Sunday, April 2, 2017


Hello Starbabies! This week we have the chance to grow in leaps and bounds, and yet the universe wants to keep us from leaping so high that we forget what solid ground feels like. Mercury is making a very potent trine to the North Node, and Mars is making a trine to Pluto. It’s a lot of earth energy flowing in a way that gives us grounding, powerful conversations about the future and a great place to spring forward with savvy and hope. However, Venus is making a square to Saturn. This aspect has us wondering where is the love, and what it is that we truly value in our lives.


ARIES SUN/RISING: This week will be a stark moment in time that will reveal to you what it is that you need to really look at if you want to be able to make the kind of money and moves that will give you the kind of freedom you crave. It’s not about being able to up and go whenever you want; you just don’t want to play by stupid rules anymore. You get smart this week and see that the magic potion is focus and vision. You have both. You have what you need.

TAURUS SUN/RISING: Before this year, you thought that life was just what you saw before you, being present in a way that all the guru’s across the land implore his or her followers to be. However you now know that life is far vaster than you thought. You are being transformed by your desire to be challenged, frightened and run by adrenaline. It’s sexy and it’s hawt.  It’s a transformation worth talking about.

GEMINI SUN/RISING: This week will give you quite the depth charge, and require that you slow down your thought processes just enough for your heart to catch up. You know that there is a world out there that is waiting for you; you are beginning to realize that you really do need to make the most of your allies if you are going to succeed and grow the way that your heart and sprit wants to.

CANCER SUN/RISING: There is some vital conversation/writing project that is undergoing a jolt of lightening. This is necessary, and an important part of the future that you are carving out for yourself. You are so intuitive that you most likely already know what this is. For the bulk of the month this will be an ongoing theme, as well as a revamping of your social scene/community; doing this will strengthen your ties and create powerful allies.

LEO SUN/RISING: If you think about it, Rocky Balboa would be a good Icon for you to meditate on this week (or month!). Rocky was an underdog, and won a title and all of the accolades that go along with being a champion. Sure, life threw him some rough curve balls, but in odd ways, Rocky wins every single time because he has heart. That is something he never, ever loses. Think about that.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: If there is anything that seems to be on rocky ground, this week you will pin point what it is, and do what needs to be done in order to make it solid and firm. It’s a task that requires you to be clear headed, and realistic. There’s no room for fantasy here. Be objective and really think about what it is you are trying to build. The universe will help you if you ask.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: You are independent these days that you haven’t been in a hella long time…from back before you realized that people play awful mind/heart games. You are encouraged to act in total integrity, and to let your ongoing metamorphosis lead the way in everything you touch this week. You will find that you are reinventing yourself in exciting ways

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: You are gaining magnificent clarity around your relationships/partnerships. You are also reaching awareness that in order to transform whatever money situation you are wrestling with means that you need to change your relationship with the work that you do. If you can’t do it with joy and humor, it will reflect on what you produce. But you already know this.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: This week kicks off a month long conversation about using your gut in getting ahead in regards to career and ambition, as well as a necessary revamping of your whole home/family scene. It seems like drudgery, and you have SO MUCH TO DO that you don’t want to waste time on this part of your life. However there is a need for balance here; you need a safe spot to plot and plan. This is why making your home YOURS is so important now.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: This week you are feeling fierce in your need for things to TRULY matter. You are seeking big feelings and big inspiration. You aren’t interested in trying to go through the motions. You are seeking bigger experiences, and a chance to think (and live) outside the box. You hit a few roadblocks when trying to make you big escape because you are a little too caught up in the details. You are given permission to be a little lax with them now.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: Take this week to stop and consider how you want your abode to look like. Think about how you might want your home to reflect the rich, deep parts of yourself that have been emerging over the past 2 years. Think about how you want to up your financial game, and how you could use a community to help you do this. Think about your long game, and what you want it to be.

PISCES SUN/RISING: It would seem that this week is just a part of what feels like an endless saga of money/career woes. However it’s not entirely the case. You are priming yourself to be totally independent in your career and in what you do in order to make a living. It’s a crash course in how to be mogul, courtesy of the universe.

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