Saturday, January 26, 2013


I’m lying on the beach, feeling the warm sand under my blanket. My friend is next to me, and passes me a delicious frosty adult beverage. I sit up, take a sip and pass my friend some coconut scented sun tan lotion. On my own private beach in my own quiet vacation with laughing friends, blaring music and drinks to make us feel hazy in the hot sun, I am wasting away in Margaritaville, and couldn’t be happier. The heat of the Sun has baked away the stress that lodged itself in my back and shoulders. Totally relaxed, I can take the moment to look at my life and see what hard, fast decisions I need to make. I can hear my friends talking about how they are going to change things in their life once we all get off this beach and back to the real world.

This is how this Full Moon in Leo makes us feel.

Lulled into a sense of calm and joy, we do not realize that this Full Moon in Leo is to calm us, ease us into a false sense of security; Mars in Aquarius paired up with the Sun and stern Saturn is in Scorpio; these are all fixed signs and WILL NOT BUDGE when a goal is in sight or something needs to be done. These signs and planets are casting a shadow over us, reminding us that we can relax and enjoy the Sun that Leo brings, but we still need to stop hiding out from all the planetary and life stress we have undergone and get moving, make choices and make progress in the real world.

The Real World. It’s Cold, with ice on the sidewalks. The very old, very young and very poor will not leave any house or shelter they are in; its just too dangerous. Even in this frightening cold, we are warm, radiating the soft heat that the Full Moon in Leo has given us. With this rejuvenation, we have the energy and verve to handle the big events coming up in our life.

Look folks, we all know the world is changing. There is no escape, and we all have to do our best to be proactive and matter while the world is shifting around us.

So while we contemplate all of what is ahead of us, the Full Moon in Leo’s role is to ease us into a state of calm, and to take care of us best as possible. The cosmos want to protect us as much as possible, and wants us to be at best possible thought and spirit to weather the work we need to do.
Leo sometimes gets a bad rep as self centered and showy. However, the true role of Leo is to partner with Cancer; Leo is the father of the Zodiac wheel, while Cancer is the mother. Leo is just doing his job, to help guide his children into the next phase of growing up.
So whenever you are done with your beach towel, frosty beverage and suntan lotion, come back to the real world, and move onto the next phase.

You will be ready.

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