Saturday, September 9, 2017

Starstruck Autumn: WEEKLY HOROSCOPE 9/11-9/17 - JOY CRUSADER

Starstruck Autumn: WEEKLY HOROSCOPE 9/11-9/17 - JOY CRUSADER: Hello Starbabies! Welcome to a new week of strong shifts and a no nonsense attitude when it comes to the way that you want to live yo...


Hello Starbabies! Welcome to a new week of strong shifts and a no nonsense attitude when it comes to the way that you want to live your life. You have a bigger sense now of what it is that you deeply desire and of how you want to just be freaking happy. Not crazy…not insane to want to live a good life. More importantly, you just want to be free from the heavy stuff. This week shows you how to fight the dark with light; this week shows you that worry is just a negative form of prayer. This week shows you how to work for your happiness; it’s not always a God-Given right. Take this week and be a warrior for Joy.


ARIES SUN/RISING: There is something so hot about you this week; you feel incandescent in a way that you haven’t felt in a while. So much of your life over the past decade has been shifting landscapes and rough reckoning at every turn. It’s a huge shift that is apparent this week. You have shaken off any lingering insecurities or parasitic vibes, including your own. Own your fire.

TAURUS SUN/RISING: Things can happen swiftly this week; you are prime for a fast and powerful shift in realms that deal with family, home and hearth. Although you need to be willing to fight hard and dirty for your turf, the odds are high that you won’t need to; you just need to show the gods and that very important person in your life that you have the grit to get the job done.

GEMINI SUN/RISING: There is an odd love vibe here; you crave connection and want to shift away from your habitual playfulness. You have some very real clarity around your partnerships and relationships. You also have the clarity to see who has made the cut to last and who was merely temporary. Keep your own counsel for now, as you get real and honest about what is your next step.

CANCER SUN/RISING: You are ruthlessly cauterizing and cutting out all that even slightly hints at decay and disorder. The fun thing here is that you are so charming about it…even humorous about your methods. You are no longer interested in being exhausted by issues around alliances that have run cold. You are all about value and how everything in your life needs to produce; flow of energy; money and love are necessary for you now.

LEO SUN/RISING: While it’s tempting to look back at some ill-fated liaisons, partnerships and alliances, you are starting to know better. You run the risk of being yanked back into situations that you have outgrown. It’s ok to grow past that you once were. It’s fine to recognize that it’s time to level up all aspects of your life. It’s also ok to admit that the things that have given you joy has shifted. It’s called growth, and it’s a good thing.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: Take this week to rethink a plan or plot; there might be more foundation work that needs to be done at this point. It’s always a good idea to have a back up plan, but not at the risk of undermining your deepest plans and ambitions. More importantly you are in a space where your secret power is seeing through the delusions of others; your intuition is on point and your flashlight in any dark scenarios.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: You are all about keeping everything streamlined; your usual gift of gab and charm is so useful, but for now it’s a trick that you’d rather keep up your sleeve. This week you mean business; you are tired of time being wasted and promises broken. You make your position clear and known in such powerful ways that it gains you amazing allies and the respect of your adversaries.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: Your inspiration and restlessness means that you are ready to move onto greener pastures; odds are high that you’ve spent waaaay too much time in a certain place/attitude/job and now it’s time to begin a shimmy and a shake into something bigger and better. Now, it’s key to stay cool and not burn any bridges at this point. Wait for your ship to come in first, if you can hold off until then.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: Being productive is all-important these days, especially since you can feel the walls closing in on you…that time is passing and you need to get a move on. This is a truth that we all have to face; however you need to remember that you still need wiggle room to learn more enriching lessons. There’s room for joy in the lessons, and knowledge that you are better off now than you were before.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: When you feel your insecurities well up unbidden and in odd ways, just remember that it’s your ego fighting change. Yes, your inner self wants to maintain that old, stagnant status quo just because it’s familiar. However this week you are so incredibly aware of this trick of consciousness. Don’t let yourself get swept back into old patterns; you have worlds to conquer and adventures to go on.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: Don’t backslide and miss out on all the goodness ahead of you; you have a deep desire to connect….yet run away all at the same time. The thing that has to happen for you this week is to get comfortable with being confronted. You also need to make sure that you shift your awareness in ways that bring you more of the good things in life, rather than you ruminating about things that didn’t go the way that you wanted them to.

PISCES SUN/RISING: This week will be an interesting one where you need to pay attention to those that want to suck you dry. You are generous with your time and energy…however you might need to realize that there are some people that are going to grasp onto you as if you were a life preserver. It’s not your job to save everyone. It IS your job to share your gifts, lavishly and generously without the hint of strings going in either direction.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Starstruck Autumn: WEEKLY HOROSCOPES 9/4-9/10 - DEPTH CHARGE

Starstruck Autumn: WEEKLY HOROSCOPES 9/4-9/10 - DEPTH CHARGE: Hello my Starbabies! This week is a vibe that I dig…it’s like black velvet dreams that lead to clarity and clues to our deep desires....


Hello my Starbabies! This week is a vibe that I dig…it’s like black velvet dreams that lead to clarity and clues to our deep desires. That’s the thing about desires…we treat them as if they are bad things. This week we get in touch with aspects around our creativity and spirituality that have been flirting with us…elusive. It’s laughable how often we eschew our spiritual needs; if we paid attention our spiritual needs are super entwined with our physical needs. Our need to tap into that deep secret part of ourselves will be compulsive...and ultimately incredibly liberating.


ARIES SUN/RISING: You are ready for something transcendental, and you don’t even know it. You may pretend to be hip to the world of magic, but you are completely unwilling to surrender to it. Control issues much!?! No worries, this week will be so rich and heady and offer so much uncertainty that it’s going to turn you on…danger does that for you, ya know? Love it and see where it leads you.

TAURUS SUN/RISING: You know that it’s about money for you, more often than not. You can pretend that you aren’t a quarter and dimes kind of soul…but what if you could get closer in touch with wealth that is more along the lines of Gold Coins…of Real Estate? Of growing a garden that gives off waves of green? Of building relationships that can stand the test of time? Of what true wealth looks like?

GEMINI SUN/RISING: It’s a week where you realize that it’s you that gets to call the shots in some incredibly important career scenario. You have played on the wily Joker/Jester act for so long that most folks are hip to your tricks…and it’s only because you are too bored with the whole thing to change your repertoire. Now you are the master of the game. You just don’t know this yet...let it sink in and give you what you need.

CANCER SUN/RISING: If you could go on a grand adventure you would. You are ready to be so totally uncomfortable in the name of growth…and that is sexy as hell. You are entering into a whole new phase of being.
Your life is about to get so strange and odd and exciting…and it’s a shift that you cannot even truly verbalize. However you don’t really want too…it’s going to be too odd for mere mortals to understand. Talk to the fellow Gods and Goddesses in your life to compare notes.

LEO SUN/RISING:  So you cannot escape the lure of intimacy…of conversations that makes you vulnerable…or perhaps you share things that you didn’t intend to. It’s also a necessity these days if you want to get to the nitty gritty on why you still feels so freaking sad at time. Sadness isn’t your deal or your go to emotion; it’s foreign. However you can’t coast past some uncomfortable feeling or realization. Surrender to the situations that require you to show your Ace.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: You are gaining some amazing clarity these days around things dealing with partnerships and your growing desire for some deep joy. It’s not frivolous to want to feel happy and excited. Having fun without a purpose is a necessity for you these days; it will help you grow in unexpected ways. You won’t know how far your capacity for true abandon is until you just let GO. This is how you find out who you are becoming

LIBRA SUN/RISING: Folks sleep on you all the time, meaning that you are underestimated on a regular basis. This isn’t a bad thing, because it means that they never see you coming. You are getting in touch with some otherworldly magic that is straight up forcing its way into your daily life. Your new, hard won wisdom is having it so you surrender to these lucky and relentless insights.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: There’s an awesome light being shone down on you and you need to act quickly. There is no shame in being happy to help others and no reward for being a martyr. Hopefully you’ve learned this lesson. The thing that I’m excited about this week for you guys is the sheer heat of what happens when you get in touch with what is your true purpose. You may not realize it now, but it’s what you’ve been searching for all this time.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: The thing that happens for you this week is that you get in touch with some deep roots that you didn’t know that you even had to begin with; perhaps you are starting to find out the how of setting down true roots without resentment. The other magical thing that occurs for you is that you learn how integrity brings you money and prestige.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: This week will be an exercise in exasperation for you…at first. Why? Because you will have to give full, detailed explanations on why you think the way you do, act the way you do…etc. However you recognize that there are no power plays happening here…it’s just that you need to be super clear these days. The thing is to make sure that you don’t do more than your due diligence. You are still figuring yourself out. Honor that.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: The thing here is that this week you might have to admit that you are wrong about something. There is no fault in flexible thinking; you need to look at something from someone else’s perspective. That being said, consider the fact that going forward growing strong partnerships is going to be key for your success. Use your gut, and know that alliances will take your where you need to go.

PISCES SUN/RISING: It’s a blazing hot week this week that INSISTS that you push ahead, and say yes to everything that comes your way. You have a good enough relationship with your subconscious these days that you know that you can follow your gut whole heartedly and know you’ll get to where you need to go. If you aren’t connected to your spirit right now, this week will remedy that.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Starstruck Autumn: WEEKLY HOROSCOPES 8/21 - 8/27

Starstruck Autumn: WEEKLY HOROSCOPES 8/21 - 8/27: Hello Starbabies! So everyone is going gonzo over the Solar Eclipse. Magi’s and mystics are coming out of the woodwork with theories ...


Hello Starbabies!
So everyone is going gonzo over the Solar Eclipse. Magi’s and mystics are coming out of the woodwork with theories on how to survive this Eclipse. Truth be told, we have been living this Eclipse all summer; every week has been like an episode in a Netflix series. It’s been very cool…and also transforming. I know that June seems like a million years ago. We are getting what we asked for…shift and change. The cool thing about this Eclipse, this week and this energy is that we can mold it, make it work for us. We don’t have to be victims of the vibe; we can go with the tide and let it take us where we need to go. 
We can access our inner divinity and inner royalty; it can be a week of luxurious enlightenment.
We can set the sail to the wind and ride it to our next destination. Don’t have anything planned; well in that case just enjoy the ride.


ARIES SUN/RISING: Things just keep heating up for you my dear Rams. You are given a few choices this week in the realms of family, sex, love, creativity and joy. You aren’t the same you that you were all those moons ago; your desires have changed and you are aware that things have shifted for you. This week you are ready to burn big and bright; let others flock to your flame.

TAURUS SUN/RISING: You know that you are feeling something happening for you in regards to how you are living your everyday life. You are being forced to face things that you know you need in order to evolve…yet you are being pushed out of a hard won comfort zone. Just when you thought you could take a breather you find that the universe has something else in mind. Let change excite you.

GEMINI SUN/RISING: You know that you are in a phase of shifting alliances and relationships… as well as becoming far more verbal about what it is that you want…rather than your usual MO of shrugging away discomfort or strife. You are fully present in a way that is refreshing and culls out your inner genius. You are magnetic and exciting…and you know it.

CANCER SUN/RISING: Your life plays like the empowerment moment montage from a movie (think “Legally Blond” or “Rocky”) the scales are off your eyes, and you see clearly. You see where you have played small and scared, and you also know that you need to exercise some seductive demon that promises you safety if you just stay quiet. You are tougher than any old specter or succubus.

LEO SUN/RISING: You’ve got that sparkle and shine back that you have always been so used to yet it’s a thing that has been in short supply of late. It’s different now. You are different now. It can be a challenge or a true gift to be able to fully embrace your glow and grace, especially now that you know in that dark deep part of yourself just how fetid things can and DO become. Life has given you a gift. You are no longer just glitter. Now you are GOLD.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: This week brings a deep shift that you won’t see coming. PLOT TWIST!!! Lol don’t worry. A year ago this would have sent you into a tailspin...but now you know better. Now you know that the universe has some sweet golden coins just aching to rain down upon you. Your deep shift is YOUR secret…you are under no obligation to share your experience or your secrets with anyone. They belong to you, and you alone.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: You know your worth, and this is so exciting to me. That dark moon phase was terrifyingly dark and now you are illuminated. You have come out of this time a different person; you now know that it is YOU that is incandescent and that you don’t need to rely on anyone else to light up your way. You have such magnificent candor that is so very liberating. Live and speak your truth; your tribe will thank you for it.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: You finally get some much-needed clarity around your work/ambition flow. The scene is getting cleared up and you are getting a lot of decisive energy around your choices around your career and your public image. This week will start you off on a new long game; make sure that you are super clear and full of integrity around your next moves. Evolution and loving power shifts is the order of the day.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: “Is it secret? Is it safe?” You have managed to be both Gandalf and Frodo to yourself in the past few years. You have been forced to go on a journey that you may not have voluntarily taken in years past…but it’s been necessary and transformative. Now, the hot question is what are you trying to keep secret and safe. Could it be your soul? Ponder this.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: I normally wouldn’t recommend this of any sign or person…but get effing SAVAGE this week. For you Cappy’s I encourage you to break away from mogul mode and embrace your inner goat. Get funky and wild. Get Feral. Let yourself be unrecognizable to yourself. There is a need to embrace some dark energy that will bring you back from the land of the dead…something has to buried for good…but with love and forgiveness.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: There’s been something lurking around the edges of your awareness around love and sex and partnership. You will finally be willing to let someone love you. You THINK that you already do this. However this week will show you how deeply you are loved just for who you are, and how hard you fight this. Don’t piss off the people in your life by arguing with them about this. Just let them love you.

PISCES SUN/RISING: You don’t take the kind of care of yourself as you should. You know this…in the back of your mind. This week you will find that self care and organizing your life is the ultimate act of love. You cannot fully love and heal and embrace those in your life if you haven’t taken proper care of yourself. It’s a public service that you do…when you truly love yourself enough to be your best self.


Starstruck Autumn: DO’S AND DON’T FOR THE SOLAR ECLIPSE IN LEO: DO’S AND DON’T FOR THE SOLAR ECLIPSE IN LEO This Solar Eclipse is real deal. It's happening on Monday, 8/21 at 2:30 PM (EST)....



This Solar Eclipse is real deal. It's happening on Monday, 8/21 at 2:30 PM (EST).         I know that the Lunar Eclipse energy has been persistent in stripping away any illusions that we have about ourselves and the world we live in. The Lunar Eclipse was in Aquarius, and that sign can often be coldly analytical. It can also carry shame because of how they live on the fringes…the lone wolf.
Leo is the polar opposite. Leo NEEDS an audience. Healthy Leo energy is generous, loving and playful. Warped Leo energy is egomaniacal, grudging and mean.
We of course want to embody the healthy, happy Leo vibe…right!?!
Another thing that makes this eclipse super powered is it’s close proximity to Fixed Star Regulus. Regulus is considered the Heart of the Lion…proud, independent, confident, generous…and sometimes violent. This star is about conquering and ruling. It’s also about honor, success and pleasure. So we need to walk a fine line eclipse… a much more careful tread than most eclipses.

So now you know.

So to make sure that you come out of this Eclipse in good shape, I have a little list here for you to make sure that you are able to embody the golden goodness of this energy. The Do’s and Don’t… read ahead and be prepared.

DO be generous and open hearted.
DO pay attention to what turns you on and gets you excited; this is your soul telling you what you need to focus on.
DO embrace your inner Diva and your inner Adonis; know how money you are and use that vibe liberally.
DO understand that anything you begin now will have long-term effects.
DO be independent; no one knows your soul’s journey like you do
DO your Solar Eclipse/New Moon intentions on the day AFTER the eclipse; we will be too scattered to focus and manifest in clear, healthy ways.
DO believe in the power of new beginnings no matter what your past looked like. Be ready to embrace change, happiness and passion

DON’T get caught up in power struggles or moments of egomania
DON’T fall into sadness if something doesn’t go your way; there is a divine plan … trust it!
DON’T lie. This Solar Eclipse combined with the energy of the Mercury RX will reveal all.
DON’T get competitive about anything: we are all royalty
DON’T stay stuck in old ideas of who you are supposed to be
DON’T feel as if you need to do anything; this is powerful energy and it can be either super energizing or draining; protect your energy.
DON’T be afraid to speak your truth.

This energy is powerful; lets use it to transform our lives and rise up in glorious ways.

Blessed Be,
