Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Starstruck Autumn: HANDY MAGICKAL THINGS TO DO FOR THE NEW MOON: I love New Moons, and the potential they offer us. Full moons get a lot of hype (you know, the whole ma...


I love New Moons, and the potential they offer us. Full moons get a lot of hype (you know, the whole magical, lunacy thing it has going on) but if you want more bang for your buck, find out when the New Moon is and tap that energy. Every New Moon has a theme, a mood and a lesson. Depending on which sign the New Moon is in, and where it falls in your chart, and how it affects your rising and sun sign is key to knowing how to make the New Moon Magicks work for you.

First? Lets get your tools.

What you need:
Pen/paper – write down what you hope to plant the seed for during this New Moon
Candle – this depends from month to month depending on which sign the New Moon falls in
Herbs/Oils- same applies for candles.

This New Moon falls in watery Pisces. The role of Pisces in astrology is the subconscious.
For this New Moon, I would advise choosing a white or blue candle. The herbs I would choose is lavender and jasmine. These are truly magical herbs, and will open up your intuition, leaving you open to magical influences. I would recommend putting a little rosemary in the mix; rosemary is earthy and grounding…we don’t want you getting so caught up in all the pretty things this Pisces New Moon has to offer that you lose all sense of grounding.
Once you have your candle, hold it in your hand and think about what you would like to plant the seeds for during this New Moon, and what you would like to manifest. Get your  herbs/oils, rub it on the candle. If you don’t have any essential oils, use olive oil on the candle. I tend to use dried herbs on my candles. I would make sure to get a shorter candle to burn, since it needs to burn to its completion for it to truly be potent. If you are worried about burning your house down, put the candle in your kitchen sink. That should keep it safe enough.

That’s easy enough.

In general, for New Moons, I like to make sure to get some cinnamon sticks to burn. They burn very slow, with little to no flame. It’s more of a gesture. Cinnamon is great for drawing in love, passion, protection and money. It’s a herb associated with fire, so it’s great to give a boost to any project.
I like to make sure I put a little rose oil essence and peppermint oil in my shower gel. Peppermint is great for protection and prosperity, while rose oil is a must; after all how can you manifest anything if your heart is not open? Rose oil will help you with that, as well as helping you create with love, and attracting love into your efforts. The first few days of a New Moon is especially potent, so use these days to shower with the magic concoction.

Have fun manifesting.


Starstruck Autumn: TOUGH-LIFE IN A PISCES WORLD: I understand some things here and there. That the hard eyed pragmatist is the one to follow, while th...


I understand some things here and there. That the hard eyed pragmatist is the one to follow, while the soft-eyed dreamy folk are to be pitied.
I think during these Pisces transits it’s the time to shine for the dreamers.
All of these water trines have given these dreamy folks time to honor themselves, since the in many ways the world has lost its hard edges.
Since after all where would we be without dreamers?

Pisces has the knowledge that things are all fleeting…and nothing matters as much as this very moment…because time is never liner…it’s always cyclical. That’s the best lesson that a new moon in Pisces has to teach.

I know I’m deep in the thick of the spell that Pisces has cast over us. Please, feel free to fight it, but it’s not advisable. I’ve been listening a lot to Lana Del Ray… otherworldly is not even correct…her music is almost like being in another dimension. I have surrendered to the Piscean Pull.
The New Moon happens in Pisces, touched by Neptune and falling directly on Chiron. The Sun is currently in Pisces, while we are surrounded by Saturn/Jupiter water trines.

The last time that Pisces ruled supreme like was about two years ago…. That was a scary time. I felt water logged, like I couldn’t escape the undertow. However, this time around I feel like the key to this New Moon and its energy is to just let it take me where it needs to, or rather, where my subconscious demands I go.

I can withstand the undertow now, where as two years ago I couldn’t. All the Cardinal Crosses and T-squares have made me tough, made me have a strong knowledge of who I am and what my place in the world is. I won’t drown this time around. Rather, I can go under the waves and not drown; I believe that I will find myself in another kind of consciousness.

I encourage you to let the Mermaids get you. I suggest that you float or dive deep. Develop gills while you are at. Trust me, we are all tough enough that we won’t get lost this time around. Better yet, you may find the you that has been so elusive.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Starstruck Autumn: WHO’S AFRAID OF THE BIG BAD MERCURYRETROGRADE?: Everyone hates the Mercury Retrograde. It makes trains run badly, planes arrive late, folks to not communicate well, ...


Everyone hates the Mercury Retrograde. It makes trains run badly, planes arrive late, folks to not communicate well, electronics to break down and contracts to be considered null and void. It’s also considered a period of slow down…which most of us really don’t wanna do.


When the windshield of my car cracked wide open, my phone died, one of my oldest friends getting annoyed at me for not calling her back (because my phone died right when her internet connection crashed) This of course brought up a ton of old relationship baggage we both have.
When I realize that I am ALREADY rehashing the same g.d conversation about work and health that I have been having for the past year (this mercury retrograde is hitting my 6th house of health and work hard)
When I nearly lost an Astrology report I had been working on for a client I didn’t do as I advise as an astrologer. When registering for class did not go through…
At any of these moments did I slap the top of my head and say “oh I know why! It’s because it’s we are approaching Mercury Retrograde”
No, I did not fall back on the knowledge that I need to take this type of thing in stride. Nope, I didn’t shrug it off.
What I did do was freak. I threw a mini tantrum at the office of my school (Mars is in Libra/in my first house of ego & self. I’m a lil riled up these days)
I told my friend to check her online issues.
Did I own up to my procrastination? NO, not until today.
In all of my conversations, had I done the T25 DVD program yet? No, I did not.
Did I get the chip in the windshield fixed last week before it split into a big ole crack yesterday? No, I sure didn’t.

The moral of all of this rant, and of one of the many goals of Mercury Retrogrades?

Slow Down.
Do Not Shrug Anything Off
If something needed to be fixed before, by God it will get fixed now.
Any kind of relationship conversation that needed to be had will be had  (I want to lay some of this at the door of the end of the recent Venus Retrograde)
Whatever you committed to will be brought the front.


However, on the up side of this looming retrograde, I got to clean up my mess with my friend, broke out the T25 (by god is it hard)
and I have drifted back to an artistic project I began over the summer that I never had the time to devote to it. Given the fact that I have come back from a trans continental trip two weeks ago, I have a ton of pictures that I am just now downloading and picking over (my 9th house of long distance travel is very much lit up during this astrological period)

There’s not a magic formula for getting through this period. It’s really more of a learn as you go; Most Mercury Retrogrades are different from each other. Use your instincts, and pay attention to the lessons it has to teach you.