Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Sometime we can live in energetic pressure cookers. It can be when we feel a storm brewing, or perhaps a gearing up for a change.
Times like these, when the cosmos are switching it up and letting us all know that a change is afoot.
February has a lot of energetic shifts happening. Lilith has switched signs and has gone into Sagittarius, Venus is about to go Retrograde and we are currently in the calm of the storm of two eclipses. We just had a Lunar Eclipse in Leo, and in less than two weeks we have an incredibly volatile Solar Eclipse in Pisces.
This Solar Eclipse in Pisces is wrapping up a certain scene for us, a theme that has been going on for the past 18 months. We have been moving away from idealism, and moving towards action. However, this space between now and then things is going to get intense. People will be showing up from the past with messages, we will feel fed up and ready for a shift. Perhaps we will tap into that inner peace that has been so elusive for so long.
Many of us are sensitive, and many of us aren’t. No matter what, we are all going to have some fucked up dreams for the next few weeks.
Many of us have already been having these wild nighttime events. Mine began back in January when my husband and I were on our honeymoon…. Such weird and oddly prophetic dreams I began to have. However, I’m used to that kind of thing.
Some of you guys are having these kinds of vivid dreams for the first time in your life, and it can be wild, exhilarating, scary and empowering all at the same time.
Don’t freak out if this is happening; the universe is speaking to you, and your subconscious is acting this way to communicate something to you.
What these messages are….well only you can know. No one can interpret them for you. This whole spiritual event and the growth that comes with it is an intensely personal thing. Get a dream journal. Go inward. Deep inside you have the answers that you seek.
In the meantime, let your hidden self be your guide.

Blessed Be,


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