Saturday, April 1, 2017


Hello Starbabies! Step right up and witness the cosmic show that is April! We have Retrogrades, changing North Nodes and a bombastic Full Moon. Mercury will be Retrograde 4/9 until 5/3, and Venus will go direct in the middle of the month, still in the shadow phase until the first weeks of May. It’s going to be one of those months that will leave you shaking your head, not sure if it’s worth the ticket. However I encourage you all to stand in line, and take that wild ride. Trust me, it’ll be worth it.


APRIL SUN/RISING: You might be rolling your eyes at the prospect of big money coming your way; understandably so. You spent March rubbing your forehead, wondering how you were going to pay for some big ticket item, occasion or what may have you. However the start of your month gives you a big chance to change your mojo about your finances, and you discover that the universe is throwing hiccups your way to teach you how to be more savvy, and to know your own worth. This month will heat you up and get you revved up for some new project or just bring you back to that joyful side of yourself that has dimmed just a touch. With all of the Retrogrades, something amazing is bound to come back to life.

TAURUS SUN/RISING: While you have a deepening desire to stretch your wings and embrace this new perspective you have brewing, you ALSO are in a place where you desire security, a home base if you will. The thing that will have you busy and processing information at a hella fast rate is the deep desire to put more energy into a community/friend scene while you need to focus on your shared money/intimacy scene. This month you are being forced to adult, even though you may want to play. By May you will see the necessity in the restrictions, and even be grateful for them.

GEMINI SUN/RISING: Even though your ruler (Mercury) is retrograde for most of the month, you will find that it won’t hamper you too much. This month stands to be an electric one, due to the actions of your ruling planet. You are in an intense reconnection mode with your instincts, your magic powers and your ability to get to the heart of any matter. You will be able to use this energy to make the most of the exciting shifts in your community and crew of friends, as well as being able to see what tricks folks in the work place have up their sleeves. Stay sharp, stay fabulous and know that this month requires you to be adventurous as well as the smartest person in the room. That is who you are, after all!

CANCER SUN/RISING: This year has had you making metamorphoses at lighting fast speed, and it’s all because you have claimed your own power. It’s just that simple, and just that complicated. You couldn’t go back if you tried. Your friendship/love scene has leveled up, and your relationships are no longer the wreckage of a martyr’s worst nightmare. Now it’s about work for you. Hone your daily routine, be sharp and open for every opportunity to come your way; most of them will be from past associations. Some of them could be gold, some could be coal. It doesn’t matter; just stay out there, hustle and consider all opportunities that come your way. You are just savvy enough now to make the most of them.
LEO SUN/RISING: It’s a month where you’ll get a new perspective on your whole work/business/ambition vibe. You are putting in the work, putting your nose to the grindstone and focusing on your next move, one foot at a time. This is the best move to make this month. Your perception of just how big and wide life and love can be is floating in the background, as well as facing challenges in how to navigate your deepening desire for intimacy, intensity and fulfillment. You have a hard time grasping that mojo that keeps you fired up…but the secret here is this: you still have your mojo, it’s just under construction right now, ready to be bigger and shinier than ever before. It’s going to ripen and will continue to do so as long as you keep shining love towards yourself.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: The end of the month is glittering and wondrous for you; you will have gotten the gist of what the past 2 years truly meant for you in regards to building and creating the kind of life that you want, as well as learning how to maintain. It’s the rest of the month that will have you growing and managing challenges like a boss; you have the awareness now that there is a big game happening, and everything doesn’t need to happen right this minute. This knowledge is powerful, and gives you an edge that you didn’t have until now. You will be dipping into a much more sage, adventurous side of yourself this month, as well as revisiting old conversations that will reveal a great deal of what your new philosophies are shaping up to look like.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: You can feel the tide turning in your direction, and you feel something big and wonderful brewing and rumbling beneath you. March was big for you in how you claimed your inner power; perhaps you got hip to how you let others manipulate you, or how you may not always be in integrity in how you express your own power. Either way, you are on the right path and on the upswing. You are getting your savvy on. Stay cool and focused this month. Stay compassionate and sage. More importantly, mind your own business on matters that are none of your concern. This will keep you from getting entangled in anything that doesn’t serve you. You need to keep your flow up, no distractions. Stay geared up for that beautiful upswing.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: This month you find that there is a huge shift in how you look at your partnerships and how much you rely on them to run smoothly. You will learn also that in order for these relationships to go well, you need to make sure that everyone’s needs are being met. You may not come to this conclusion until later on in the month, but you are in that phase as of now. You are also learning how doing something that you truly enjoy can bring a financial upswing your way, even if you think that this isn’t possible. As long as this is something that you feel truly speaks to your soul, you are good to go. Your attitude towards your habits and health are shifting; you aren’t running on autopilot anymore.

SAGGITARIUS SUN/RISING: This month you will find that the more you are open to transforming how you operate in your daily life, the easier it will be for you to reap financial dividends. This is a positive upswing for you, and a sign that you are ready to leap for the next part of your phase of realizing your dreams. While even your dreams are in flux, your need to make an impact doesn’t. You can enjoy some forward motion this month, however it’s unlikely that it will look the way that you wanted it to, or had expected it to. The trick here is to go with the flow and learn how to float; you may feel as if you need to fight against the tide…but chances are it will take you where you need to go eventually.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: Retrogrades or not, this month will move super fast. You will find that while you are rethinking the things in your life that give you joy and how creative you are and can be, that your career is morphing faster than ever. You will feel the pull to go big, and you may not be entirely sure as to what that looks like. A little tip: You will do best to use your intuition in what comes next. Chances are high that so far this year you have ignored or neglected your health or haven’t been keen on maintaining/creating healthy habits; by the end of the month you will see necessity to do so, and will find that it really amps up your productivity.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: Anything that has to do with family, or home/hearth situations will require a great deal of patience on your part. You may not be interested in waiting on something, but more will be revealed as the month goes on. The thing to focus on this month is about how you feel about your shifting money scene, and how you need to become part of a like-minded group of people in order to make more money. You don’t particularly care for the idea of going off the grid now to figure out how to make more money or to get more bang for your buck. It’s ok to feel odd; the question here is would you rather be successful at this part of your life or would you rather be comfortable.

PISCES SUN/RISING: This month brings profound shifts in how you feel you ARE in life. Your life, and the way it runs is in a phase of flux, and you are trying to figure how to make all of this work for you. The key to winning is to understanding that things NEED to shift, and you can’t fight it. The moment you let go is the moment that the universe will bring more opportunities your way. The thing that excites me this month is you have a stronger sense of what proper boundaries look like; as you flex and stretch this particular muscle, you find that you gain access to parts of yourself that you didn’t even know was there.

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