Thursday, November 6, 2014


This Full Moon in Taurus has us all loosening our belt buckles, signing at the scale yet going back for seconds. The fact that this Full Moon is opposite Venus will make us definitely feel like just one more won’t hurt. After all, Venus is the ruler of Taurus, and runs the domain of all things good and tasty. We may be headed into a dangerous direction with the fact that Saturn is Scorpio is looking to exit with a bang and the final word before it goes into Sagittarius at the end of the year. We may over do it to the point that we realize we may have a problem with consumption… be it food, drugs, alcohol, sex, shopping, gambling…etc.
Why? Why do we seek to drown ourselves and our senses in activities that feel so good but do nothing but hurt us? Those of us who are in this category could be seeking obliteration, looking to numb out from the pain and strife of Saturn in Scorpio…this passage of time that demands alert behavior, and dealing with the ugliness of life.
What do we seek? Gratification from the outside, rather then from the inside. Sure, this Full Moon always highlights how you consume. And of course the why’s…
However, another possibility of this Full Moon is the wake up call to how you handle your resources? Have you dug yourself into a hole with food, alcohol, spending etc.? This is the Full Moon for you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get your ish together. You want to get your money situation straight? The opposition to Venus in Scorpio will help you out.
Look to your desires, and how you do or do not express them. Look to your resources, and you save/squander them. That’s the lesson of this Full Moon….and while you are at it, eat an apple or take a jog for crying out loud.

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