Thursday, October 29, 2015


So this week we have a fantastic start with Venus & Mars meeting up on November 2. This Conjunction has been brewing for a few days at this point, but on 11/2 it becomes exact.  That’s a nice way to kick off the week. Then Jupiter in Virgo makes his presence known…first by making an opposition to Chiron in Pisces, then an inconjunct to Uranus in Aries. Seeing as how Jupiter is in Virgo, it’s all about the integrity of seeing results. There may be some serious perfectionist themes going on, but otherwise it’s about forward motion. Virgo nearly always wants to be in a state of an upgrade. The focus this week will be (in many ways) about the hard work it takes to heal, and the hard work it takes to get ahead. Uranus in Aries has a lot of ambition here, but mostly the drive to chart your own course. Enthusiasm is good, but it’s always best to be aware of the practicalities of it all. Perhaps we may even receive a surprise windfall/promotion or anything to help forward motion occur. But anything Uranus/Aries this week can bring you back a few steps. The Venus/Mars conjunction in Virgo will help chart the way.


ARIES SUN/RISING: That old sixth house story of all work and no play makes Jack a Dull Boy (but I don’t wanna do my chores or eat my veggies!) is about to get a bit of an infusion of awesome. You could very well tie in your new persona as THE guy/gal to get the job done. It’s a boost to your ego, your wallet and helps you over a hump. Maybe you never thought you could be the boss or the leader. Maybe those old ghosts are disappearing. Maybe who you thought you were is getting a face-lift.

TAURUS SUN/RISING: More love and sex for you…creativity and self-expression…these will be themes for you until the end of September 2016. You are red hot these days, and this week you’ll be hot to the touch, a living flame. It’s hard for you to really be part of a group, not when you are shining so bright. Not when you are feeling just a lil bit willful. There’s some stuff going on behind the scenes, and you know it. Especially in your own mind/heart. Whatever it is, it’s got teeth and is about to get interesting.

GEMINI SUN/RISING: Home and family continues to get a spotlight, but could your preoccupation with happy hour, your friend’s birthday party or some cocktail party that you just cannot miss messing you up with what you know you need to do at your very base? Your very foundation? Are you having fun or looking for distraction? Growing up is hard to do, I know. Right now you need to put your attention to your status, and solidify your base.

CANCER SUN/RISING: Things just keep getting more and more interesting for you these days. All those people that underestimated you are going to be in for a big shock…you are looking to come, and come hard. You aren’t really interested in playing small. You want to express yourself and all the ways that you know the world is opening up for you. Someone in charge wants to keep you small. Figure out who it is, and make peace with the fact that not everyone wishes you well or wants to see you succeed. Use that to fuel that fire in your belly.

LEO SUN/RISING: It’s not all about the paper, you know. Actually, I know you know. You are smart enough to see that money is energy, and you get compensated well when you use your life force in your work, not as a chore but as a calling. No compartmentalizing here. It’s hard in some ways, your devotion to your craft. Because you’ve always been go-go…and as Anais Nin wrote “ I’m restless. Things are calling me away. My hair is being called by the stars again”. Don’t abandon your work for your old ways of being. Hold tight.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: It hasn’t stopped being about you, and your work, your adventures. YOUR TIME to make things happen. Whatever you begin now has legs, so keep at it. Perhaps a partner needs some extra sweet lovings. Be generous with your kisses and praise. More people in your world need them than you know. More importantly, be free with your love and magic, but keep a tight hold on that purse. Don’t share your hard earned money in the spirit of generosity. Some folks don’t understand value the way you do.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: You are really getting into what is tangled and dark these days. Thanks to Black Moon Lilith in your sign, you are ok with this. No Fear could be your mantra. There is a purge going on here…in your metaphysical house and your physical house. You are getting in touch with what does & what doesn’t work, with what habits & lifestyle choices will hold you back or help you move forward. Your main partnerships may not get where you are going. Don’t hold yourself back to keep things status quo. Rather, take them along on this new ride you are on.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: Your community, friendships and folks are great…but sometimes its hard for you to be in a group, because in some way you want to make it all about you. You can’t help it…you want to shine in the group and not fade away. Sometimes sharing cannot hurt. How is your health? How is your work life going? Are you obsessed with the latest fitness craze to pay attention to playing or frolicking with friends? Think about it. Worrying won't take you to where you need to be.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: What are you hoping to happen? I know you are ready for fame, recognition and all the accolades that you deserve. You may even crave it all to be honest. Dealing with a home/family situation may distract your attention and focus, but it’s a balancing act at this point. You are smart enough to realize this…just make sure you don’t get derailed by ego/creativity stagnant stuff. You may think your babies (work project? progeny? Sex life?) Needs more energy than it actually does.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: Finally you can see what the big wide world has to offer you these days. You could find yourself immersed in travel, media, metaphysics, and religion lots of lofty big-ticket thoughts that can manifest into something fantastic. Communicating all of these new thoughts can be a challenge…you’ve always been so stoic! But you cannot fight who you are. Folks at home who don’t get it may need a crash course. Stoicism in everything no longer serves you: you don’t let anyone change your mind.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: Shared resources, sex and money are and will continue to be hot ticket items for you for another 10 months. Get used to it…you may not be able to be objective here. So who is trying to get money from you? Cousins? Siblings? Do these folks have a hard time seeing your worth? Maybe.  Or perhaps you are learning how much your story is worth. It can be a challenge, but remember you are a trailblazer, 3 steps ahead of everyone. Stop feeling guilty about it and embrace that gift of yours.

PISCES SUN/RISING: It’s a shifting world for you, between your slow metamorphoses. You may be unrecognizable to yourself at times, and perhaps your partnerships are beginning to faze themselves out in order to make way for a grand new future. Perhaps these important love/partnership/enemy relationships are showing you the way to BE. Are you learning how to be in relationships without losing yourself? Work and your own sense of self worth could stand in your way of your true evolution.

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