Thursday, September 5, 2013


We are surrounded by interesting news these days, astrologically and earthbound. This New Moon in Virgo will be in effect for the next 10 days, so we have a nice chunk of time to make the best of the gifts this New Moon will hand out to us. It may not seem quite like it, but this New Moon is going to give us help in moving forward. This New Moon makes a sweet sextile to Jupiter in Cancer, so we get a huge boost that feels almost fated. This is not a New Moon to be ignored. Pay attention to your horoscope. You’ll be glad you did.

ARIES RISING/SUN: I’m going to tell you the very thing that you don’t want to hear. It’s time to get back to work. I know, there’s still so much fire and stimulation in the air. It might feel like the summer will never end. However, you know there is a lot in your life that needs cleaning up. You have known this for a while, but now is the time to get to it. This is the prime time to do it, and to learn the careful skill of maintenance.
ADVICE: learn from the Four blonds of the apocalypse: Martha Stewart, Suze Ormand, Jillian Michaels and Pink; be passionate about making your life work for you.

TAURUS RISING/SUN: Even though you do everything that needs to be done for the one you love; Even though you plug away at perfecting a craft that brings you joy and purpose, it feels like a moot point. This New Moon has highlighted where you have been let down; the upside is hopefully you can see where you could have done better, and have given up on being abusive to yourself for not fulfilling a dream. Be kind to yourself. In this case it’s not about the elbow grease; please remember that God and the Devil lie in the details. Nothing is black and white.
ADVICE: what makes you happy? take the next 10 days to figure that out.

GEMINI RISING/SUN: This New Moon is giving you just what you need to get settled. The odd thing is that you actually want to get down to it, to create roots and a nice home you can have your friends over … and maybe even find a peace that has been eluding you. You aren’t looking around and seeing what’s wrong or what needs to be done, but rather seeing what your home/ family can be. This is a time where the trappings of home and roots do not feel like…hmmm… a trap? Perhaps Home and Family are just ideas of love and nothing more, nothing less.
ADVICE: watch “it’s a wonderful life”. I know it’s a few months early for a Christmas movie, but it might help you see just how wonderful your life is.

Cancer RISING/SUN: Chances are that the people in your life no longer feel like they know you. Chances are that you may feel like you don’t know yourself. That is A-OK. You have flipped the world, as you know it on its head. You may have spent the summer getting your bearings, and while doing that may have found a peace that can only be found from freedom. You are now in a life living crash course that may make you desire more education, travel, talking and writing. It’s a good time to begin to engage with the world as it is; it’s time to emerge from the deep quiet space that you had to live in just to make it day to day. It’s time to come back and show us what you learned during your time in the dark.
ADVICE: Listen to “My Way” by Frank Sinatra and “I’m About to Come Alive” by Train.  Listen until you get it.

LEO RISING/SUN: My goodness, aren’t you full of vim and vigor these days! I like it. Chances are that people still look to you for the light and for the fun these days. That’s a gift, to be a sparkling person even though you may have had some doubts about the effectiveness of this. This New Moon will help show you the benefit of being the endless source of energy that you are. You might be entertaining some bizarre sense of apprehension at your realization that you are THE eternal flame. This New Moon will smack that down, and show you just how vital you are to the world around you.
ADVICE: Read the poem “First Fig” by Edna St. Vincent. It resonates with you…bask in that.

VIRGO RISING/SUN: My dear, here we are, a big grand New Moon for you to do what you will with it. This New Moon making it’s angle to Jupiter in Cancer illuminates what has kept you in the dark longer than you would like to admit. What glows is different for each Virgo Sun/Rising; however it comes about for each of you will be as different from each other as one snowflake is to another.
The beauty of this New Moon is that you will feel as if you are moving through your life seamlessly, with purpose and clarity. Details that usually bog you down will melt away. Perhaps you may still feel stuck on some things you feel you need to get done…some unfinished business perhaps. It’ll get clean in its own time
ADVICE: This month you are golden

LIBRA RISING/SUN: Here you are in the focus room, still and quiet. It’s almost time for a big move. This time you aren’t afraid, but gearing up and getting ready. You are making lists and plans, and for once, not living on the fence about life decisions. This New Moon brings clarity, and the knowledge that you finally have the space and time to begin the big plans to move forward. You keep all this quiet. This is good. You know this is the time to get it all clear, and to clear away the chatter and guilt from your self. You are prepping for the next move in your life. Doesn’t it feel good to finally realize who you are, and that you have been a mere shadow of who you could be?
ADVICE: Smile and keep your to do list to yourself. You will reveal all when you are good and ready.

SCORPIO RISING/SUN: The most important lesson this New Moon will show you is that in order to have the kind of friends and community that you want, you have to be the kind of friend you would like to have. Maybe you feel like people have let you down, and that you have let others down, and there is no coming back from it. It could be as mild as feeling out of sorts in regards to the people around you. It’s fine to feel that way, and to realize where you haven’t been as magnificent as you would like to be. The only person judging you here is yourself.
ADVICE: for goodness sakes go to that reunion/football game/girls night out. Or organize one yourself. You can control the tone of your community; just do it for good.

SAGITTARIUS RISING/SUN: It’s totally fine to revamp your idea of ambition. You are in the sweet spot where people will be paying attention to your ideas and what you have to say. You will probably even have flashes of awareness that it is time to use your adventures and insights to further your path in your career. You are thinking of expansion, and ready for all the trappings that go along with it. Furthering your career and public image seems like a grand adventure these days, rather than a chore.
ADVICE: Watch “Secret of My Success” it’ll tickle you and give you ideas.

CAPRICORN RISING/SUN: It’s an interesting place you find yourself these days. Most folks wouldn’t call you whimsical or one that would follow flights of fancy. However, these days you are wondering what is on the other side of the life you live, and the philosophies you hold. Your life is changing swiftly, as well as who you think you are. It may be hard to get your sea legs, but you are learning how after 5 years of turmoil. You are ready to face unknown territory…to travel and learn about life outside of what you THINK you know.
ADVICE: buy a one-way plane ticket.

AQUARIUS RISING/SUN: While you often find yourself in your life being worried about the collective while you remain independent, you are beginning to realize that it’s not quite how it works. This New Moon has a touch of awareness that will even make the most jaded native of this sign stand up and take notice. It’s time to stop skimming, and have conversations that you may not want to have. It could run along the themes of sex, money and shared resources. While you may not want to get to deep into these intense themes, this is the time where it needs to happen, and to be aware of your resources and where they are going.
ADVICE: Balance your checkbook and get yourself a copy of “Henry and June” by Anais Nin. Read of the different forms of intimacy exists.

PISCES RISING/SUN: This is New Moon full of common sense of creating your allies and helpers. Use this brilliant New Moon energy to build partnerships that nourish you as well as help you have some awareness of how vital it is to make sure that you have good people to have your back, as well as making sure you are honoring your relationships to others. This New Moon will also build your appreciation of those you have in your life in a real way. Honor these relationships, and seek out more partnerships that make your life bigger and grander, and make sure that you provide the same for those in your life.
ADVICE: Write someone a thank you note.

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