Monday, October 12, 2015


Sometimes enough is enough.  There’s been so much happening in the Libra zone of late; Black Moon Lilith is in Libra, and we’ve got Mercury having been retrograde in Libra, now direct conjunct the NN at 1 degree in Libra. Take note friends; this is called the Aries point, as astrological thing (wave? Action?) that I am obsessed with. The energy of the Aries point cannot be denied…whatever is going on for you in the Libra part of your chart is screaming for attention and forward motion. It’s all done…even if you have been trying to ignore whatever changes are going on.
Just to be sure of radical change Uranus is opposite this New Moon.
Libra is a cardinal sign, wanting to be the initiator and call the shots. However up until recently, for the past 7 years Libras have had to react, to shift and evolve at circumstances that they didn’t want, didn’t initiate. Libras (and whatever madness has been going on in the Libra part of your chart) are starting to wrangle back control. The flash and wake up call, the bright light that Uranus is shining on all things Libra will influence this New Moon.
Libra in many ways has been sleeping, waiting to be released. This Libra New Moon is rolling around in the dark, gaining traction. I think that being completely shrouded in darkness may very well be it’s secret weapon right now…waiting to pounce…hanging from the rafters. Wearing something just sparkly enough...
Whatever is started on this New Moon is a definite demarcation from the way things had been. Uranus lights the way… gives just enough ground shaking info to make it impossible to go back.
The most fun thing about this New Moon? Whatever comes from this…no one will see coming.
Notes on Survival for each sign:

ARIES SUN/RISING: Your partner will shock you; maybe you are beginning to learn that your antics aren’t cute anymore. Song to take to heart “you’re the one that I want”. Meditate on “you better shape up”. But you kind of already knew all of this…the learning curve is steep here. Maybe you are in the rough process of figuring out where you fit in all your primary partnerships.

TAURUS SUN/RISING: You are dynamic. Always have been. But you want to get your sh#t together… work/health/routine. The old model doesn’t work anymore. It’s been hard since you aren’t sure what direction you want to move in, and everyone wants a piece of you…however a helping hand from a co-worker may be the hand that will pull you out of your rut. It’s so much nicer in the sun, don’t ya think?

GEMINI SUN/RISING: “If you are what they say you are… a super star…” well are you a super star? You know you are…so stop playing it safe and being who you THINK folks want you to be. Use this New Moon to really up your stock…be playful and creative. Feeling blocked? Get out there, or more importantly let your friends remind you how fly you are.

CANCER SUN/RISING: Why haven’t you painted your house? Called your uncle?  Baked that oh-so tricky chocolate soufflé? I know…so much change revolving around home/ideas of home/family. This New Moon INSISTS that you wrestle back control around all things home & hearth. After all, that is your natural domain. No more rules apply. Just follow your gut and make your home & family life as authentic to you as possible.

LEO SUN/RISING: Ah communication. School. Siblings. So much movement in all of these matters. You seek expansion, making your life bigger and dreams come true. This New Moon demands that you be your highest self ...  really get immersed in all things 3rd house. Don’t just do the bare minimum here; really embrace what you can do, what you have to say and what you can learn.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: Get that Money. Make that Money. Listen to C.R.E.A.M by the Wu-Tang. Watch “Working Girl”. You are in a prime spot to really know what you bring to the table, what you should be getting paid. What you NEED to be getting paid. You are ready to make the risk. However no man is an island. Make a powerful ally, and stop being afraid of eclipsing your former self.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: Done. Done. Done. Who are you? You don’t even know, but you are not mad about it. How do you show up in the world? You are beginning to figure it out. Balance? You know everything isn’t fair. You just need to make sure YOU are good. FINALLY! It’s your cosmic New Years Day. Make your resolutions. Embrace transformation with the verve of Verruca Salt at Wonka’s chocolate factory. You’ll have a better outcome though.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING:  What have you been keeping quiet? Have you been like Frodo with the ring? Or like Golum? Are you getting ready to let that THING go with love, bravery and grace or is it going to drag you into darkness?  Whatever you have been hauling around is about to get dropped…if it’s not than it needs to be done with. Stat.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING:  Your tribe. Your friends. Do you need to make new friends? Have you known this for a while? You are in a Saturn cycle so you need to make sure you have a crew to hold you down when things get messy. Strengthen friendships and make new friends. Make lots and lots of them. Have fun and get ready for your crew to enter an age of awesome

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: My darling Capricorns, the source of so much change and the recipient of angst. You haven’t really been able to go for that brass ring. You want to have the space and time to focus on the awesome you can bring to the world. You are ready to shine and be recognized. Listen to “Ceiling can’t hold us” on repeat. You get the picture.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: Ready to get some more stamps on that Passport? Ready for an Eat Pray Love like experience? Maybe you can’t go that far, but maybe a retreat or a rad new yoga class might do for now while you plan out ways to be able to travel, expand your world. It’s not just wanderlust. It’s a desire to see how big you can go.

PISCES SUN/RISING:  A major shift here for you and your resources. This includes intimacy, sexuality, money, shared money. It’s all resources, just different types. Its what keeps you going, functioning if you will. It’s the basest of needs and desires that are under the microscope here. Or do you need to make a Houdini-esq exit? Either way it’s going to require you to make a deep-sea search of yourself and of what you have…and of what you will share.

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