Thursday, May 3, 2012

I love Scorpios. I love their attitude, their swagger, their blatant need to be real even when it stings. I especially love the unbridled power they have at their fingertips that they more often use for evil rather than good. I have a soft spot for Scorpio moons, since I happen to have one.

The full moon in Scorpio is going to be bad…she wants to be such a bad girl. She wants to drink, dance, wear fishnet stockings and key somebody’s car.  She wants to shoplift and wear heavy black eye liner.  Scorpio moons always want to do this, but she’s at her ultimate power in her being a full moon, as well as being opposite Jupiter in Taurus (which is like the friend that passes her the flask while she’s speeding down the highway in a stolen cherry red Chevy convertible) and being breathed on very heavily by the happy sweet and annoyingly healthy Venus trine Saturn.  So. Jupiter, which is the planet that beliefs more is always better is egging this Scorpio moon on, even though it’s not the best idea. Then Saturn is being all lovey dovey with Venus and wagging his finger at the unbridled urges this moon is bringing up in all of us. Ugg. So what’s a wild girl to do?

Its hard going, because under this moon there will be no waffling, no wavering.  Scorpio moon’s are all about survival, healing and breakthroughs due to its dual rulers Mars and Pluto. (*Mars is the planet of war and raw aggression and Pluto is the planet obsessed with power, death and rebirth and well…obsession)

It’s a survivor’s moon, where we all will be feeling the darker, edgier side of ourselves. The ruthlessness that we all try to keep at bay will show itself.

But there is much more to this moon. It’s also where the ugly comes out.  I don’t mind the blood suckers so much. After all, they know how to live, and will do their best to survive.  After all, we all know those people, the ones that will do their best to be ok no matter what comes their way.  It is these people that serve their purpose in the way that it toughens our skin from their endeavors, and helps us learn the difference between who can and will use our help to eventually be ok, and those who simply want to melt into whoever can help them merely live with minimal effort.  It’s this full moon where we need to figure out the survivors from the chattel.

While we struggle with the need to survive, to evolve and to indulge in our darker pursuits, we also have at our disposal a great opportunity to heal. A little known secret about Scorpio is that it is a sign that while often destructive, is also very much in the business of healing. Scorpio’s can make miracles occur. Very often this magnificent healing happens after trials and tribulations. This full moon in Scorpio is very important in that in its connection with this sappy Venus/Saturn trine, the potential to truly heal ourselves and even others is not to be believed. The universe seems to want us all well and healthy…but in this case we need to work very hard for it.

Is this full moon a Cosmic First Aid Kit? Probably…

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