Saturday, August 19, 2017



This Solar Eclipse is real deal. It's happening on Monday, 8/21 at 2:30 PM (EST).         I know that the Lunar Eclipse energy has been persistent in stripping away any illusions that we have about ourselves and the world we live in. The Lunar Eclipse was in Aquarius, and that sign can often be coldly analytical. It can also carry shame because of how they live on the fringes…the lone wolf.
Leo is the polar opposite. Leo NEEDS an audience. Healthy Leo energy is generous, loving and playful. Warped Leo energy is egomaniacal, grudging and mean.
We of course want to embody the healthy, happy Leo vibe…right!?!
Another thing that makes this eclipse super powered is it’s close proximity to Fixed Star Regulus. Regulus is considered the Heart of the Lion…proud, independent, confident, generous…and sometimes violent. This star is about conquering and ruling. It’s also about honor, success and pleasure. So we need to walk a fine line eclipse… a much more careful tread than most eclipses.

So now you know.

So to make sure that you come out of this Eclipse in good shape, I have a little list here for you to make sure that you are able to embody the golden goodness of this energy. The Do’s and Don’t… read ahead and be prepared.

DO be generous and open hearted.
DO pay attention to what turns you on and gets you excited; this is your soul telling you what you need to focus on.
DO embrace your inner Diva and your inner Adonis; know how money you are and use that vibe liberally.
DO understand that anything you begin now will have long-term effects.
DO be independent; no one knows your soul’s journey like you do
DO your Solar Eclipse/New Moon intentions on the day AFTER the eclipse; we will be too scattered to focus and manifest in clear, healthy ways.
DO believe in the power of new beginnings no matter what your past looked like. Be ready to embrace change, happiness and passion

DON’T get caught up in power struggles or moments of egomania
DON’T fall into sadness if something doesn’t go your way; there is a divine plan … trust it!
DON’T lie. This Solar Eclipse combined with the energy of the Mercury RX will reveal all.
DON’T get competitive about anything: we are all royalty
DON’T stay stuck in old ideas of who you are supposed to be
DON’T feel as if you need to do anything; this is powerful energy and it can be either super energizing or draining; protect your energy.
DON’T be afraid to speak your truth.

This energy is powerful; lets use it to transform our lives and rise up in glorious ways.

Blessed Be,


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