Thursday, July 21, 2016


Entering the high holy days of summer! We are hitting the peak of the lazy, hazy days of the season, where the Sun burns hot and high in the sky, and we are fully saturated with the magic of the season.
Our flesh is hot, our vibe is frisky.

Leo is the 5th sign of the zodiac; the second fire sign and rules the heart. Leo is the sign that brings the consciousness of play, joy, sex and creativity. There is a feral energy to this sign.
The Skinny behind the myth of Leo: Hercules went mad, killing his 6 sons; when he came back to his right mind, he was told he had to take on 12 labors in order to gain atonement. The first of his 12 labors was to kill the Lion that was terrorizing Nemea, a near impossible task since the lion had a pelt that was impervious to arrows or swords. Hercules managed to skin the pelt off the Lion, kill him, and then began to strut around the ancient world in the fur of his slain enemy. Was Hercules pulling a Kanye West? Maybe.

The brightest star in the skies is called Regulus, and is considered the King Star. This star is very much associated with royalty and resides in the constellation of Leo.
Perhaps this is why folks of a Leo persuasion tend to be proud, beautiful and strong. The Sun being the ruling planet of Leo means that most Leo’s burn with loving heat, and nourishes others through their endless generosity. After all, what celestial being offers so much energy, love and power without expecting anything in return, except for appreciation?
By the time the Sun hits Leo, odds are high that we gave all gotten sunburn of some kind. This is a reminder of the power of Leo & the Sun; an off kilter Leo can DEMAND love and appreciation. It’s this sort of Leo that Hercules had to fight. It’s this type of Lion that will wreck a city, doing damage by living in their animal consciousness. Sometimes the heat from the Sun can be damaging. In dealing with Leo’s, always make sure your appreciation is known. It’ll save you the burn. In being loved by a Leo, make sure that you know how much you need that heat, even if you aren’t totally aware of how this hot energy can fuel your soul.

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