Monday, April 17, 2017


Hello Starbabies! The world keeps moving forward, although this week it’ll be at a brisk clip. Venus goes direct, but Pluto goes Retrograde (which I AM NOT worried about) The Sun moves into Taurus, but not before he makes a truly helpful trine to Saturn. Mars moves into Gemini, and Venus makes another gross square to Saturn. What does all of this mean? It means this is a good week to get your shit together. No dreamy vibes, we are solidly on this temporal plane and if we don’t already know what we need to do to get our act together, than this week we are gonna learn!


ARIES SUN/RISING: You are aware of how you are growing in leaps and bounds as a person, and maybe you are thinking now of how you need to go it alone…traveling faster than being hampered by someone. However you’ll get hip to what your partnerships truly have to offer, and how dissatisfaction can color your view of the world. This week you are encouraged to take utter responsibility for your life. You control your life. Know that.

TAURUS SUN/RISING: Your values are shifting and evolving, and you might have some growing pains around this for the duration of the week. You may want to rest on your laurels, but you are too smart to give into that temptation. You know you have work to do, and maybe it can feel like staring into a void; you just need to follow your instincts on your next move. But whatever it looks like, just know that you need to hustle now.

GEMINI SUN/RISING: You have had some halcyon days this year in regards to friendships, joy, love and an emerging awakening in dealing with sexuality. Now this week you’ll pay the piper. “But why??” you might moan. I know, you think you’ve been through enough but you are being asked to negotiate these shifting landscapes. You have more power than you know at your disposal. Use it wisely, and be grateful for it all at the same time.

CANCER SUN/RISING:  Oh stoic Cancer. You try so hard to have it together even when the world is so chaotic. The world is going to pull hard at you this week; something you thought you wanted so badly before will arrive at your feet, but now you may not want it…at least not in the form its in. Remember that just because someone throws you the ball doesn’t mean that you have to catch it. Take this week to be alone, and focus on you, and what you truly want.

LEO SUN/RISING: This week it can feel as the momentum that you have been building up reaches it’s plateau…or like you might back slide into a familiar and unwelcome terrain. The thing that has to happen here is for you to look to your community (friends etc.) for support and wisdom. You also will have to work your savvy like a champ to gain that elusive ground. Whatever happens, don’t get discouraged or too frustrated; there is a lesson to be learned here, one that will you can lean on later on in your career/life that will be your ace up your sleeve.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: This is not the week to carefully consider the details of anything; this is a week of action. You need to know what the deal is with your money situation, what your next career move is and what you need your domestic/family life to look like in order to support you in your next move. You can’t afford to be diplomatic. You need to know what your needs are, and you need to demand them. You don’t have time to waste, and if you DO waffle, you might need to consider the idea that you don’t want what you are chasing as bad as you thought.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: Your whole value system is up in the air; you are getting hip to what you really feel/think/want in regards to your mores in regards to money and prosperity. Is the struggle sexier than the achievements? Before you blast forward clothed in your old ideas of success and prosperity, think about what you need from your partnerships. Think about what you want and need NOW, not what you wanted/craved in your past.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: There might be a hatchet that will be buried this week, and it needs to be genuine. You’ll need to be vulnerable, and to know what your needs are in order to move forward. You are working hard these days, and truly trying to get your life/health/act together. This focus will reap rewards…eventually. For now you need to figure how to navigate love, money and sex issues in a mature, fully evolved way. You know what I mean.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: No one told you that in order to succeed, you would have to be razor sharp and remove and all fantasy from your thinking. After all, Saturn transiting your sign/1st house has been hammering away the lesson of practicality at you relentlessly. It’s a week of focusing on details, as well as acknowledging the idea that maybe you may not have the best foundation for success (old family issues, home life etc.) but you’ve got enthusiasm and a lust for life. That might be all you need.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: It would be wise to anticipate an emotional excavation that looks like a nervous breakdown. You might shadow box with old hurts, dreams and disappointments this week. You might want to shove them away so you can keep moving. However you’re new level of living is being amped up, and you need to be able to match that energy. Take the week and focus on knowing which conversations to have…and then having them.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: You will feel a new attraction growing this week; and it’s awesome since you are so evolved in regards to matters around sex/love/self worth. You will also have some moments of action in regards to your friendships and travel desires. The fly in the ointment is concerns about money, and how you might worry that you don’t measure up to others; trying to keep up with the Jones, or worried that you aren’t where you should be? Think on that this week.

PISCES SUN/RISING: Another week where you feel as if you’re very sense of self is being tested by the world at large. You are going after your dreams and your sense of ambition is hot fire these days. However you are starting to reap the financial rewards of your ambition and willingness to evolve and transform according to how your life has changed. This week protect and love yourself; you are playing the long game now. Nothing worth having happens overnight.

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