Thursday, June 26, 2014


Starstruck Autumn: STARGAZER-NEW MOON IN CANCER: This New Moon has legs. It has meaning. It carries a promise that will be made good on. Make no mistake about that. ...


This New Moon has legs. It has meaning. It carries a promise that will be made good on. Make no mistake about that.

Please keep in mind that the first few days after the New Moon is the ideal time to make plans, wishes that you want to manifest. This New Moon, more so than others, will make your dreams come true. This is a potent New Moon.

This New Moon in Cancer is especially potent, full of conversation, ideas and planning. This New Moon is in a very loose conjunction to retrograded Mercury in Cancer. Given the way the cosmos treated us during the spring we may have felt turned around, confused and unsettled, operating based on our reptile brain, survival more important than anything else.
We have had the past few weeks to go over old plans, and to see the flaws in them. We have learned a lot about what we want and need. However, with Mars and Uranus locked in an opposition, we are learning how to fight for what we need to survive.
This kind of transit is a line of demarcation. Mars, the planet that rules impetuous and willful Aries is in it’s opposite sign of Libra. Uranus is in Aries. This kind of opposition can create a battle of wills. Whatever it does, it moves the plot forward.
Now, Libra is the sign of WE and Aries is the sign of ME. Given the message of the eclipses and the cardinal crosses, we have learned that we all need to sway to the side of WE.
When I say WE I do not mean how you keep your swag on, or how it’s about individual survival. It’s about how us as the human race will learn to live together; if we don’t we will all fail.
After all we have been through from the Cardinal Crosses, oppositions, trial and errors and messages from the Eclipses, we receive the gift of this period of time; it’s the gift of clarity and of courage.
This New Moon has a beautiful, magical trine to Neptune; this New Moon offers the promise of culmination of dreams. And if you dream big, you can have big blessings. This New Moon also approves of the rebellious energy of the Mars/Uranus opposition. This kind of energy makes us daring and bold, and demanding of results. This is not a passive energy.
Another thing that is happening around this New Moon is that Mercury is trine the North Node; remember that the North Node is the direction we SHOULD be moving in. In this case, it echo’s the message of Mars in Libra; we cannot go it alone, and anything we start now is fated for success.
This is a joyous New Moon. Lets make sure we put out serious wishes and plans. Because the promise here is you WILL see it manifested in six months when we have a Full Moon in Cancer, because that’s how long it takes for the manifestation of a New Moon.

So lets wish hard, and use the power of this New Moon.


Starstruck Autumn: NEW MOON IN CANCER MAGICKS AND TIPS: Hello my loveys! Here we are again on the brink of a New Moon in Cancer. It occurs Friday, June 27th.  I hope we have enj...

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Starstruck Autumn: FAIRIES & SUNBURNS-THE SUMMER SOLSTICE: “And still, after all this time, the Sun has never said to the Earth. ‘You owe me’ Look what happens with love like t...


Hello my loveys! Here we are again on the brink of a New Moon in Cancer. It occurs Friday, June 27th.  I hope we have enjoyed the magic of the Summer Solstice, and made some amazing plans for what we have grown, and what we treasure. Do you feel alive? If you feel glum or not full prescent, step into the sunlight, and soak up that life affirming energy. Let it nurture you. Be sure that the Summer Solstice occurs the day that the Sun enters Cancer; its all associated in a beautiful way.
I love New Moons, and the potential they offer us. Full moons get a lot of hype (you know, the whole magical, lunacy thing it has going on) but if you want more bang for your buck, find out when the New Moon is and tap that energy. Every New Moon has a theme, a mood and a lesson. Depending on which sign the New Moon is in, and where it falls in your chart, and how it affects your rising and sun sign is key to knowing how to make the New Moon Magicks work for you.

First? Lets get your tools.

What you need:
Pen/paper – write down what you hope to plant the seed for during this New Moon
Candle – this depends from month to month depending on which sign the New Moon falls in
Herbs/Oils- same applies for candles.

This New Moon falls in creative, watery Cancer. The role of Cancer in astrology is the caretaker, the creatier of family, of nourishment and of comfort. Cancer offers the primal intuitive energy, and timeless connection to the Moon. After all, the Moon is the ruler of Cancer. Also, Cancer is an initiator; you can liken Cancer energy to the waves of the ocean, of the embryotic rush that pushes out of our Mother’s womb.
For this New Moon, I would advise choosing a white, blue or silver candle. Since Cancer is a water sign, you want to use colors that mirror the ocean, and the deep secrets of a moonlit night. For herbs, use honeysuckle, sage, aloe, bay leaves, hyacinth, and primrose…all very fragrant herbs and flowers. This is a potent new moon, so make the most of it.
Once you have your candle, hold it in your hand and think about what you would like to plant the seeds for during this New Moon, and what you would like to manifest. Get your herbs/oils, rub it on the candle. If you don’t have any essential oils, use olive oil on the candle, and maybe add a touch of honey to the mix, to add sweetness to the fire you are looking to start in your heart and your life. I tend to use dried herbs on my candles. I would make sure to get a shorter candle to burn, since it needs to burn to its completion for it to truly be potent. If you are worried about burning your house down, put the candle in your kitchen sink. That should keep it safe enough.

That’s easy enough.

In general, for New Moons, I like to make sure to get some cinnamon sticks to burn. They burn very slow, with little to no flame. It’s more of a gesture. Cinnamon is great for drawing in love, passion, protection and money. It’s a herb associated with fire, so it’s great to give a boost to any project. Cinnamon is also associated with the fire of the Summer Solstice, and with Cancer as well.
I like to make sure I put a little rose oil essence and peppermint oil in my shower gel. Peppermint is great for protection and prosperity, while rose oil is a must; after all how can you manifest anything if your heart is not open? Rose oil will help you with that, as well as helping you create with love, and attracting love into your efforts. The first few days of a New Moon is especially potent, so use these days to shower with the magic concoction.

Have fun manifesting.

Friday, June 20, 2014


“And still, after all this time, the Sun has never said to the Earth.
‘You owe me’
Look what happens with love like that.
It lights up the sky”

It’s time again for the Summer Solstice, the official kick off to the summer. Of course we get shades of it with May Day, Beltane and Memorial Day weekend. But the Summer Solstice is where the Sun really gets to show off.
It’s the time of year where magick throbs through us, where the fairies hold court, and we can tap into the enchantment that lives within us.
What is the Summer Solstice? It is the time of year (June 20-22, depending on the year) where it’s the longest day of the year, where the Sun burns high and bright for us. Traditionally, it’s a day to honor the Sun, and all it gives to us Earthbound creatures. The Sun nourishes the trees, the grass, us on this third rock from the Sun. It’s meant to be a rowdy celebration of LIFE. After all, that’s what the Sun gives us. LIFE.
Yes, the Sun can be dangerous; with skin cancer, sunburns and sun poisoning. All that means is that we need to be careful and reverent to the kind of power the Sun has to offer. It’s no small matter. However, if we use the power wisely, it can give us strength, make us healthy and help to grow plants and grains that will feed and sustain us. After all, our ancestors knew just how important the power of the Sun is.
This also marks the day that the Sun moves from clever, quick thinking Gemini into the nurturing, affectionate and creative energy of Cancer. Here is where we can channel the life giving energy of the Sun.
For the Summer Solstice, I always like to drink a little St. Germaine; it’s said if you drink Elderflower on the Summer Solstice/Midsummer eve the Fairies will grant you wishes. I also like to make sun cakes; any yellow colored cake will do.

In a nutshell, here’s what’s up for the Summer Solstice:

Bonfires, dancing and fun. It’s meant to be a rollicking party.

The wedding of heaven and earth

Harvest honey from bees

Drink mead (honey wine) at weddings (origin of phrase “honeymoon”

Wear flowers in your hair, honor the sun

Burn yellow, white, gold and red candles.

Eat strawberries, oranges, leafy greens.

Tend your garden, whatever that may be.

So dance, drink, eat and be happy. Celebrate the gift of life and love


Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Starstruck Autumn: TRAVELING LIGHT-FULL MOON IN SAGITTARIUS:   I’m sure that you have this Full Moon associated with travel, of big adventure and excitement. Of course Sagittarius ...


 I’m sure that you have this Full Moon associated with travel, of big adventure and excitement. Of course Sagittarius is associated with exotic lands, philosophy, excitement, movement and big bold change. Yes, this is true in many ways. However, this Full Moon has a different story to tell.
Sagittarius is what comes after the deep and dark of Scorpio. The hard lessons, the season in hell that Scorpio has to endure receives its reward in Sagittarius. The freedom from earthly matters, the clarity of thought, the desire to experience everything through new eyes. It’s like in Twilight when Bella comes to after giving birth to Renesmee… her transformation from human to vampire was excruciating…but her new life as a vampire is glorious to her.
That’s what Sagittarius energy can be like. However, with every big gift, an equally big sacrifice is demanded. You know, no pain no gain, nothing ventured nothing gained….yada yada yada….
From last month’s Full Moon until now, what has transpired in your life? Any revelations? Any conversation about a new start? Any painful endings? Have you had to give up a dream or a part of yourself to move ahead?

Perhaps you already have died a little death a long time ago… going back as far as 6 months ago when there was a New Moon in Sagittarius. Perhaps you will receive the release you crave…the clarity you seek.

The other thing about this Full Moon is it is a precursor of what to expect when Saturn moves from Scorpio to Sagittarius at the end of this year. When Saturn does that, it will officially move us from the years of the Grand Water trine of 2013/2014 and move us into the Grand Fire Trine of 2014/2015. This burning energy will be go go go… with Saturn in Sagittarius trining Uranus in Aries and Jupiter in Leo.
This Full Moon will make a trine to Uranus in Aries, giving us a taste of what the next year will be like.

So, pay attention this Full Moon. You may not even see the message or gift coming. However, you will understand in in full by the end of this year. Don’t worry about anything. All the muck and mire of the past 2 years will melt away into transcendence…you just have to hold on until then, and let go of the rocks in your pockets.