Friday, June 20, 2014


“And still, after all this time, the Sun has never said to the Earth.
‘You owe me’
Look what happens with love like that.
It lights up the sky”

It’s time again for the Summer Solstice, the official kick off to the summer. Of course we get shades of it with May Day, Beltane and Memorial Day weekend. But the Summer Solstice is where the Sun really gets to show off.
It’s the time of year where magick throbs through us, where the fairies hold court, and we can tap into the enchantment that lives within us.
What is the Summer Solstice? It is the time of year (June 20-22, depending on the year) where it’s the longest day of the year, where the Sun burns high and bright for us. Traditionally, it’s a day to honor the Sun, and all it gives to us Earthbound creatures. The Sun nourishes the trees, the grass, us on this third rock from the Sun. It’s meant to be a rowdy celebration of LIFE. After all, that’s what the Sun gives us. LIFE.
Yes, the Sun can be dangerous; with skin cancer, sunburns and sun poisoning. All that means is that we need to be careful and reverent to the kind of power the Sun has to offer. It’s no small matter. However, if we use the power wisely, it can give us strength, make us healthy and help to grow plants and grains that will feed and sustain us. After all, our ancestors knew just how important the power of the Sun is.
This also marks the day that the Sun moves from clever, quick thinking Gemini into the nurturing, affectionate and creative energy of Cancer. Here is where we can channel the life giving energy of the Sun.
For the Summer Solstice, I always like to drink a little St. Germaine; it’s said if you drink Elderflower on the Summer Solstice/Midsummer eve the Fairies will grant you wishes. I also like to make sun cakes; any yellow colored cake will do.

In a nutshell, here’s what’s up for the Summer Solstice:

Bonfires, dancing and fun. It’s meant to be a rollicking party.

The wedding of heaven and earth

Harvest honey from bees

Drink mead (honey wine) at weddings (origin of phrase “honeymoon”

Wear flowers in your hair, honor the sun

Burn yellow, white, gold and red candles.

Eat strawberries, oranges, leafy greens.

Tend your garden, whatever that may be.

So dance, drink, eat and be happy. Celebrate the gift of life and love


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