Thursday, April 26, 2012

One of my good friends always says that sign language should be taught as a mandatory second language. I would always agree with her in an off handed way. However this week I agree and would shout this need from the roof tops. Why? You might ask, why ever now? And I would tell you because maybe, just maybe this means that people would be able to communicate with each other via sign language and be required to really think before they communicate. This is a week where all emails should be saved as a draft first then painstakingly gone over with a fine tooth comb. Why, you ask. Jeez…you guys and the whys! Humph. Well it’s because Mercury is direct in Aries in a rather scary square with Pluto in Capricorn.

Quick refresher: Mercury= communication, writing and speaking. Mercury is quick and sometimes flighty.

Aries= first sign of the Zodiac and impulse based. Aries is considered the child of the Zodiac.

 Pluto=truth, ruthless behavior, death, rebirth and healing. Pluto can be seen as the dark villain of the cosmos.

Capricorn= public image, responsibility and pursuit of life’s lofty goals.  Capricorn is considered the stodgy old man of the Zodiac wheel, an authority figure if you will, which makes sense since Capricorn’s ruler is Saturn.

What this means is that we will have some stuff that we need to say, or just say in general that will be “off the belly” and very much forced out based on our need to get our point across. It’s very nearly a guarantee that we will say something we wish we hadn’t, or may start a conversation we wish we would have shelved for another time. However, many of us won’t think about what we say, and just shrug off the power of our words. Now, Pluto’s power in this position is kind of hampered, simply because Pluto is now retrograde. This means that it is as if Pluto is moving away from the earth and the beings that reside there. Therefore Pluto has less of a hold on us. But this doesn’t mean that Pluto can’t phone it in. He’s there, all weird and dark, and sends a sharp, slightly painful push to our communications. Even if we are careful and thoughtful about how we communicate (and we won’t be) we may still hurt feelings and speak out of turn. We want to make sure we speak with self empowerment and a desire for positive change when communicating with anyone; especially Authority figures (yes authority with a capital A)

Most importantly, we may, unintentionally, reveal our true ugly feelings about sensitive topics, and verbally pick up the preverbal rock and peer at the uglies underneath. It can be some nasty business.

However, Pluto rewards bravery in his own sick way. If careful and behaving from a place of honesty, this could be a prime time to engage in some talks that can be highly healing and very transformative.

Wear Galoshes to wade through the crap this week.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Strange Version of Spring Break

Its spring break for us all for sure and very welcome after the long ‘winter’ we had to endure. Mercury and Mars being retrograde for a big chunk of time was a challenge beyond the usual ones that retrogrades throw up for us.

 Mars has been in Virgo since November and retrograde since January 23. How is this difficult? you may ask? Well, Virgo is kind of like that OCD kid in the back of the classroom recopying over its notes, organizing the binders and arranging books according to subject…until it breaks from the strain and goes wild, cutting class, drinking beer and smoking  in the bathroom. Mars is the hyper kid, eyes glued to the clock, itching to get out of class to run, play, dance… to just MOVE. Of course Mars is the planet of raw animal aggression, so the girls want to get into the backseat of the nearest car with Mars and the guys want to play shirts vs. skins on the basketball court with Mars.

Now what happens when Mars and Virgo get caught in detention together for an indefinite amount of time? They rub off on each other, with Virgo wanting to get busy being helpful and productive, and Mars aggressively trying to figure out how to get out of the box he’s in, and trying to do anything he can to speed up his time in this room. The retrograde period had them merge, and learn from each other, and to come together for a common purpose. Mars gives Virgo direction, energy and drive, while Virgo gives Mars precision and patience towards the newest goal that Mars has.  Mars retrograde in Virgo had us trying to figure out our goals and how to go after them, while just lacking the energy to do it.  Now Mars is Direct in Virgo and we have a plan, and the energy to make this into a labor of love. We are just waiting for the bell to ring, to let us know we can begin our break.

The bell will ring clear and true on April 21, when the new moon enters Taurus and joins Jupiter, the planet that just wants everyone to be AWESOME. For once, Pluto is in a good mood and not grumbling, and Saturn is rolling around in Libra, retrograding farther and farther away, and Venus is in flirty, fun Gemini for a nice long visit. Planetary restrictions are loosened, and are giving us full permission to just play. And play we shall. However, Mars in Virgo will give our play purpose. We may use this break to really clean up our lives. But instead of it being mere drudgery full or regrets or anger, we will treat it as a lark. A very special game…one that we will all win.