Monday, July 29, 2013


There is an awesome Trine happening between Cancer, Scorpio and Neptune in water signs (water Trine) and another beautiful trine happening between Pluto, Virgo and the Moon, making a Grand Earth Trine; together its called a Grand Sextile. It’s not all rainbows and lollypops, since with every trine there are hard making oppositons and squares. Even though Mercury is now direct, he’s still floating around in that post retrograde haze, and will for the next few days.

How nice.

Actually, it is; I’m not being sarcastic. In this case for the water and earth signs that are experiencing squares and oppositions, just remember that these actions bring awareness and a certain conversation to the table. With everything that is going on in the world, it’s so easy to just get caught up in it, and not pay attention to what is really going in inside us as individuals.
I don’t think that it’s an accident that this Grand Sextile is happening in Water and Earth signs; It’s about awareness, abundance and stability.
In this case, Cancer has Mars, Mercury and Jupiter in her sign. Cancer is opposite Pluto in Capricorn. Normally this could be an adversarial conversation between these two signs, but today its just Cancer acknowledging the need for freedom, and Capricorn stating his need to be understood. Capricorn takes a massive step back to assess the new world around. Cancer steps into the spot light, wincing a little while doing it…but doing it anyway.
Volatile Scorpio has Saturn telling her what to do, while the Moon in exhaulted in stable Taurus for the day. The conversation these two are finally having is that love doesn’t need to be hard or look like a telenovela; rather that if you let your partner love you, he/she will do just that.
As for Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces, the first instinct for a Virgo to show how much she loves someone is to nag them to death, or clean out their closet. Pisces leans his head back, nods at the message Virgo is giving him; to step away from the beauty of the mists. Pisces gently moves Virgo into a comfy seat and asks if they can cloud gaze. Virgo nods, and sees how sometimes doing nothing means everything.

There will be some insights achieved here. Even though this Sextile is only exact today, we will feel it for the next few days.  Just relax and be open to what you will learn in the next few days. It will change everything, and teach us how to be calm in the middle of our worst storms.

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