Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Starstruck Autumn: HELL OF A SEASON-THE AFTERMATH OF THE MERCURY RETR... Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Starstruck Autumn: HELL OF A SEASON-THE AFTERMATH OF THE MERCURY RETR...: I know often times after a Mercury Retrograde, there is gratitude that it is over, or a feeling of em...


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I know often times after a Mercury Retrograde, there is gratitude that it is over, or a feeling of emptiness. A lot of times we are felt lost, and curious as to what was the point of it all? Is it all just one more cruel joke that the universe insists on play on us? A Mercury Retrograde can often feel like just one more thing we have to endure, no matter what it is supposed to do for us.

At this point in this Mercury Retrograde we have gone over and over and over issues about power, communication and forward motion. Given the climate of the spring, given all the endless turmoil many of the plans we had made were reduced to mush. If you still think the same plans you had in the beginning of 2014 are still in motion in the same exact way, you are being fooled by the Neptune influence to this New Moon.

However, what this Mercury Retrograde had to offer us was clarity. This was the gift. No matter how this Mercury Retrograde treated us, it made sure we gained clarity.

In my opinion, this was one of the more difficult mercury retrogrades that I have experienced. Perhaps it was because it was on my Sun (DIRECTLY. I am a 2-degree Cancer Sun and this Mercury Retrograde touched upon Cancer from 1-3 degrees. That is a scarily tight conjunction.) If you are an Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn you are a cardinal sign: if you are an early cardinal sign Sun or Rising, this Mercury Retrograde hit home in a hard way an Aries born March 20-23, Cancer born June 21-24, Libra born October 21-24, or Capricorn born December 21-24 or a 1-7 degree rising in any of these signs, this retrograde was especially potent for you. 

Maybe you felt especially misunderstood, lost at sea or confused about your life direction. Everyone has, I think after the past few months. However, this period of unrequited halt has made sure we are clear about our blessings, and how we want to move in the world.

We come out of this Mercury Retrograde the way that we do out of what feels like an especially punishing work out session. We ache; we hated every minute of it, but walk out feeling like a survivor, like a BOSS. We survived, and are better for it. It’s what was necessary to make us healthy, and strong.

We can take on everything, including our futures.