Wednesday, November 13, 2013


So you made it. The Mercury Retrograde of November 2013 may live on in infamy, but you survived it. Mercury stopped its retrograde action, and began to go direct on November 10/11th. Now we can go back to normal.

The question here is what is NORMAL?

Mercury is now going direct from where it was retrograde, and as it moves forward, it will glide over what you dealt with during the retrograde, without the fuzzy-ness that retrogrades offer. You will be bright eyed and bushy tailed in regards to Mercury in Scorpio issues, and isn’t that just the most fun thing in the world?

I’m not being entirely sarcastic. We mortals like to gloss over what makes us feel uncomfortable, and those that encourage delving into the deep often sets others on edge. We live our lives trying to dull ourselves from the things that freak us out (death, sex, love, fear, taxes, money, childhood issues) Scorpio doesn’t truck with that kind of fear; he’s just not interested. Scorpio wants you to man up. Mercury being direct in Scorpio and hooked up with Saturn will make sure that we have those conversations. It’s not bad, since we have been saturated in Scorpio doctrine for over a year at this point.

I really like the rest of November as we adjust to Mercury direct in Scorpio; we have a mutual reception between Scorpio and Virgo; a Mutual reception is where planets “swap” kids (the planets they rule) when this happens, each planet offers help to the sign they rule, and the sign they are in.
Traditionally, Mars is a ruler of Scorpio, and Mercury is the ruler of Virgo. Right now, Mars is in Virgo until December 7th, and Mercury is in Scorpio until December 5th. This swap will offer a certain precision to figuring out the minutiae of our feelings and values and to making sure we do the necessary work. This will also make sure we talk about our desires, hopes and fears with bleak and liberating honesty.

I would also like to point out to you all that 2013 has been a watery year; water trines galore. Each Mercury Retrograde was in a water sign, meeting up with a planet that is stationed in said water sign.  The first Mercury Retrograde was in February 2013 and was in Pisces; Neptune was in Pisces as well. The second happened in June/July 2013 in Cancer, while Jupiter was also in Cancer.  The third and last Mercury Retrograde of 2013 just occurred in Scorpio…and you know the rest. The next Mercury Retrograde happens in February 2014, and in Pisces.

Notice a theme?

All these Mercury Retrogrades in water signs offer the chance of talking about our feelings and creatively urges, which is a luxury in this fast paced, action based world we live in.  These watery times we live in also gives us the chance to purify, to get right with the world and ourselves around us.

We are living in such a precious time where we have the space to feel, to create and to grow…to atone and to dream; its important not to squander it.

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