Monday, April 29, 2013

Starstruck Autumn: "A little Madness in the Spring
Is wholesome even ...

Starstruck Autumn: "A little Madness in the Spring
Is wholesome even ...: "A little Madness in the Spring
Is wholesome even for the King."
- Emily Dickinson  Done we are with the wi...

"A little Madness in the Spring
Is wholesome even for the King."

"A little Madness in the Spring
Is wholesome even for the King."
- Emily Dickinson 

Done we are with the winter, and it’s time of hibernation. Done we are with April and it’s time of fire and fury.
We have landed right in the middle of Eclipse season 2013 and all of its glory. April 25 there was a lunar eclipse in Scorpio, and we have a Solar Eclipse on May 9th in Taurus, and a Lunar Eclipse on May 25th in Sagittarius.
The first four months of 2013 was seeped in getting down to the bare bones of our psyche and spirituality and the following wake up of hot energy. Now we are alert and limber; if we are ready or not for the big news and big changes the eclipses bring they are coming for us never the less.
During this time, things may seem to turn upside down, and a kind of madness may take over us.
We start out the month with tough Saturn opposite 4 planets in stubborn Taurus; we are all pretty tense and feeling unwilling to bend or compromise. However, by the time of the Solar Eclipse, the edge will have worn of a bit, since some planets will start to drift into easy, playful Gemini, and the need to allow change in will trumph the need to be right.
On May 20th we have a hard-core square in the form of rebellious Uranus in Aries and powerful Pluto in Capricorn. This is 3rd one of seven, so we may already be familiar with its theme of freedom from the status quo and the obligations that come with living in society with others.
The Lunar Eclipse at the end of the month will happen in Sagittarius and is hot on the heels of the Uranus/Pluto Square. This eclipse also makes a square to Neptune and Chiron in Pisces; old beliefs will fall to wayside, and support the theme of change. We will all be treated to a new relationship with spirituality and all that it brings.

Let the madness that change brings reign fair and true, and awaken us to a new, beautiful bright summer.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Forecast for Cardinal Signs- Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn

Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Forecast for Cardinal Signs- Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
If your Sun sign or Ascendant (rising) falls in any of these four signs, pay attention.

I'mma do the things
That I wanna do
I ain't got a thing
To prove to you
I'll eat my candy
With the pork and beans
Excuse my manners
If I make a scene
I ain't gonna wear
The clothes that you like
I'm fine and dandy
With the me inside
One look in the mirror
And I'm tickled pink
I don't give a hoot
About what you think”

Pork and Beans- Weezer

For you guys, this eclipse brings on a Fixed Cross (not nearly as horrible as a Cardinal Cross, but challenging anyway) however you cardinal signs still seem to have a hard time play nice. It’s ok, All the past challenges of the last few years has you ready to handle whatever these eclipses has to offer. For all you know, it could finally bring the break in what feels like endless tension. Let yourself have that party you want.

Note: Saturn is involved with this eclipse, so if you’ve kept your nose clean, this eclipse could bring some good news. If you’ve been dodgy, expect to do some hard work to redeem yourself.

Aries: Now that most of the planets that had been on you have abandoned you to calm, steady Taurus. Maybe you feel abandoned, all of this feral energy without anywhere to expend it. Aw, don’t worry yourself none. Now you need to follow your passion. You know, your bliss. Not an impulse, or give into your angst. Rather, it’s a prime time to figure out what sustains you, MOVES you. It’s deep, dark and oh so satisfactory. It could be gaining some power in regards to finances or shared resources. It could be a deeper sense of intimacy. Whatever it is, look to your partner. Sharing what you have learned will really scratch your itch.

Cancer: Oh yes.  You can put down your phone, pull yourself away from your computer. Laundry needs folding? All of those endless duties heaped upon you? Ignore the ones that do not belong to you. You need to play, and do so INTENSLY. Truth of the matter, you have become rather boring. Frown lines instead of laugh lines are just no good. Kill that inner monologue full of complaints and put on some red lipstick, fishnet stockings and have fun. Get some finger paints and craypas. Get creative. Get interesting for crying out loud.  No one will shake their finger at you for being derelict in your responsibilities. Rather, you may get your allies to fist pump and scream out “well, its about time”.

Libra: The days of staying overtime and not getting due credit or extra money is DONE. While you may crave peace and want to be a team player, or put in overtime to have more control to have an environment that is molded into a “nice” on by your charm and grace is just not worth it anymore. You are no longer willing to get along to get along. Of course you will be so charming when you tell someone no, do your own work. You will be so amusing when you tell someone just what you will and won’t do. It will be so nice to finally take care of your own interests… now is the prime time to do just that. The question that needs to answer is how to make a living where you don’t have to give up your life’s blood.

Capricorn: Are you part of the right community? One that you feel good about being a part of? Does their beliefs match yours? Do you have good supportive friends? If the answer is yes, than this eclipse can help you solidify your bonds and make memorable times. If the answer is no, than you need to get straight with yourself and find new people to roll with. If you have misgivings about having left a crew, or group of friends of late, relax. You are just separating the wheat from the chaff.  In a few weeks, you will find that you are creating the type of community that feels right for you.

Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Forecast for Mutable Signs- Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.

“Reaching out for something to hold
Looking for a love where the climate is cold
Manic moves and drowsy dreams
Or living in the middle between the two extremes
Smoking guns hot to the touch
Would cool down if we didn't use them so much
We're soul alone
And soul really matters to me”
Out of Touch – Hall and Oates

Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Forecast for Mutable Signs- Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.

If your Sun sign or Ascendant (rising) falls in any of these four signs, pay attention.

Believe it or not, this Eclipse (and eclipse series) brings a sigh of relief where you do not have to worry so much about the dynamic tension of life issues, but instead have a little space to get grounded and to take care of the nuts and bolts of orderly life. Whew…
Nevertheless, even though you may need to handle every day issues…it’s time to expand your mind and your world. What touches you?

Note: Saturn is involved with this eclipse, so if you’ve kept your nose clean, this eclipse could bring some good news. If you’ve been dodgy, expect to do some hard work to redeem yourself.

Gemini: There has just been so much activity and focus on whom YOU are in the world at large. Even though you may still have some lingering issues from last spring that have been rearing their head, you are ready to take on the responsibility of living life and being a functioning member of society. Its kinda nice, huh? You are now focused on the matter of work and routine. It may feel weird to hunker down and perfect your craft (whatever it is), take on real responsibilities or start becoming an adult. However, deep inside you know that it is time.
 Just for crying out loud, eat a salad. Take a run. Take care of yourself.

Virgo:  Even if you want to escape and run, you can’t run away from your problems, or communication issues. You might be drawn to school, or to attachment to your computer or smart phone. A little advice? Put down your phone and talk to someone. Anyone. This ability to communicate will help soothe the savage beast. Feeling bored and antsy? Go outside and see the big wide world just waiting for you to emerge from your cave.  Perhaps you are still dealing with a certain level of PTSD that happens under the kind of stressful conditions you have lived under for the past 6 years. It’s safe to go out now. Just remember to wear sunglasses.

Pisces: It might be time to buy a plane ticket. Where? Who cares? You have been going through what seems like an endless, relentless metamorphosis, in particular for the first quarter of 2013. The person you were a year ago is much different from the version of yourself that you are today. It can be exhilarating and exciting, or Humbling and crazy making. Maybe it’s time to stretch your spiritual legs, and go on a pilmagrage to spread your wings and see how you do in another setting. It could also be time to decide what your long-term goals are. Even if you cant get away, pick up a book that might just expand your view of the world.

Sagittarius: Now you can fly below the radar. Ha! That’s funny; you are energetic and have a glow about you that the recent planetary activity in your fellow fire sign Aries has contributed to. You may have intentions for a new way to fly, but you have less energy, and more of an interest in your dreams and the messages from the universe that seems to be everywhere. You may even be ready to be still, just for a moment.
You are ready for a grand new adventure. Adventure you shall have…the thrills and chills of spiritual transformation. You have some bad habits, be it psychically or physically? Get ready to shed them in preparation for the next phase about to creep up on you. You have about 2 years to prep, and to clean house.

Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Forecast for Fixed Signs- Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio

Because you want to set the world on fire
and a little man will never do
made you think I'd be a desire, oh darling
you know I see right through”- Real Desire- Dan Auerbach

Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Forecast for Fixed Signs- Acquarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio

If your Sun sign or Ascendant (rising) falls in any of these four signs, pay attention.

For you guys, this eclipse brings on a Fixed Cross (not nearly as horrible as a Cardinal Cross, but challenging anyway)

Note: Saturn is involved with this eclipse, so if you’ve kept your nose clean, this eclipse could bring some good news. If you’ve been dodgy, expect to do some hard work to redeem yourself.  The real tone is the urge to change the world around you; no wonder with the fire living in your belly.

Aquarius: This Lunar Ecliipe (full moon) falls in your 10th th house of career and ambition. Ugh.  The rat race has gotten ugly, and you may not love your own actions in your scramble to get ahead. Elbows out? Just when you are about to get all thunderdome and determined to be the man left in the ring, Saturn comes in and tells you to mind your manners. Taking the high road is the best way to get ahead, even though you just really want to get as nasty as possible. Stepping on toes or demanding heads to roll may not be the best way to go about getting ahead. Maybe you should listen to what papa Saturn has to tell you…

Taurus: yeah, maybe your partner has become unreasonable lately. Making crazy requests and demands. Hmph. Not something you are great at…unless you are getting something out if it. While you may have keen negotiation skills, whatever it is that you don’t want to give into may just be the very thing that you have to do in order to keep the peace. Quite frankly, you are often right. Or are you? Behave…remember quid pro quo goes a long way in finding an even playing field. Which is what you need even though you really want to have the upper hand. In this game of love and partnership, ABOVE ALL keep your nose clean.

Leo: Your ire is up, you have more energy than you know what to do with, since there was just so many planets in fellow fire sign Aries.  You are ready to go go go! Cool your jets. There’s a great deal that needs to be taken care of at home. Even if you do not agree, take a look around your family as you know it, and know that it’s time to put in your due diligence. There are just some home, hearth and family issues that cannot be put off any longer. Even though to you may be loathe to admit it, home and family, whatever form it looks like, is your ultimate support system and team. Play nice and let them know you care.

Scorpio: Spot light on you, kid. Finally people are really listening to what you have to say; you are tired of playing second fiddle to anyone and just really want the space to BE. You want to shake everything off and just do your own thing. However, “your own thing “these days look a lot less like it did in the past. It may be confusing.  Ah, if only it was that easy. Scorpio, you tend to have a scorched earth policy, and finding balance not really your strong suit. Don’t worry, with Saturn in your sign and this eclipse beaming down on you, you will just have to find away to shine and it NOT being at someone else’s expense. You’ll do fine; no one is as resilient as you.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Starstruck Autumn: Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 4/25/13

Starstruck Autumn: Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 4/25/13: “But I want something good to die for To make it beautiful to live. I want a new mistake, lose is more than hesitate”...

Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 4/25/13

“But I want something good to die for
To make it beautiful to live.
I want a new mistake, lose is more than hesitate”
-“Go With the Flow”- Queens of the Stone Age

Today we begin a whole new set of eclipse series, and it launches with a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio.
We are in the full swing of the Eclipse season. We have the one tomorrow and two in May. Get ready for change.
Before I begin, there is one thing that needs to be understood about this eclipse, if nothing else: It’s about survival issues. The gritty, down in the dirt scramble, and the high on the hog beautiful life.  Scorpio is often concerned with having enough, while the Taurus Sun always wants more. This is highlighted since the Eclipse is opposite the Mars/Sun in Taurus dance. Taurus is the statis quo, while Scorpio flirts with life on the edge in order to be truly alive.

Anything dealing with Scorpio makes most people nervous; Scorpio trucks in issues that can often make people uncomfortable such as SEX. DEATH. MONEY. TRUTH. Scorpio can often be dirty, candid and dark. These are all issues people like to dance around. When there is planetary activity or an eclipse in Scorpio, we cannot hide from any of the issues that fall under Scorpio’s domain.
Most of all, Scorpio needs to move, to be free and revel in the fierce energy that lies under the madness.
Scorpio is the crawly cravings that can either lead us down a dark road or luminate the deep night.
The thing that makes this eclipse really pop is that Saturn is in Scorpio. Saturn is whispering in the ear of this eclipse, making sure Scorpio is doing the thankless job of nudging everyone into telling the truth and shaming the devil. Pluto is one of the rulers of Scorpio, so he is lurking in the back round of this eclipse, so he’s more than helpful in encouraging a razing to the ground of old ways of being that are poisonous and harmful. Pluto loves a good cleansing fire, and Mars ruled Scorpio is just the instrument to do it.
It could be that things in your life have come to such a tense boil that you are ready to go go go…leave it all behind. However, Saturn makes it clear that escape is not an option. It’s time to dig in.
Most important, this Lunar Eclipse wants you to find out what is real. What stirs your passion and makes you burn.
 The interesting thing about this Eclipse is that it will bring the wild child out of even the most meek person. This isn’t energy to be afraid of; it’s one to relish in. This is an eclipse that will set you free.