Thursday, January 7, 2016


Hey folks, here we are at the first New Moon of 2016. I find it auspicious that it is in Capricorn.
As for the rest, well it’s been a challenge. We had some rough aspects this week, heralding the age of the almighty Cardinal Cross energy. The Sun was conjunct Pluto, the Sun squared Uranus, there was that humdinger of a Full moon 2 weeks ago…I mean the list can go on and on.

Not to mention the much feared Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn.

However I think most of us handled this past week’s astro weather with more grace and aplomb than years past. After 3 years of this rigmarole, I think we are better on our feet. 
Also, I think its safe to say we are done with the bullshit.
This week I had a few things that pulled the rug under my feet…but I channeled the great Taylor Swift and shook that shit off. I had a number of good friends stuck in some real struggles with partners; just so happens these particular friends are Cancer Suns/Risings. I had an Aries rising friend get fired from a much hated job, a Libra buddy in a Freudian standoff with an asshole in-law and a Capricorn friend stuck in a eccetenstial crisis. I mean, NO Capricorn gets stuck in the whole “but what does it all mean” conversation.
However, everyone learned a lesson, and kept it moving rather than being messed up the way they would have been a year, 2 years ago.

Anyhoo, my ramblings do matter when it comes to the New Moon conversation.

It’s often touted that it is a huge cosmic no-no to start any new projects during a Mercury Retrograde; but with a New Moon starting something new is kind of what you do.
However, I believe that all this cosmic stuff going on has served to show us just how far we have come, what we are willing to put up with, and what we are made of. I think this week was a reality check in so many ways. The Mercury Retrograde serves to make sure that we are really thinking as clearly as we can, to be careful and deliberate in what we are looking to do. We are all looking to make big changes in our lives, that’s just the truth. The Mercury Retrograde will be helpful here.

We have already had the message of the New Moon tattooed on our psyches from what has been going on this past week. We get it, we know what we need to do, we have seen the promise land. Now all we need to do is plot on how to get there.

So your assignment for the New Moon in Capricorn is this: write out a mission statement. Technically, a mission statement a strategy, a plan of action and intent for an organization or a business…what are their goals, their ethics, what do they stand for. This New Moon figures that out. Treat yourself as an organization/business that needs to be revamped. The New Moon being in Capricorn will really appreciate this approach. It may feel cold and calculated, but truth be told, that is the approach that will bring you the most amount of success.

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