evolution game is about to get hella-strong. If you’ve been ducking or hiding out now you’ll find a way to deal with it.

GEMINI SUN/RISING: Your whole social/relationship vibe has been shifting in crazy ways. Ways that are forcing you to become the best version of yourself, and a sense of accountability in relationships. This week brings you some fast fun action that you love. It will also put you in a position where you’ll need to have some conversations on what you need/want in partnerships.

CANCER SUN/RISING: I know that you may have hit a stalemate in a work/career/ambition scene. You may feel like you have gone as far as you can for the moment. However this week will give you the tools you need to make the next lap. The astro energy will ensure success…we all know you are ready for it.

LEO SUN/RISING: This is an auspicious start of the month for you; it’s high summer and the vibe seems to be custom made just for you. I would expect hot, fast sexy energy that could give you a shock…but you are game for it all. Also this week can give you a hot boost of just feeling all of your leonine energy to the fullest. Your energy is high and you are feeling focused.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: Who knows better than you just how fast things can go from blah to glittering? This year alone has shown you that. Now for next few weeks you’ll find that you’ll get some blessed chill-out time. The next week is akin to slipping into a bubble bath/Jacuzzi. Enjoy it and allow the knowledge of your transformation to seep into your pores.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: I feel that the current vibe supports all matters of verbal/written interactions and communications. Are you looking to make a presence on line? Or are you looking to connect to your friends and community in a way that you may not have been able to do so before? You’ll be able to vibe your whole scene in a way that might seem foreign to you now. It’s time to make your presence known.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: You are going to be very much in the limelight this week, all that you have been working on and doing will be noticed! The things that I’m hoping for you to get your hands on this week is your ability to make the most of your everyday life; you’ll be able to tap into a way to make your habits/health scene and work life really work for you.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: I don’t think that you have been able to be as foot loose and fancy-free as you normally have been. You have been plugging away, building your brand and finding new ways to be legit. Nevertheless, you do miss some freedom. This week will be like an open window, bringing fresh air and new perspective, as well as a certain sexy joie de vie.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: This week is going to another one in that you are able to look at what is really going on behind the scenes. Right now you are really going to tap into some evolutionary/psychic magic vibe. You usually do not think that you have time for all of that stuff; you are busy building your empire. However, now you see the necessity for the digging in of your secrets.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: This is the week that you figure what it is that you want. You are on fire these days, beginning with a fresh perspective on mate/date ideals. You are changing your own perception on your lovability, as well as what you desire in a mate. Your crew/gang/friendship scene will get a boost from your new vibe, and also might bring some hot lovin’ your way.

PISCES SUN/RISING: The last thing you would expect right now would be the interruption of you building your strong relationships with strong allies; after all it’s these relationships that have brought you the most amount of joy of late. Now this week will help you get focused on what you would like to do next in your life; career/ambition concerns will take cent

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Starstruck Autumn: NEW MOON IN LEO – REIGN

Starstruck Autumn: NEW MOON IN LEO – REIGN: How would you rule your kingdom?   Would you be like King Henry IV who claims “Uneasy is the head that wears the crown”? Will you take on t...


How would you rule your kingdom?  Would you be like King Henry IV who claims “Uneasy is the head that wears the crown”? Will you take on the attitude of Machiavelli and believe that “It is better to be feared than loved”? Or will you take on Gianni Versace’s idea of royalty in that “ In the past, people were born royal. Nowadays, royalty comes from what you do”.

We have an upcoming New Moon in Leo on Tuesday, August 2. This New Moon in Leo is one that has definitely grabbed my attention, perhaps because at first glance it is very un-Leo like. Usually Leo energy has a “let the good times roll” vibe about it, where we are encouraged to strut, dance and sparkle. We get to pretend to be royalty, to let ourselves be worshipped and adored.
This New Moon does indeed have that vibe…of being royalty. The rub here is that we don’t necessarily get the joy and sparkle of being royalty. Nope, this New Moon would rather discuss the responsibility that comes with being in charge. Sure we get the goods that come with being on top, but can we handle what needs to be done in order to maintain our station?
In an odd way I feel this New Moon is a continuation of July’s Full Moon in Capricorn. That Full Moon was concerned with us being responsible for our own lives, as well as doing what needs to be done to move us forward.
This New Moon does it’s fair share of glittering, however it will show us that it’s a matter of steady as we go, as well as being responsibly for what we have; conversations about power will be nearly everywhere we go. Perhaps this New Moon will have you getting a taste of power, and the work that goes along with it.
More importantly, this New Moon will ask you what kind of ruler are you? Are you benevolent and thinking of the future? Or are you brash, arrogant and a dictator. Perhaps more than anything these questions will show you your character. Of course, Leo is always concerned with the personal level of integrity. ‘Cause truth be told, a good ruler needs to have his/her word and integrity on point.

Sunday, July 24, 2016


Starstruck Autumn: WEEKLY HOROSCOPES – THE NEXT WAVE: Hello my fellow star watchers! This week brings a few shifts, with the Sun just having entered Leo, yet the energy is heading into ea...


Hello my fellow star watchers! This week brings a few shifts, with the Sun just having entered Leo, yet the energy is heading into earthly territory, and we start a review of how far we have come so far this year. Mercury, the planet of communication, travel and focus is entering into Virgo, one of the signs that Mercury rules. While Mercury is still in Leo, it makes a helpful transit (a trine) to Uranus. Conversations, communications and big ideas can come out of nowhere, but are ultimately helpful and liberating.
We have Uranus about to go RX, giving us a chance to see what parts of our lives we have liberated, and what else could possibly be set free.


ARIES SUN/RISING: You’ve had the benefit of rebuilding your lively heart, and basking in the beauty of creativity and finding a certain level of fun in all that you do. This is a great time to reach out to friends, and perhaps innate some sweet hot romance. Even with all of this promise of fun, you are beginning to turn to thoughts on upping your work/health scene. New work out regime or shopping your resume around might be the way to go this week.

TAURUS SUN/RISING: It’s been a matter of focusing on your home/family situation so far this month; do you stay or do you go? What needs to get adjusted in order for things to work for you? It’s a matter of following your instincts, and timing of course. This week will open a door for you to have a new focus on ways to enhance your creativity, your lust for life and of course, kindling the heat in your life that you need to.

GEMINI SUN/RISING: The next time you think about you’d like to have happen in the bigger scheme of things in your life, I would like to remind you that often all you have to do is ask for it. This week will give you a reminder of that; just ask. Who? Anyone and everyone. This week will also begin a conversation about your home and family life. What conversations need to be had in order to upgrade your living space and home life?

CANCER SUN/RISING: You are a major contender these days. I think I can say with certainty that the Full Moon of last week lit a fire under your butt. With that being said, this week you are focused on upping your value systems, and the pay raise that comes along with knowing just how money you really are. Communications are key from here on out; you’ve been blazing a trail, now you need to pave that road to prepare for the next step.

LEO SUN/RISING: It’s been a nice focus on you; the focus continues in the vein of what makes you shine, what makes you laugh and what makes you happy. This works in your favor as the terrain begins to shift into a solidifying focus on what is good for you and your money scene. Sometimes you might feel as if money slides through your hands because you are so generous; other times you may not realize the true value of the money you make. That’s about to change starting this week.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: The introspection of the past few weeks has been good for you; you are smart enough to realize this, and not get caught up in the whole FOMO thing that has everyone in a flurry over the summer. You are a changed person then who you were this time last year; you’ll find that you are compelled to discuss and share the profound changes and magical realizations that you have garnered in the past 12 months.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: If you haven’t been actively going after building your whole work/ambition/public image scene yet then you have been plotting and planning about it. That’s good. Now it’s time to implement it. I do think that the recent Full Moon in Capricorn gave you a wake up call, and handed you the tools to move forward, if you didn’t have them before. This week will give you the chance to see how your community and partners support you, and are rooting for you.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: This week can offer some cool opportunities in the realms of work, career and general up-ing your stock. Be careful to keep your cool though…some unexpected news can come your way and shake you up a bit. This is just part of the next wave of evolution in your public image that may have taken a hit during the days of Mars RX and Saturn from last year. You are changing your ways, and everyone can see it.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: This week you should make sure that you are working IT (No, not Pennywise!) You have 2 more months of opportunities to get your ball rolling in regards to your ambition, achieving goals and getting the world to really notice what it is that you are trying to do. This window of time is perfect for you to connect with the people that you need to in order to boost your visibility and your tribe.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: The secret to your success, at least in this part of your journey, is to allow yourself to sink into connection with others. It’s the ability to have intimate conversations and interactions that will invite new connections, as well as invite the public/powers that be look at you in a different light. More importantly, this will give you a terrific window of time to look at how the way you look at the world has shifted.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: It’s an interesting time to be an Aquarian. I write this not as a backhanded warning, but rather as an interested observer. You are having a blasting moment of amped up love opportunities, as well as welcoming the idea of having a true partner…or expanding a current partnership. You guys are super independent, and guard freedom fiercely. Take a little time this week to assess the shifting terrain, checking in to see how you really feel.

PISCES SUN/RISING: Think back to your life 9 or 19 years ago; what was occurring for you? There is a storm brewing, bringing back some ghosts/feelings/occurrences to you and your consciousness. It’s nothing terribly wild or traumatic; rather it is this incoming energy that could very well bring on some ancient healing that you may not have even been aware that you needed.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Starstruck Autumn: SUN IN LEO - A REGAL HEART

Starstruck Autumn: SUN IN LEO - A REGAL HEART: Entering the high holy days of summer! We are hitting the peak of the lazy, hazy days of the season, where the Sun burns hot and high in ...


Entering the high holy days of summer! We are hitting the peak of the lazy, hazy days of the season, where the Sun burns hot and high in the sky, and we are fully saturated with the magic of the season.
Our flesh is hot, our vibe is frisky.

Leo is the 5th sign of the zodiac; the second fire sign and rules the heart. Leo is the sign that brings the consciousness of play, joy, sex and creativity. There is a feral energy to this sign.
The Skinny behind the myth of Leo: Hercules went mad, killing his 6 sons; when he came back to his right mind, he was told he had to take on 12 labors in order to gain atonement. The first of his 12 labors was to kill the Lion that was terrorizing Nemea, a near impossible task since the lion had a pelt that was impervious to arrows or swords. Hercules managed to skin the pelt off the Lion, kill him, and then began to strut around the ancient world in the fur of his slain enemy. Was Hercules pulling a Kanye West? Maybe.

The brightest star in the skies is called Regulus, and is considered the King Star. This star is very much associated with royalty and resides in the constellation of Leo.
Perhaps this is why folks of a Leo persuasion tend to be proud, beautiful and strong. The Sun being the ruling planet of Leo means that most Leo’s burn with loving heat, and nourishes others through their endless generosity. After all, what celestial being offers so much energy, love and power without expecting anything in return, except for appreciation?
By the time the Sun hits Leo, odds are high that we gave all gotten sunburn of some kind. This is a reminder of the power of Leo & the Sun; an off kilter Leo can DEMAND love and appreciation. It’s this sort of Leo that Hercules had to fight. It’s this type of Lion that will wreck a city, doing damage by living in their animal consciousness. Sometimes the heat from the Sun can be damaging. In dealing with Leo’s, always make sure your appreciation is known. It’ll save you the burn. In being loved by a Leo, make sure that you know how much you need that heat, even if you aren’t totally aware of how this hot energy can fuel your soul.

Monday, July 18, 2016


Starstruck Autumn: FULL MOON IN CAPRICORN – BEST LAID PLANS: Hello my fellow stargazers! This Full Moon in Capricorn is a stepping-stone to the next part of your life; it’s meant to ...


Hello my fellow stargazers! This Full Moon in Capricorn is a stepping-stone to the next part of your life; it’s meant to move the plot along.
Remember the New Moon in Capricorn back on January 9th? I bet you do. That was a powerful New Moon, not without a little bit of pain. This Full Moon is a culmination, or a part of a conversation that is being completed. It’s a far less painful Capricorn power Moon; rather it’s meant to make you look at how far you have come, and what you need to do to get to your destination. Since the ruler of Capricorn (Saturn) is in Sagittarius, most of the best-laid plans has a spirit of an odyssey…a quest if you will.
Most Full Moons carry a reckoning with it; this Full Moon is no different in that. What makes it slightly different is that it carries absolutely no guess works; the point the Full Moon wants to make to you is very clear. Uranus, the great awakener is poking at this Full Moon, giving us unexpected (and possibly unwanted) insights to the question at hand.
Use this Full Moon to give you the tools in order for you to step up your life. Just surrender to it, and listen to your inner boss.