Thursday, March 19, 2015


Starstruck Autumn: SOLAR ECLIPSE IN PISCES 3/20- SPARK IN THE DARK: “Can’t start a fire worrying about your little world falling apart”-“Dancing in the Dark- B.Springstreet This eclipse...


“Can’t start a fire worrying about your little world falling apart”-“Dancing in the Dark- B.Springstreet

This eclipse could be the moment we have all been waiting for. The moment of denouement, the graduation, the moment of birth…the achievement of a long sought climax and release.
A Solar Eclipse is an amped up New Moon, where the night sky is dark and waiting for wishes to be cast upon it…for the moon to receive its requests before she begins to show herself.

The Uranus/Pluto Squares completed itself earlier this week. We have moved past the era of the destructive (yes destructive) years of the Cardinal squares, T-squares, oppositions and conjunctions. Yet what was dissolved or destroyed had to happen.  The thing about all of these planetary events over the past 3 years  (if you are a Cardinal sign, closer to 7 years) is that it has made us feel a little bit at the whim of fate. A certain loss of control. If you submitted to the energies, you did the right thing. You can’t control the outcomes; all you can do is prove your resilience.
So where does that leave us? What does that mean?
Now we aren’t under the thumb of the cardinal planets with the constant fights, jockeying for position and screams for truth and change. Now we get to look at our lives, and see what has odd weed, beautiful flower or nourishing plant has grown and thrived underneath the rubble of a life that you thought you couldn’t live without. Perhaps there is freedom in the change, a release.
This Eclipse occurs at 29 degrees Pisces, 1 degree away from Aries. In astrology, this is referred to as the Aries Point. The Aries point is the epitome of Cardinal energy, of will of intent. It is unstoppable energy, and nearly impossible to harness.  I would like to compare it to the Warrior in you at the ready. No matter what your sign is, we will all feel the “I AM” energy pulsing through us.
…With the Sun moving into Aries the very next day.
I often feel like anything Piscean is embryotic, gestating and collection odd and ends of another level of being. Aries is the being born, the rush the bravery the energy of breaking into a bold new world with nothing but the will to live. This, I feel, is so very much like escaping from Limbo, of free falling into the future.
Before you head off into the Solar Eclipse/Spring equinox energy…before you say good-bye to the past to embrace the future, ask yourselves these questions (according to sign/rising)
Aries: is it magically aligned to having me express myself?
Taurus: is it possible for my community to help me heal myself 
Gemini: is it possible to manifest my ambitions with the help of my friends?
Cancer: can I bring my hard earned knowledge forth to a platform that may bring me fame?
Leo: has my time of dealing with the darkness and resurrection made me willing to embark on adventure?
Virgo: can I dig deeper into my relationships to help me Learn true intimacy?
Libra: has my time of getting my life in order made me ready for true partnerships?
Scorpio: can I bring a playful attitude to my daily life?
Sagittarius: has my shifting idea of family, home and roots made me ready to branch out creatively?
Capricorn: can I move out of the frantic mode of surviving the moment into creating something for the future?
Aquarius: can I take a moment from building my empire to stop and chat, and rebuild old bonds?
Pisces: am I ready to move from the idea of who I am into creating the person I want to be?