Sunday, July 10, 2016


Yes, the Grand Water Trine of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces goodness does continue this week, however the energy starts to break up a little bit this week. I know that with all of this water, we have all probably been just a wee bit more emotional than usual. We still have this occurring, bringing our transformation just one step further than it had been before.
That being said, I also know that this week will bring a reprieve with both Venus and Mercury moving into Leo. Woohoo!


ARIES SUN/RISING: The focus moves away from home and hearth and towards fun and romance. None of that on the menu? Don’t be surprised to tap into energy that makes you a little bit more child like, or your creative juices flow in a fun way that they haven’t in a while. Your ruling planet is tapping into some serious healing mojo this week: use it.

TAURUS SUN/RISING: This week is a great time to get your home and hearth in tip top shape; you may not often really feel like bothering with all of that, however this week you’ll have a yen to do just that. You’ll want to up your domicile game.

GEMINI SUN/RISING: This week will fit you like a glove; when the mood hits, you can glitter, being the life of the party. Something that’s being wrapped up in regards of your image is what gives you a glow. Folks have been working on out dated modes of who you are; this week they will really SEE who you have become.

CANCER SUN/RISING: Can we talk about you accessing your power source? Your unwillingness to play the game anymore? Authenticity and empowerment baby. This is astro kismet; it’s the ideal to up your whole money/value seen. You know who you are and what you are worth. Make sure the world knows as well.

LEO SUN/RISING: Wow that Mars RX did a doozy on you in regards to home/family –ish. Now that that dodgy seen is being dealt with, you have some freedom in regards to getting your groove on and back. You have a gimlet eye towards things revolving around play and joy. You aren’t wasting anymore of your time on crap. Strut on sweet Lion.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: This week can be a nice little sum up for you and all that you have been working on. This year you grew in leaps and bounds…and now you get to take a little breather. This is good, since things have been moving at a breakneck speed for you. It’s a nice time to reflect.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: Keep it going, keep it moving. You are a major contender these days. Know that everything, every single thing that you do from here until the end of September is gearing you up, getting you revved for the next big phase of your life. Right now? Socialize, grow your group, grow your brand and make your vibe known.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: The vibe this week is one that is hot for you career wise. You can walk the walk, talk the talk etc. However I’m interested in the major healing you have going on in regards to your reach for joy and sense of purpose in what makes you happy. Life has felt like a chore for far too long. Soon you’ll find a meaning in the pain.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: You are on a slow steady pathway to blasting forward; you’ve got until the end of the month to wrap up your whole spiritual warrior seen you’ve got going on. That being said, play EVERYTHING cool until then. Rather than forward motion, make sure that you continue to let your mind get blown in every possible way.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: The fantastic death/money/shared resource seen is about to get a big boost. Sex and connection are about to get hot; if not, you’ll be able to tap into some SERIOUS transformative goodness this week. You can break through to the other side at sometime this week; this will push you ahead in the way you have been hoping.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: You like to play it cool; this week you’ll totally need to do that in order to snag the ideal partnership deal that you are looking for. You’ll get it anyway, but cool is always good. Your ruler Uranus is going to be acting a fool this week; don’t take a cue from that rabble-rouser.

PISCES SUN/RISING: The past few months have been full of turmoil, growth, beginning and endings. You’ll be relieved to know that the time for a chance to settle in and to organize your life is upon you. Sure, you know that there are other things that you would like to do, but treat organizing your health and daily life with a touch of sugar; make it into a labor of love.

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