Monday, August 29, 2016


Starstruck Autumn: SOLAR ECLIPSE IN VIRGO – CLEAN: It’s ultra noisy right now in the cosmos. We are in the thick of transformation, and it’s real deal. We have this Solar Eclipse in...


It’s ultra noisy right now in the cosmos. We are in the thick of transformation, and it’s real deal.
We have this Solar Eclipse in Virgo, which happens on September 1st at 5am EST.

There’s so much noise around this Eclipse; we’ve got the Mercury Retrograde happening a few days before the eclipse, and we have so much else that has been going on in the cosmos that we feel like we are in a maelstrom.
Which, quite frankly is indeed the case.

I honestly do not think that there is anything to be feared with this Eclipse; I do think that it has a great deal more clout that your general Solar Eclipse due to it’s close proximity to the Mercury RX and the whole Saturn/Neptune square. Also, this is the last Eclipse in Virgo, summing up our long and potent visit in Virgo land.

What did you learn while you were here?

Astrologically, the cosmos spent the past year beating us over the head with Virgo themes. We had Jupiter in Virgo, we had the Eclipses in Virgo and we are in the midst of this Mercury RX in Virgo. There is a message to be received…right?

It’s so much more than a message. It’s a whole change of a way of life. 

Virgo wants us to move away from the dirty habits we have, the slippery addictions that occur for us in everyday life, the unhealthy knee jerk routines that we may have.
Perhaps we have been trying to get healthy and to start a routine that will make us slim, lose weight and look good. Virgo season taught us it’s more important to treat our bodies like a vehicle for our soul; that a healthy BMI is better than a smaller size.

We were shown all the ways that we don’t have order in our lives, and how that lack of order and clarity has been so damaging.

If we have been love ridden or our version of love has looked like dirty needles, empty bottles and used candy wrappers, we get a glimpse of what clean love looks like.

We have been given the tools for a new start, for a clean break away from the things that pollute our lives, body and souls.

Something will be cauterized.

With this Eclipse, we will get a well-earned taste of freedom

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Starstruck Autumn: WEEKLY HOROSCOPE 8/29-9/4 - PERSPECTIVE

Starstruck Autumn: WEEKLY HOROSCOPE 8/29-9/4 - PERSPECTIVE: Hello my darling star watchers! This week is the kick off for the month of September, a time where it can feel as if the sand is shifti...


Hello my darling star watchers! This week is the kick off for the month of September, a time where it can feel as if the sand is shifting under our feet and of reality shifting like a kaleidoscope.
We can thank the Mercury Retrograde and the Solar Eclipse for all of this. Mercury goes Retrograde on August 30th, and the Solar Eclipse happens on September 1st. Both of these events occur in Virgo, so a good tip for how things are going to be affected will be centered in the part of your chart that Virgo lives.
This is part of our lives that has received endless blessings and good fortune; Jupiter and the North Node have been residing here for the past year. Health, cleanliness and the ability to focus on the task at hand has come easily to us…offered us so much good luck in these parts of our lives. However now we might have to look at everything with a different focus, a different attitude even.
 ARIES SUN/RISING: I have a feeling that for most of this year you have been resisting what it is that you know you need to do. It’s not a full on avoidance; it’s just a new way of being that feels odd in comparison to the way that you are used to living your life…where you make your own rules and you answer to no one. But what happens when YOU are the boss that you need to answer too…and this boss isn’t happy. This week you get a fresh way of how you look at the things in your life that you don’t want to address and you take them on with the energy of a warrior. FINALLY.
 TAURUS SUN/RISING: It’s been a challenge for you to lose some of your independance in the necessity of being in relationships and all that goes along with it. However this week you get another view of what it means to be a plus 1… and how to tap into that thing, that elusive thing that has been flirting away from you for longer than you care to admit. This level of purgatory is about to come to an end. If there isn’t a sweetheart in the scenario than odds are you have been doing the work in order to make space in your mind, life and heart in order to invite them in. Go ahead. Let the right one in.
 GEMINI SUN/RISING: Yes, you have been like Atlas. The weight of the world on your shoulders and no one would truly know this. Or so you may feel…because the same level of support that you have depended on in your life simply doesn’t exist the way that it once did. Why is this? Could you be paying the piper for times where you were emotionally ghost? Could it be you are weeding out the chaff from the wheat? I’m going to predict that by the end of September you will truly understand how compromise works in relationships. This month is meant to show you just how to do this.
 CANCER SUN/RISING: Just keep telling your tales, your stories of survival from the edge. I think I can say this with complete confidence that most Cancers by this point have flirted with that edge of Hades, and have come back singed and weary. Remember that the victors write history. How do you see yourself? This week will give you the quiet space to process just what it is that you want to share…what you need to share to others that are standing on that wicked edge that you were on not so long ago. If nothing else, you’ll be able to touch on just how differently you think and how your beliefs have changed.
 LEO SUN/RISING: This whole astro scene these days can put a serious damper on what you have stewing and brewing these days, especially in the realms of cash $$$. That being said, life DOES need to truck along regardless how the cosmos may be acting up. I would like for you to go over your finances with a fine toothcomb. In addition to this, I would just like to point out that your perception of how your self worth/money pay out is going to shift in a major way. You are getting to a point where you just won’t tolerate doing anything you hate. However at the same time your ability to tap into a subterranean level of intimacy and transformation will change EVERYTHING.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: While this year has been a matter of magical realism for you in so many ways, you are going to get a crash course on the more realistic parts of your life. You’ve got big dreams and you feel like anything is possible? You are correct…but your eyes will be open to the lurking challenges that you have put on the back burner. This week will be the start of a hard core reset for you. It’s going to be intense evolution/transformation on steroids. Life is going to crack open for you in ways that will leave you with vertigo.  However you feel, this new shift is totally necessary.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: You have been ethereal this year…nebulous and beautiful in an Ophelia meets Mata Hare kind of way. Tender and dangerous in a lovely mix that has left so many people off centered when it comes to how you are perceived. I really love this combo for you. You are on a crash course of transformation. You’ve got that whole keeper of the temple vibe happening. You will need to stay in that Ivory Tower for just a little longer. Think of it as your cocoon as you complete this magnificent magic act that your soul really does need to go through.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: This year has left you being super distracted by trudging along in your daily life…dealing with yourself at the most elemental level and then dealing with survival stuff…like money and resources. You aren’t at your best when you need to worry about the material world…you are best at as an agent of evolution. Anywhoo this week will turn a light to resources that you may have ignored or taken for granted for far too long; your tribe and your community. You need something? NETWORK. Hustle, smile…slap some aftershave or red lipstick on and let them all know that you are here.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: Oh you’ve been feeling this week all summer! Yes, yes you have. This week (quite frankly this entire month) will feel like a showdown…the duel at dawn or a shoot out in the dusty streets of some western town. Now you need to decide if you are the white hat or the black hat. How are you going to navigate this change of events in your life…everyone is watching you these days you know. You will need to play this month as straight as possible and make sure that everything you do is for the greater good, and not a grab for glory.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: This week will be the beginning of an end. This isn’t a sad thing at all, it’s just that you know that you have gone as far as you can under a certain set of circumstances and you know that it is time to shift. This won’t be as swift as you would like, however you Capricorns are smart enough to have honed that elusive skill of patience. You can consider this week as what it is; a review of what has occurred for you in regards to how you feel about your spiritual shift, as well as dealing with how your view of life and of yourself has expanded past anything that you could have ever imagined.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING:  The way that you think about the power of sex and evolution has undergone a powerful shift. Intimacy isn’t happening on the kind of level where you grant people access to the dark, rich deepness of what you have to offer. Rather, people are going to be transformed by their mere proximity to you and what you have going on. They cannot hide from your blessed newfound intensity and you wouldn’t tolerate that kind of cowardly behavior anyway. That being said your ability to truly connect on a level that honors your soul needs is revolutionary.

PISCES SUN/RISING: This week will be the start of a new phase of how you become aware of who you are in the world. You’ve got this whole thing going on about enriching your partnerships and relationships with others…and this is good and about to undergo some more transformations. However you are going to need to get wise to how you have been behaving in the wide world arena of career and public image. You might not have been presenting yourself in an authentic way. You may not even know what that means. This week you’ll start to figure it out.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Starstruck Autumn: WEEKLY HOROSCOPES 8/22-8/28 - HALT

Starstruck Autumn: WEEKLY HOROSCOPES 8/22-8/28 - HALT: Here we go, another week that takes us even closer to some answer, some revelation…some new beginning that is cloaked in some kind of ...


Here we go, another week that takes us even closer to some answer, some revelation…some new beginning that is cloaked in some kind of mystery. That’s the cool thing about our Astrological scene; things really are shifting and changing … but it’s really cool how it’s happening. It’s kinda frothy, glittery and almost playful. Keep this in mind as we enter the terrain of Eclipse Land.

Anyhoo, moving right along. This week is going to be a wild one. Mercury is going Rx OFFICIALLY. Yeah, I know we are all feeling it but now it’s legitimately happening. In addition to this, there’s a happy little party between Venus, Jupiter and Mercury; this is a cool scene where communications seem to flow easier, deals are made and hands are shaken with good will. Even though Mercury Rx is lurking in the background, this is still a great vibe for getting things DONE.
Mars will meet up with Saturn, and will be in a tango for a few weeks. I know a lot of folks are a little freaked out by this, but I have this transit in my natal chart, so speaking from first hand info, it’s actually good if you are trying to hatch a big plan. It may put up delays, but it’s the kind that happens in order to make sure that you have all of your t’s crossed.  It’s about focus, and patience.


ARIES SUN/RISING: This week is offering you an opening to really figure out what it is that you are trying to make happen in your life. It’s been a lot of stops and starts, but you are growing and transforming. You know how a plant only grows as big as it’s vessel? That’s the case with you. You need a bigger pot for your roots to grow, for YOU to grow. Does that make any sense? I bet it does.

TAURUS SUN/RISING: For you it’s been the never-ending desire to find that real connection with someone…to bond. This isn’t always an easy task; the ability to be truly intimate with another person is something that just isn’t necessarily hard wired within us. It’s challenging, since so often this is dependent of playing by someone else’s rules. This week I think you’ll touch upon a missing piece that will give you the love and the freedom that you seek.

GEMINI SUN/RISING: This whole partnership scene can be such a drag…when everything gets tangled up and just doesn’t seem to make any sense. You are gaining a stronger sense of what it means to be beholden to people, to maintain and strengthen the bonds between the most important people in your life and you. However you are also getting a better sense of what you need to do in order to truly rocket ahead in your life. Only take the people with you who root for you, and who truly want to see you succeed.

CANCER SUN/RISING: My simple message to you this week is this: Muscle has memory. You may think that something in your life has come and gone…that you need to let go of a dream or a hope. I think what does need to be let go of are nasty old habits and that bullshit baggage that drags you down (you KNOW what I mean). However, your heart is a muscle. It doesn’t forget how to love. Neither do you. Just remember that this week.

LEO SUN/RISING: I do think that the more you look at how much your life has shifted the more you would be so proud of how far you have come. Some of that had to come at the price of learning how to be humble… definitely not a thing that comes easy to you. However this week you’ll get a better glimpse of what it is that you need to do next to feel more like you. What I mean is this: not the version of you that you had been, but the version of YOU that you are becoming.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: This is THE week for you to go big. Yes, this has been a transformative year yada yada yada…but seriously this is the week where you need to be up and on. You can grab that gold ring. You’ve spent this entire year searching for it, trying to figure out what that would be for you. Now your time has arrived. I don’t mean to put any pressure on you, but now is the time. It’s not like you won’t get another chance…but this week will present you with exactly what it is that you want.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: You really are a beguiling creature…with a poker face and a will of steel under that smile. No one really knows what is going on under the surface, and folks have continuously underestimated you. Silly rabbits. They don’t know how hard it is to walk that line, to single handedly keep people from descending into animals. You are the gatekeeper. However this week you will start to put your will forward. No one will be prepared for this turn of events. Honestly, this makes me smile. Go get ‘em.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: Your ability to transform right now sends chills up and down my spine. Truly. You are able to tap into this crazy ability to transcend, to channel and to shed that old skin. Who are you? Who are you becoming? Who have you been? All that time and space stuff may no longer apply to you. Play it straight, and lay off any remaining knee jerk desires to make something into a power play. Be the highest version of yourself, and you’ll be all right.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: Be like a palm tree this week. Why? Well simply because palm trees are flexible, and can withstand hurricanes and typhoons, as opposed to the mighty oak tree that crashes during a heavy storm. That being said, this is because you are going to have to navigate a lot of things this week that are going to require you being a boss but you need to remember that the goal is to achieve what it is that you need in order to move ahead, not to be right or the baddest person in the room.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: This week will be the beginning of a brand new phase of your spiritual evolution and overall transformation. What does that mean? Quite simply you are growing in leaps and bounds in a metaphysical sense. This is the kind of growth that gets you ready for something big and brave. You aren’t content with what things had been; rather you are ready to test-drive this new side of yourself.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: You have learned so much about what it is that you desire and need; the upcoming astro vibe is a mess, I’m not going to lie. However here is the deal for you; you have to make sure that you don’t slip slide into old patterns. That’s the trick for you. That you don’t go back to the habit of just making do with what you have, or settling for less when you know you are worth waaaay more than what folks are trying to trick you into being ok with. Be strong, be smart and remember that you are untamable.

PISCES SUN/RISING: I’m pretty excited for you this week. While you’ll need to deal with some administrative –ish in your life, you will also find out that you have some pretty awesome allies. There are people in your life that really want to see you succeed, and are betting on you. You need to be careful that you don’t let others down by accidentally slip-sliding into the person you used to be. You are in the process of evolving. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Starstruck Autumn: FULL MOON IN AQUARIUS – A MATTER OF CURIOSITY: Here we are on the brink of a rather controversial Full Moon in Aquarius.   It occurs 5:27 AM on August 18 th . It’s controversial ...


Here we are on the brink of a rather controversial Full Moon in Aquarius.  It occurs 5:27 AM on August 18th. It’s controversial because some folks think it’s a Full Moon, and others think that it’s a Lunar Eclipse. It kinda feels like an Eclipse, yet it doesn’t technically behave like one; it doesn’t cast the right shadow to be entirely considered a lunar eclipse.
That being said, it’s still a pretty fantastic Full Moon. I personally love anything Aquarius; it’s untamable energy. It will not be told what to do…and yet can always find the right answer.
The thing about this Full Moon is that it’s a really busy one. Aspects are being made to it that make it so much more than your ordinary Full Moon. Aquarius is usually focused on the individual in the group; the ability to be detached from everything, yet fully a part of all that is occurring.
This Full Moon in it’s truest form is one that is asking you to begin a fresh start. If you can’t quite do it, than at least entertain the idea of a new beginning. Do you need to imagine an escape plan? What is it that you need to do in order to be truly free? What possibility of being or living is brewing for you? What could be around that next corner?
This is the kind of stuff that makes people nervous. No one really wants to totally upend an apple cart, or to totally start over; it feels hard and scary. However we cannot escape from the truth.
Uranus is the star of the show for this Full Moon for 2 reasons; Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and present day Uranus in Aries is making easy aspects to both the Sun and the Moon. Whatever occurs to you is going to come out of the blue.
There is something in your life that needs a make over, a do over or that needs to be scrapped all together. Where are you on autopilot? ‘cause nothing pisses Aquarius more than folks who are behaving like zombies.
Since this Full Moon is kinda sorta like a Lunar Eclipse, know that whatever comes up this Full Moon is going to be coming round until it’s fully set in your psyche. Change on this deep a level takes a minute or two.

Let the possibility of complete change marinate.

Here we are on the brink of a rather controversial Full Moon in Aquarius.  It occurs 5:27 AM on August 18th. It’s controversial because some folks think it’s a Full Moon, and others think that it’s a Lunar Eclipse. It kinda feels like an Eclipse, yet it doesn’t technically behave like one; it doesn’t cast the right shadow to be entirely considered a lunar eclipse.
That being said, it’s still a pretty fantastic Full Moon. I personally love anything Aquarius; it’s untamable energy. It will not be told what to do…and yet can always find the right answer.
The thing about this Full Moon is that it’s a really busy one. Aspects are being made to it that make it so much more than your ordinary Full Moon. Aquarius is usually focused on the individual in the group; the ability to be detached from everything, yet fully a part of all that is occurring.
This Full Moon in it’s truest form is one that is asking you to begin a fresh start. If you can’t quite do it, than at least entertain the idea of a new beginning. Do you need to imagine an escape plan? What is it that you need to do in order to be truly free? What possibility of being or living is brewing for you? What could be around that next corner?
This is the kind of stuff that makes people nervous. No one really wants to totally upend an apple cart, or to totally start over; it feels hard and scary. However we cannot escape from the truth.
Uranus is the star of the show for this Full Moon for 2 reasons; Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and present day Uranus in Aries is making easy aspects to both the Sun and the Moon. Whatever occurs to you is going to come out of the blue.
There is something in your life that needs a make over, a do over or that needs to be scrapped all together. Where are you on autopilot? ‘cause nothing pisses Aquarius more than folks who are behaving like zombies.
Since this Full Moon is kinda sorta like a Lunar Eclipse, know that whatever comes up this Full Moon is going to be coming round until it’s fully set in your psyche. Change on this deep a level takes a minute or two.

Let the possibility of complete change marinate.