Tuesday, October 13, 2015


We’ve got Venus & Jupiter shacking up in a conjunction this week on Sunday, 10/25. These two planets of love, money and happy vibes met up a few times over the summer, but Venus was retrograde in Jupiter, so it wasn’t as terrific as it could have been. Since these two are hanging out in Virgo, a sign that has a hard time with revelry and the lux life, this conjunction could have you throwing out old shoes, volunteering at a soup kitchen…getting your overall act together…you get the drift.
However we’ve got the Sun shifting into Scorpio. You might be experiencing a Saturn hangover…after all he was in Scorpio not that long ago.  Sun in Scorpio leaves us all into the vibe of things a little darker, a lot more meaningful. Tune into what’s going on in your mental/emotional attics. You might be done with emoting and catharsis; it doesn’t mean the cosmos are.

Astrological Survival Guides:

ARIES SUN/RISING: You’ve got the cosmic go ahead: last week your ruling planet Mars was involved in a Pitch Perfect-esq mash up that showed you how ready you are to claim your crown. You know the work you need to do to get that throne. You’ve probably even picked it out on ballersareus.com. Use the intensity of the Sun moving into your 8th house of intimacy, secret powers, sexual prowess and phoenix type goodness to change the game. Evolution is the password to that secret room...

TAURUS SUN/RISING: Odds are that last week’s major earth trine & this week’s Venus/Jupiter meet up will be trining your Sun/Rising (if you were born 5/1-5/11 or are in the 2nd decan of your rising…7-17 degrees Taurus) all this cosmic help will be great for you in all matters of creativity, children, lust & love. None of this will be new to you…just a confirmation of what you already knew. Now you’ll be compelled to act, and win. The Sun in your 7th house of partnerships, enemies and lovers means SOMEONE is taking no prisoners.

GEMINI SUN/RISING: This week will find you looking at Temp wallpaper (c’mon you know you can’t commit to a definite color scheme!) and looking at real estate. You might be feeling like nesting a bit…you’ve been a busy bee these past few months and you might need a little break. Sun in Scorpio has you looking at the scale and seeing that a month of salad and Cross Fit may be in order. Why Cross Fit? Because Scorpio wants it to be EXTREME…

CANCER SUN/RISING: My cosmic chatterbox. Well, at least you have been for a lil bit. Now that you have decided to take that energy and focus it on that class you wanted to take or that book you wanted to write, you are more at ease. The Sun making his way through your 5th house of creativity, children, lust and self-expression will turn a big light on your abilities, and desire to create something that is quite fantastic and made with love.

LEO SUN/RISING: You’ve either had a huge expense to pay off, or a great big opportunity to get that coin. If you had to release some cold hard cash from your mitts, I don’t doubt that it came with a powerful lesson. However now you know what you can, and should do in regards to money and self worth.  Sun in Scorpio in your 4th house of family and home will show you something that you missed…something important. It’s ok; it’s all part of your evolution.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: Everything rosy and lovely for you these days? I sure do hope so. Your sign is the shining star of the Astros right now. Bask in it.  You’ve got a sweet opportunity to head on to the next phase of planning your next big move. You’ve been waiting for the right time to pounce. No better time than now! Go and get it, whatever it is that’s had you walking around with clammy hands and a hard beating heart.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: Some stuff that’s been murky for you for a long time (lets talk 12 years long shall we?) begins to get really clear this week. A big part of your ability to really SEE what your blind spots are is because now you are absolutely fearless. You’ve got your boundaries, you’ve got your war wounds stitched up; you aren’t playing by the old rules anymore. The Sun in Scorpio will help highlight for you what you value about yourself.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: Some fun times with your clan, your friends and your community has really been good for you. A great deal of revelry of late that was really nice after Saturn was leaning all over you and your life. So now the Sun will be lighting you up which is also nice. However we know all things Scorpio means that there will be a revelation, especially of what you might have tried to keep under wraps.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: We already know that the past week you have probably received quite the good news, the recognition that has been a long time coming. Maybe it hasn’t QUITE happened, but you have to know it’s coming. This week will help pave the way for the next phase of you grand unveiling. Your rocket is about to blast off. Work that great Virgo vibe. Work it hard.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: You’ve gotten a bit of help from the direction of the Virgo part of your chart. You are in a very cool place of seeing how big the world is, and how big it can be for you. Feeling restless and ready for something big. This is only the beginning of a grand transformation that has been kinda sorta in the works since 2007.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: Now that you are ready for the money mash up you could use a little help from the Sun transiting your 10th house of status, career and general big boss. You’ve had to deal with a little murky-ness surrounding your monies (thanks Neptune in Pisces!) and all that shared resource stuff (some sex?intimacy stuff too?) that has been happening in your 8th house. Know you aren’t an island, and the more help you get and alliances you create the better off you’ll be.

PISCES SUN/RISING: Big love…big partnerships are ahead of you. Are you rekindling something lost or has your time finally arrived? Whatever alliances, love affairs or enemies you collect now will have long lasting weight. Not a bit of  slippery-ness allowed this week or next. Just keep in mind that there is a long game happening here with Scorpio being lit up…you are in a place to really think big these days.

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