Friday, June 1, 2012

Bright Lights

How shiny are your memories? How tight do you hold onto the idea of “what if?” If you are sensible, your fingers will be flexible. If not, if you are stiff and grasping onto that golden ideal, this eclipse will indeed pull this fantasy of perfection in an alternate life from your cold dead fingers. Got it? Good.

We have a very intense full moon eclipse in Sagittarius on June 4th. Lunar eclipses behave like super powered full moons, focused on shining a bright light on all that we hide, and bringing things to a close or resolution. Sometimes these things can come across us like a soft breeze, or hit us like a Mac truck. It all depends on how stubborn we are.

We are all lucky in this lunar eclipse. While Sagittarius is a fire sign, it lacks the feral, wild energy of Aries and the incandescent burn of Leo. No, Sagittarius doesn’t have a mean bone in its body.  After all, its ruling planet is Jupiter, the dude who wants everyone to just be cool. At its core, it wants to teach us through playful thought, and wants us to think outside the box.

The world is too large for Sagittarius to worry about a past that teaches us nothing, a past that merely drags us down. With this soft energy, this sweet burning fire, this eclipse wants to shine a soft light on the dark corners, to tell us with a joke and a nudge how much we messed up, but that we are all still ok and can learn from our mistakes, and that nothing is for naught.

Due to its strange aspects to Venus/Saturn and Mars/Moon, it will help heal any love triangles that exist. NOTE: this could be a triangle between a lover and work/family/addictions/commitment issues…

During this eclipse, we find that Saturn, the planet of hard lessons and restraints, is downright giddy in his sweet trine with lovely Venus. Saturn will only ask of us patience, and tenacity, instead of the usual blood, sweat and tears.

 If we can give him this, the rewards we will see heaped upon us by the end of the summer will be astounding. That’s just the way Saturn works.

This Lunar Eclipse is determined to wrap things up. It’s like an energetic kid, bouncing up and down, waiting for you to finish up your work so you can come outside and play. By play, Sagittarius wants us to think about reading, working and travel; anything that will expand our minds and our world. The work we are supposed to do is to let go of the nonsense, the ideas and things that just no longer serve us. The very things, if we are honest, never did us any good to begin with. If we can do this, and pull away from the past, we have freedom. Things may come to an end, but it will be the kind of end that brings peace and wisdom devoid of bitterness .After all, bitterness and regrets is just not a Sagittarius’s style.

Don’t be like Gizmo, our favorite Gremlin. This bright light can’t hurt you.