Sunday, August 21, 2016


Here we go, another week that takes us even closer to some answer, some revelation…some new beginning that is cloaked in some kind of mystery. That’s the cool thing about our Astrological scene; things really are shifting and changing … but it’s really cool how it’s happening. It’s kinda frothy, glittery and almost playful. Keep this in mind as we enter the terrain of Eclipse Land.

Anyhoo, moving right along. This week is going to be a wild one. Mercury is going Rx OFFICIALLY. Yeah, I know we are all feeling it but now it’s legitimately happening. In addition to this, there’s a happy little party between Venus, Jupiter and Mercury; this is a cool scene where communications seem to flow easier, deals are made and hands are shaken with good will. Even though Mercury Rx is lurking in the background, this is still a great vibe for getting things DONE.
Mars will meet up with Saturn, and will be in a tango for a few weeks. I know a lot of folks are a little freaked out by this, but I have this transit in my natal chart, so speaking from first hand info, it’s actually good if you are trying to hatch a big plan. It may put up delays, but it’s the kind that happens in order to make sure that you have all of your t’s crossed.  It’s about focus, and patience.


ARIES SUN/RISING: This week is offering you an opening to really figure out what it is that you are trying to make happen in your life. It’s been a lot of stops and starts, but you are growing and transforming. You know how a plant only grows as big as it’s vessel? That’s the case with you. You need a bigger pot for your roots to grow, for YOU to grow. Does that make any sense? I bet it does.

TAURUS SUN/RISING: For you it’s been the never-ending desire to find that real connection with someone…to bond. This isn’t always an easy task; the ability to be truly intimate with another person is something that just isn’t necessarily hard wired within us. It’s challenging, since so often this is dependent of playing by someone else’s rules. This week I think you’ll touch upon a missing piece that will give you the love and the freedom that you seek.

GEMINI SUN/RISING: This whole partnership scene can be such a drag…when everything gets tangled up and just doesn’t seem to make any sense. You are gaining a stronger sense of what it means to be beholden to people, to maintain and strengthen the bonds between the most important people in your life and you. However you are also getting a better sense of what you need to do in order to truly rocket ahead in your life. Only take the people with you who root for you, and who truly want to see you succeed.

CANCER SUN/RISING: My simple message to you this week is this: Muscle has memory. You may think that something in your life has come and gone…that you need to let go of a dream or a hope. I think what does need to be let go of are nasty old habits and that bullshit baggage that drags you down (you KNOW what I mean). However, your heart is a muscle. It doesn’t forget how to love. Neither do you. Just remember that this week.

LEO SUN/RISING: I do think that the more you look at how much your life has shifted the more you would be so proud of how far you have come. Some of that had to come at the price of learning how to be humble… definitely not a thing that comes easy to you. However this week you’ll get a better glimpse of what it is that you need to do next to feel more like you. What I mean is this: not the version of you that you had been, but the version of YOU that you are becoming.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: This is THE week for you to go big. Yes, this has been a transformative year yada yada yada…but seriously this is the week where you need to be up and on. You can grab that gold ring. You’ve spent this entire year searching for it, trying to figure out what that would be for you. Now your time has arrived. I don’t mean to put any pressure on you, but now is the time. It’s not like you won’t get another chance…but this week will present you with exactly what it is that you want.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: You really are a beguiling creature…with a poker face and a will of steel under that smile. No one really knows what is going on under the surface, and folks have continuously underestimated you. Silly rabbits. They don’t know how hard it is to walk that line, to single handedly keep people from descending into animals. You are the gatekeeper. However this week you will start to put your will forward. No one will be prepared for this turn of events. Honestly, this makes me smile. Go get ‘em.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: Your ability to transform right now sends chills up and down my spine. Truly. You are able to tap into this crazy ability to transcend, to channel and to shed that old skin. Who are you? Who are you becoming? Who have you been? All that time and space stuff may no longer apply to you. Play it straight, and lay off any remaining knee jerk desires to make something into a power play. Be the highest version of yourself, and you’ll be all right.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: Be like a palm tree this week. Why? Well simply because palm trees are flexible, and can withstand hurricanes and typhoons, as opposed to the mighty oak tree that crashes during a heavy storm. That being said, this is because you are going to have to navigate a lot of things this week that are going to require you being a boss but you need to remember that the goal is to achieve what it is that you need in order to move ahead, not to be right or the baddest person in the room.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: This week will be the beginning of a brand new phase of your spiritual evolution and overall transformation. What does that mean? Quite simply you are growing in leaps and bounds in a metaphysical sense. This is the kind of growth that gets you ready for something big and brave. You aren’t content with what things had been; rather you are ready to test-drive this new side of yourself.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: You have learned so much about what it is that you desire and need; the upcoming astro vibe is a mess, I’m not going to lie. However here is the deal for you; you have to make sure that you don’t slip slide into old patterns. That’s the trick for you. That you don’t go back to the habit of just making do with what you have, or settling for less when you know you are worth waaaay more than what folks are trying to trick you into being ok with. Be strong, be smart and remember that you are untamable.

PISCES SUN/RISING: I’m pretty excited for you this week. While you’ll need to deal with some administrative –ish in your life, you will also find out that you have some pretty awesome allies. There are people in your life that really want to see you succeed, and are betting on you. You need to be careful that you don’t let others down by accidentally slip-sliding into the person you used to be. You are in the process of evolving. 

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