Thursday, June 30, 2016


This a month of forward motion, although which direction you move in is up for grabs. The first half of the month is dominated by the Venus/Pluto opposition square to Uranus; the first week of the month is shiny happy people, aside from the intensity of the above aspects. The second week is where everything starts to simmer, with Venus and Mercury heading into Leo, and Mars making an uncomfortable aspect to Uranus. The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 19th brings everything to a head; this is a harsh Full Moon. It’s kind of like a storm breaking though, since the rest of the month gives us Mercury battling with Mars, Mercury making a sweet trine to Uranus and Venus trining Saturn and Mercury moving into Virgo.

In a nutshell, this month is about furthering your plans and your path. It’s a month full of the possibility of good times, sweet bonding and positive growth. It may not be easy, but the conversations you have are where you find the seed of forward motion. If you allow it, achieving the next level of your life can be seamless.

ARIES SUN/RISING: You’ve been handling a whole stop/start scene since the beginning of the year. This Full Moon and the second half of the month could be your chance to blast forward the way you want to; however you have one more mission to accomplish. Are you ready? It’s to handle your home life. Handle your family. Are your foundations strong? What do you need to do to make sure that they unmovable. Get your core good and strong. Now that your ruling planet is direct (Mars) nothing can stop you.

TAURUS SUN/RISING: You might be feeling a little antsy; it’s been a bit of drama in regards to relationships that you are over. It’s not done with yet; there is still some stuff you need to get wise to first. You are being faced with a new possibility to be in your relationships. However you should allow yourself some room to move and stretch. Most of this month will follow that theme. However once the last week of the month hits you’ll wanna hunker down. Venus in Cancer makes life a little softer for you.

GEMINI SUN/RISING: It’s a good time to get your $$$ and self worth –ish together now. You’ve got a better idea of what adulating looks like, so you aren’t as intimidated as before. Brava! You are king at thinking on your feet; use that skill now to achieve the life you are reaching for, if you know it or not. Now that Mars is direct, you’ll be able to handle your health/daily life matters like a champ. You can eyeball what needs to be done to be more efficient…which will lead to better life/money/career managing skills.

CANCER SUN/RISING: Woohoo sweet Cancer! You get a mighty boost! The ruler of your 10th house (Mars) is back in action, and is taking that itchy wet blanket off of your creativity, joy and sex drive. Full Steam Ahead Baby. There is still some stuff that has lingered from the 2012/2015 Cardinal Cross madness that needs to be exercised, and this New Moon is the one for it! It looks like love and partnership and who you are in it all is the concern this month; be smart and be authentic. No games, no power trips.

LEO SUN/RISING: While most of this month is about you gearing down, and finding a space of quiet and contemplation, you will find that this Full Moon gives you a boost or a wake up call in regards to how you handle your business and everyday life. What needs to shift? Look to your money scene, home life and growing self-awareness. All of these things need to be tweaked, as the Full Moon will show you. Ultimately everything that happens this month is good, because it’s lining you up to be the boss you know you are.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: It’s been all you for the past year or so; North Node, Jupiter and so on. At the end of the month when Mercury moves into your sign it’s a gear up for an upcoming Mercury RX in August (yes I know, I know). Pay attention to what conversations you have about who you are. In addition, this Full Moon will remind you and retrigger the Jupiter/Pluto Trine and Jupiter/NN conjunction; don’t forget your mission or who you are.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: The first half of the month is tailor made for you to put in all the work that you need to in order to shine in regards to your career. No cookouts, beach visits or lazy days. This is your time to pound the pavement; if you do, you will reap unbelievable results. Strike now. The universe will help you move ahead; pay attention to chance meetings with folks who can and want to help you. Don’t be suspicious; be open and willing! You are in the finish line, gearing up for when Jupiter enters your sign in a few months.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: Your rulers (Mars and Pluto) are behaving well, moving forward and making aspects that are directly connected to making the most of your current evolution. I’m sure you have had a million A-HA moments, as well as cringe worthy realizations. However, Scorpios tend to have the gift of nonchalance, and are able to turn everything into fodder for a new evolution of you. Ignore the rigmarole around you, and focus on the new you that is blooming.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: The past few months have been terrific in regards towards your soul/spiritual evolution, however now it is time to cut to the nitty gritty; your money scene. I know deep inside you consider money talk to be borderline bad manners or gauche, but money is energy and it needs to be protected. That being said, you are in a prime position to use your instincts to up your market value, along with your smarts about human nature.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: Why hello there you old goat ;) the first part of this month is terrific for shoring up your partnerships, your relationships etc. I’m pretty sure all of that has gone by the wayside while you focus on your evolution and grasping of a bigger world out there than what you have known in the past. This month offers you a new perspective of what it means to participate in partnerships, and how to make the most of the ones that you are in.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: This month offers the space to do a real life, real time over haul. You’ve been trying to handle the stops/starts in regards to your career and the overwhelming need to continue to evolve and shed all that old crap that you have been. However this month it’s time to eyeball your daily life, health and work stuff. It’s the fine details, but you will find that it’s all a labor of love that doesn’t feel like chores at all. Love/Romance? Wait until after the Full Moon. Keep it loose and easy.

PISCES SUN/RISING: This month is one that offers TONS of goodies…an astrological piƱata of sorts. Rebirth regarding your relationships, finding what you need and desire in a partner and reconnection to your joy, creativity and overt sense of sensuality. This could be a VERY sexy month for you. While all that is fine and good, this month also gets a good blast of work/career mojo if you remain open to the possibilities; however it’s tied into your intuition and sense of self worth. Go get ‘em my beautiful fishes!

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