Thursday, June 26, 2014


This New Moon has legs. It has meaning. It carries a promise that will be made good on. Make no mistake about that.

Please keep in mind that the first few days after the New Moon is the ideal time to make plans, wishes that you want to manifest. This New Moon, more so than others, will make your dreams come true. This is a potent New Moon.

This New Moon in Cancer is especially potent, full of conversation, ideas and planning. This New Moon is in a very loose conjunction to retrograded Mercury in Cancer. Given the way the cosmos treated us during the spring we may have felt turned around, confused and unsettled, operating based on our reptile brain, survival more important than anything else.
We have had the past few weeks to go over old plans, and to see the flaws in them. We have learned a lot about what we want and need. However, with Mars and Uranus locked in an opposition, we are learning how to fight for what we need to survive.
This kind of transit is a line of demarcation. Mars, the planet that rules impetuous and willful Aries is in it’s opposite sign of Libra. Uranus is in Aries. This kind of opposition can create a battle of wills. Whatever it does, it moves the plot forward.
Now, Libra is the sign of WE and Aries is the sign of ME. Given the message of the eclipses and the cardinal crosses, we have learned that we all need to sway to the side of WE.
When I say WE I do not mean how you keep your swag on, or how it’s about individual survival. It’s about how us as the human race will learn to live together; if we don’t we will all fail.
After all we have been through from the Cardinal Crosses, oppositions, trial and errors and messages from the Eclipses, we receive the gift of this period of time; it’s the gift of clarity and of courage.
This New Moon has a beautiful, magical trine to Neptune; this New Moon offers the promise of culmination of dreams. And if you dream big, you can have big blessings. This New Moon also approves of the rebellious energy of the Mars/Uranus opposition. This kind of energy makes us daring and bold, and demanding of results. This is not a passive energy.
Another thing that is happening around this New Moon is that Mercury is trine the North Node; remember that the North Node is the direction we SHOULD be moving in. In this case, it echo’s the message of Mars in Libra; we cannot go it alone, and anything we start now is fated for success.
This is a joyous New Moon. Lets make sure we put out serious wishes and plans. Because the promise here is you WILL see it manifested in six months when we have a Full Moon in Cancer, because that’s how long it takes for the manifestation of a New Moon.

So lets wish hard, and use the power of this New Moon.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written as always. Looking forward to this New Moon!
