Sunday, July 3, 2016


Hello folks; this week is dominated by the Cancer posse. We’ve got Mercury, Venus and the Sun in Cancer; all three of these guys are making conjunctions, trines and oppositions. There isn’t one conversation or part of your life this week that Cancer energy ISN’T a part of. It’s a good week, full of easy movements and chances to change the name of the game.
ARIES SUN/RISING: There will be some delicious changes to your whole family/home scene. Even better though is your ruler going direct, amplifying this while evolution scenario you have got going on. Don’t stop until you get the satisfaction that you know you need.
TAURUS SUN/RISING: While you are seeing a certain light breaking through the clouds dealing with how you handle interpersonal relationships, I also think that you are embarking on a space where you think a little differently than before. I think that it’s a good week to be chatty.
GEMINI SUN/RISING: There’s been a duality between family and your partnerships; you have had to learn about the here and now side of things in this scene, not how you’d like it to be. However this week will give you a chance to move forward from a place of learning about how you are valued, and how you value yourself.
CANCER SUN/RISING: You are downright scorpionic in your ways these days my dear Crab. You are still you, but the way you are beginning to relish your sensuality, your ability to tap into true joy and creativity is quite the sight to see; this week (all month, really) all eyes will be on you.
LEO SUN/RISING: What have you learned from June, my dear Lion? Perhaps that you can’t really do anything worth doing if your heart isn’t in it. That digging out of old ways of being can be a celebration, even as you are racking up the bones on the sidewalk. Perhaps a wee bit of quiet for your psyche might do the trick for now.
VIRGO SUN/RISING: You aren’t in a place in your life where you are going to tolerate any messiness or crap in your life, and that includes your social life. You may be doing a bit in the way of pruning that part of your life, as well as eyeballing what your next strategey is in leveling up your life.
LIBRA SUN/RISING: I cannot express this enough but this month is HUGE in transforming your work/ambition scene. You’ve got a bright and shiny sense of self, and a fire in your belly. This week will be big in getting things started; if you don’t have a game plan quite yet, this week is ideal to form one.
SCORPIO SUN/RISING: Now that Mars has gone direct, and now that the cosmos are decidedly watery right about now, you may feel like the light is too bright, that your eyes are smarting. There’s a great chance for expansion, and wild realizations that occur out of nowhere for you. You can thank Mars and Cancer for that one.
SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: More money talk these days…it’s inevitable you know. As well as this whole thing with you picking through your psyche to extract the crap that has taken residence in your heart, brain and soul for waaaay too long. Truth of the matter is you are now even more of a spiritual warrior than before.
CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: So this week is a shiny-happy week for you. So much delicious space to connect with loved ones, strengthen partnerships seamlessly and be able to truly enjoy your friends and community. However pay attention to what crap may have been happening w/ family or home. This week it’ll make itself known.
AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: Keep those engines revving up and move into the zone; after being stalled on the work front for far too long, you are feeling yourself in a space to move ahead. While the chances to do so won’t really show up until next month, do the legwork now. You’ll be glad you did.
PISCES SUN/RISING: Creativity, children, joy and sex are all hot topics right now. If you want to conceive a child, a better relationship with the children in your life or begin an awesome new project that excites you, this week you will feel compelled to do one (or 2) of these things.

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