Sunday, August 13, 2017


Hello StarBabies! It’s a brand new week with a whole new vibe. This week has a specific kind of sizzle; it’s not just heat for the sake of fun. There’s purpose to how we get fired up. We will definitely be feeling full of energy, vim and vigor thanks to Venus and Mars both making sassy aspects to Jupiter. We will want to play… but with a purpose. We also have the Sun in Leo making a masterful trine to Saturn; work won’t feel like work. However we have sweet Venus making a risky, perilous yet sexy opposition to Pluto. Conversations around money and sex will come up…this aspect can be a real rut buster or have your head spinning. Yes, Mercury is Retrograde…so expect old conversations, ideas and concepts to come up.
Enjoy the flame and how it can transform you.


ARIES SUN/RISING: While this week might have you going over the nuts and bolts of daily life and upgrading your health, you will also be aware of a shift happening around your home/family and your partnerships. It doesn’t have to feel weird or crap; it can just be revelations, conversations and resets that are necessary at this point. More importantly, you need to figure out that precarious home/work balance. Remember that it doesn’t have to be some big messy drama…it can be an easy shift as long as you keep love in your heart.

TAURUS SUN/RISING: You know that you totally are ready for something big to happen…but the hot question is what is it? You can bang your head against the wall or just relax into the knowledge that you don’t know…because you DON’T NEED to know everything. You’ll do better this week if you go in blind and just let yourself gravitate towards the conversations around what your real desires and ambitions are… not the one’s that you think you should have.

GEMINI SUN/RISING: What is freedom to you? You don’t really know anymore, do you? All you know right now is that you are ready for a cool shift. You are finding that there is whole scene around money, sex and intimacy that is making you SO UNCOMFORTABLE. What conversations have you had lately that has set the stage for the current atmosphere…or better yet what conversations did you not complete that needs to be cleaned up? Do that this week. Shame the devil and tell the truth.

CANCER SUN/RISING: You are not even TRYING to have dodgy partnerships or rock with the party line anymore. Luckily you are the very soul of grace and beauty these days….so you can pretty much get away with murder. You can really create your boundaries in a way that charms any opponents. At this point, folks want to hitch up to your wagon. You can really own your magic in ways that intrigue others and makes them WANT to feel your heat. Yes, right now you are white hot and you finally know it. Don’t waste this magic mojo.

LEO SUN/RISING: You are going to need to slow down this week. Like, REALLY slow down. Part of it is because of the Mercury Retrograde, and the other part of is because you need to harness your energy for when this Solar Eclipse in your sign happens next week. So take this week to get clear on what it is that you really want and to pay attention to the energy drains in your daily life. What aren’t you handling that you know that you should? Pay attention to how you communicate. Pay attention to what excites you. That’s a good jump off for you.

VIRGO SUN/RISING: There is a love/money reset that is necessary. You could take some time and dream big about something else coming your way, or you can keep it status quo. Yet you KNOW that there is something that you don’t quite understand about an issue around your new way of’s like you have a block. Don’t worry my dear; this week will grant you clarity and smash that block in a bold, sexy way. Just surrender to it, and let your clan and crew lead you where you need to go. Hive mind is key.

LIBRA SUN/RISING: This week feels fated. You will look back at this week as the before everything changed. You are shifting in ways that no longer feels uncomfortable. Rather, you are totally surrendering to the flow that you know has needed to happen. There will be moments of such stunning synchronicity. Perhaps before the timing was never quite right. Don’t worry, this week the time is ripe. You may not feel it, or really grasp what it all means this week. But believe me, by the end of this year you will.

SCORPIO SUN/RISING: You have the chance to clean up your reputation this week. Let’s be real for a minute; Scorpio’s often struggle with not always being seen in the best of lights, and it’s a shame. However, the thing that happens this week is that you are truly open to finding out from others what your image really is. You will also have the chance for one of your planetary rulers (Pluto) to set free the parts of your life that have been shrouded in mystery for so long; your idea of freedom and of spiritual mastery will boom this week.

SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: It can be stressful for you to have to deal with issues that you feel don’t belong to you. This is part of your journey towards success and freedom. This week will help you gain the tools that you know you need to hone in order to get what you want. So now that we are here with that issue…what is it that you want? Has this idea shifted for you in some way?
The best part of this week is that you feel something that you thought was dead come back to life in an exciting and odd way.

CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: No one really understands how deep your need for independence really is. You have no interest in playing by anyone else’s rules, and this is a reality about yourself that you have REALLY owned in the past decade. Bravo. So here we are with the next chapter of intimacy and surrender that will ultimately test you in ways that you are just NOT into. The thing to remember this week is that you can’t gain a single thing if you don’t share. We aren’t naïve: Life and emotions always resemble a bargaining table…and it’s not a bad thing.

AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: Be ready. You are going to get what it is that you have asked for. Connections with others that will set you on fire. Mystical relationships that can seem shrouded in fantasy. You have a new feeling and focus around your daily life…you feel a sense of purpose. You no longer feel as if you are floating on the waves in some odd sea. No, this week you get reborn and fated meetings will abound. Just make sure to create better, more loving relationships with money; remember that money and sex are ALWAYS somehow intertwined.

PISCES SUN/RISING: While you are pretty much ALWAYS down to jump head first into a scorching hot affair, you know now that you have too much on the line to do that. However, the temptation will be so great this week that you will allow yourself to get swept up in something hot and fun. The key thing now is this: you know how to keep grounded. You learned this lesson the hard way. You know how to keep your boundaries in a way that gives you what you need rather than what you crave.

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