Friday, August 4, 2017


Hello Starbabies! Here we have another fantastic month with swift, sexy change. I know that nothing is really all of one thing, and nothing of the other; this month is an example of this reality. This month reads something like a Telenovela; swift plot changes, sweet romance, raging ambition and sexiness that makes your cheeks flush and turn pink. It’s a shifting landscape that we all felt heading our way over the month of July.
The month starts out with a big transformative bang with Jupiter & Pluto in another stand off… a dramatic and optimistic Solar and Lunar Eclipse. We have a Mercury Retrograde with Pluto being the villain of this particular tale…or is he?
Let’s see how this month turns out; if nothing else it sure won’t be boring!!


ARIES SUN/RISING: So yes, you’ve gotten a bit comfortable. There was a time where your struggle for freedom, for some kind of job success and healthy partnership seemed like unattainable goals. Then they were attained… and things began to run and purr like a well-oiled machine. Now they aren’t. But it’s totally different now. Your life no longer looks like a Gladiator Arena, with you dodging swords like Maximus. No, it’s different in that you are more like Indiana Jones. You have a deep, sexy desire for adventure. You are ready for a quest where you will come back with questions answered, glittering artifacts and where you will get the girl (or boy). You will come back a wry hero.

TAURUS SUN/RISING: You feel something brewing. It’s almost like you can smell the ozone that lances through the air as a storm is about to rip through the sky. It’s sexy and exciting. But unnerving. There are signs and omens everywhere you go, everywhere you turn. If there is anything in your life that even slightly feels inauthentic, you’ll shut that down with the quickness. In addition to all of this reset type feels, you’ll also find yourself having the same conversation with frequency this month; it’s all around sex, creativity and children. You looking to make some babies? This could be the month for you.

GEMINI SUN/RISING: Your main partnerships are going to morph and look a little weird to anyone looking in from the outside. At this point, anything that smacks of control will have you running for the door. However, the spirit of revolution and of tinkering with what commitment looks like will permeate your whole scene…it has to be authentic. You’ll be stretching and feeling your way around a new kind of desire for expansion. However you get this one thing; the way to expand is to find a solid, steady point to grow from. What would this be? It’s your family. It’s your home. Get that in tiptop shape first…from there you will have the solid footing that you so dearly need.

CANCER SUN/RISING: You are so soft and charming this month, a stark difference from your Gladiator type vibe of July. Yes, you had to take last month to plot and plan…this month is all about stealth execution. You know that you are in a place where you cannot take advice from anyone…simply because most folks only see three feet before them, and you can now see beyond the horizon. Use this vision, and don’t be afraid of how far it can take you. The one caveat for you this month is this; don’t be afraid of prosperity…and make sure your communications are razor sharp and crystal clear.

LEO SUN/RISING: You get a new gleam in your eye this month, and you are ready to take on some new vibes around how you present yourself and what you are looking to attract into your life. This is excellent. You’ll need to rework some main partnerships courtesy of the Eclipses, but you knew this was coming anyway. The start of the month requires that you handle any weird work vibes with a sense of adventure and the middle of the month makes you look at your finances with a brand new perspective. What lesson will this month teach you? Mainly this: find out what YOU value about yourself, and don’t be so concerned with how others perceive you.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: Your life could very well resemble an Agatha Christie novel this month; crisp conversation, daring mysteries and a very classy hero. Your inner dialogue this month is going to be rich, wry and cunning. Luckily no one else can hear what is going on behind that delicious velvet curtain of your brain and psyche. This is good, since the odds are high that you realize that you need this breathing room. This month requires that you take another look at the balance between making money, and making a life that is worth living. No sudden moves this month…take is slow and steady and be open to what is revealed to you.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: This month will be one that has you wrangling a rather potent energy surrounding your desire for an authentic life. You couldn’t fake it or lie if you tried. While you still have a stellar poker face, what makes you different this time around is that you don’t really care what people think of you…you are more concerned with what YOU think of you. You are moving away from a certain concept of that deeply desired BIG love. You now know that you have absolutely no desire to show your hand. You are actively assessing the terrain around you to figure out what space you need to make for that next big move that is making the ground rumble and shake.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: Life works in cycles, and this is a truth that no one can escape. So the hot question for you this month is this: what new thing is happening for you now that smacks of a past scene that has yet to be fully resolved? Let’s get real clear on emotional/relationship stuff. Better yet, lets look at how it shows up in your whole money/resources scene. Do you spend to fill up a void? Are you unwilling to share because there might not be enough to go around? You’ll get a fab reset this month; you’ll also get a new view of what needs to happen in your career scene, as well as a family/home overhaul.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: This month is the last stretch before you are free of Saturn. This month offers you a great deal of heat that will resurrect something inside of you that you didn’t know was still there. Yes, you are on your money grind…but you are finding that you dig the challenge; it’s this new attitude that will make you into a big time winner at whatever it is that you are trying to conquer/build/learn from.  Keep your work and your agenda to yourself for now while you fine-tune what your goals are. No one needs to know everything that you are trying to accomplish. Truth be told, even you don’t fully grasp quite yet how transformative it will all end up being.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: Money has energy. Shared resources carry weight. This month you realize that the things that you desire to change have transformed MONTHS ago and you are now playing catch up. This month will be key for you cleaning up any old matters, and also playing with ideas of what expansion and freedom looks like. The hot question for you now is this: What if you had nothing to tether you to the ground? What if you could truly embrace the soft whispers of adventure that are pulling at you? Or… what if the very thing (or person) that keeps you where you are is the greatest gift?

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: For you it’s always a conversation of what will give you the most space to be able to be fully self-expressed. In some ways, you struggle with your desire to have a stage to flaunt your glorious otherness…and to live on the fringes where you don’t have to struggle to explain who you are. This month you will find that your desire is to find your allies…to go so far and so deep with those in your life that there is no way back. What if you went for your own metaphysical jugular, and killed all fear? I think that it could be so hot and inspirational that you would have no choice but to breath life into a dormant part of yourself.

PISCES SUN/RISING: It’s easy to get lulled into a dream world, so you don’t have to worry about the messiness of intimacy. This is a transformation that you are feeling your way around. Especially now when you feel like the clock is ticking to get this part of you life settled. You will feel this way simply because starting this month there will be a huge shift in regards to your health/career focus. It’s time to close the chapter on one part of your love life while opening up to another possibility…this needs to happen so you are no longer distracted by old visions of love and lust that went wrong; now find what goes right.

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