Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Today is a Lunar Eclipse in Gemini. We are coming to the end of the eclipse series between Sagittarius and Gemini, where the last eclipse in the series is happening in Sagittarius in May of 2013.
When there is an eclipse series between Gemini and Sagittarius, there is a lot of chatter. There is a lot of vocal flitting about, debating and questioning, seeking and restlessness. Gemini’s are skilled at conversation, while Sagittarius will ponder, seek and apply the meanings to every discourse that has happened.
Take a minute and think about the types of talks you have had over the past eighteen months. Think about your activities; have you traveled more than before? Have you gone back to school? Have you begun to write more than before? Hell, in the past eighteen months have you been playing more scrabble or doing more crossword puzzles?

Take a minute.

I’m going to guess that you have. Now we are beginning to sum up what we have been doing and talking about. Now we are beginning to find the meaning of it all, and sum it all up. Some of us have found rich experiences, and most importantly, some of us may have found our dormant voices. Now is when we all start talking about our experiences.

What have you learned? What have you learned about love? The love you give, the love you see, the love you seek and the love that is around you?

Love is the focus, given the fact that Venus was in Gemini from late May into early July due to a Venus Retrograde and made a transit over the Sun during it’s eclipse on June 4th.  
Today's eclipse may bring up some unresolved issues from the previous eclipse. At the very least, this eclipse series of late had most of us very focused on love, soul mates and money due to its proximity to Venus, the planet of love and money.

Now Mercury is direct in Scorpio, as well as Saturn and Venus. It is sum up time for us all.

Sex, love, karma and emotional clarity is the order of the day. We have so many planets in death and rebirth oriented Scorpio. Most of us are ready, chomping at the bit to move on and experience the high’s and low’s, to just get through to the other side that may offer us all peace.

The drawing to a close of this Gemini/Sagittarius eclipse series that occurs today can help up do this. We can begin to embark on the next cycle as long as we take the time to talk about all the things we have learned. We need to not feel shy about talking about what we have discovered about ourselves, the world we live in, and the love we have that we carry with us.

It’s the truth that will set us free.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Oh my, I’m clutching my Pearls.
Because now stern Saturn is getting all sexy like, with Venus sashaying into Scorpio, and being a part of the visit of Saturn and Mercury in Scorpio. We will want to talk dirty, spend money on getaways and toys of all kinds…
We will want to get down where it’s tangled and dark.
It’ll be a lot more fun then you think.

It won’t get weird. The planet of sex, war and I’m-in-charge Mars is in Capricorn. Mars is a co-ruler of Scorpio, and Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. However, because Saturn and Mars are switching out their “kids” to each other, there is a spirit of cooperation. It works, since wild and unruly Mars is in calm, cool Capricorn . Sometimes this planetary combo can warn of battle of wills and control issues, not to mention weird sex and money stuff coming to ahead.
This time we are safe, because the Hugh Heiffner of the Universe has entered the Ring.
May introduce you to Sagittarius, the wild man philosopher of the world, the adventurer, the guy who just wants everything to be cool; “the Dude” to which all good things abide. Sagittarius has endless resources, ideas and thirst for adventure. Lady’s and Gents, The Sun has now entered Sagittarius.
Sometimes when he shows up where there are so many planets in Scorpio, he can kind of egg Scorpio into madness. Not this time, though.
Sagittarius wants us all to explore the weird, the wild and the grand. Sagittarius wants us to learn, to widen our philosophies and just try new things, and to do it with a spirit of adventure.

What we have is this: This combo of Saturn, Mercury and most importantly Venus in sexy Scorpio, with the Sun in Sagittarius is that wild combo of Mya, Pink, Little Kim and Christina Aguilera strutting across the stage in a burlesque club, roaring to the cry;
Of course we can’t forget Missy Elliot acting like Mars in Capricorn, in charge of the scene and regulating us all in our dalliance.

Yes, these planets are sexy, in charge and dropping some knowledge on us mere mortals.

You Ready?

Mocha Choca Lata Yaya

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Fire and Water. What do these two elements have in common? 
These elements will purify you. Fire will burn you clean and Water will wash away the sins.
 The Solar Eclipse happening today brings this out, as well as heralds the end of an era and the beginning of a new age. Its the start of the Eclipse series between Scorpio and Taurus. Eclipse series are the dynamic tension between 2 opposite signs on the astrological wheel is played over the course of 18-24 months. 
The beginning of an eclipse series highlights the conversations that continuously go on between an astrological “couple”. Each eclipse that happens in a “couple” reacts like a call and response, a conversation or fight between the two signs, if you will. 
Like all good couples, these two signs play off of each other, and highlight each others strengths and weaknesses. Scorpios are deep and seeking, while Taurus’s live more on the surface. This series between Scorpio and Taurus could be considered a great relief by air signs and Libras after Saturn being in beautiful but passive aggressive Libra for roughly three years. 
Now that Saturn is in Scorpio, everyone can stop being so freaking nice. Or at least trying to be. Maybe now people can say what they really think and feel. Scorpio has no interest in being nice. Scorpio plays hard and for keeps.Oddly enough, so does Taurus. Taurus is not above nasty power plays. Now we can finally let the beast have its way. oh. but wait...
Neptune in watery Pisces has gone direct...soft music and the urge to play the martyr abound. 
Magic and mystery are the order of the day...fairy godmothers and magic dust are very real things. Mercury in Scorpio in an intense trine with Neptune makes us all poets and liars.

What ever you do, don’t let yourself get swept away by fantasy or flights of fancy.

Since Saturn has been invited in the new eclipse series; the stakes are higher, and brings a constricting energy. We can’t just say or do whatever we want. There will be consequences...

What is Saturn in the Cosmos? its the proverbial foot on the throat, making sure you say all your please and thank you’s, dotting your i’s and crossing your t’s. Saturn has a strange alliance with Pluto, who has a taste for retribution. 

Keep that in mind if you’re tempted to play a fiddle while Rome burns.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Whats your dream? everybody got a dream! The big man on the streets in the iconic “pretty woman” hollars this refrain joyfully at the corner of Hollywood and Vine at the passerbys. 
Just as in that neck of the woods was shady, we face similar conditions. Death, sex and dreams were dealt with equal verve, just as it is now, and this is the energy this Eclipse brings us. 
are you ready? no? thats ok if you are not. 
And I will tell you why. We have a Solar Eclipse happening on Tuesday, November 13. There’s a lot of intensity ahead of us.
This could possibly be a mean moon. Its riding high and strong on the serpent head of this eclipse, full of intent and passion. Saturn is involved in this Eclipse, as is Mercury and the ever elusive Neptune.
However, this is also a Solar Eclipse that offers you the world if just give up your pain. If you have a dream or an intention, choose it now. Because if you do, I promise, you will see the outcome direct to your dream within the next 18 months.
We are on the brink of a new world order where Scorpio and Taurus have the starring role, where everything matters more than we can fathom.
For what matters more to Taurus’s and Scorpio’s then sex, power, love and money?
These will be matters that will drive us all endlessly.
Get used to it. These are times where magic will happen, as well as the possibility of miraculous healings.
Things will be wild and exciting, where old demons will show up as well as modern rumplestilizins, just aching to broker a deal.
stay tuned...