Saturday, July 27, 2013


For you folks that read horoscopes and keep abreast of all the recent astrological news, I’m sure you have seen lots of chatter about Jupiter in Cancer being awesome for Cancers and Water signs while taking pressure off the endless Cardinal Crosses going on.
Well… This weekend is the glaring exception. There are new tensions in the air, and Cancer is right in the thick of it.
If you have any Cancers in your life, you will watch them undergo a metamorphosis this weekend. It could be good, as in that they will have the catharsis that they have desperately needed over the past few years; folks tend to lean a little too heavy on Cancers to get through the rough stuff in life.
This weekend Cancers are disinterested in kissing anybody’s boo boo’s.
Why? Mars/Mercury/Jupiter are in Cancer opposite Pluto making more of a T cross with Uranus in Aries. With Libra, the fourth Cardinal sign, left to carry the brunt of the tensions.
If you are a Capricorn or Aries this will apply to you in that you may feel as if your authority is being questioned, or you are being stilted or restrained in some vital way. If you are a Libra, chances are you will be tap dancing to keep the peace, while chances are you yourself have some grievances you want to air. By all means, throw your voice into the fray. Just do it with a smile.
Back to Cancer; it’s been a long time coming, all these planets clustered in your sign to give you a boost and help you get off the ground. Cancers who are aware of the awakening will feel growing pains, and can feel the power growing inside of them. It’s heady stuff. However, if you are of the Cancer population that has come to realize that you have been dead inside for a while now, you need to be careful how you manage your resurrection.
Being born is serious stuff.

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