I dunno, I’m a little perplexed. It would seem that 2014 has been a whole lotta starts and stops. First we had Venus retrograde in Capricorn, then when she was about to go direct, we entered the Mercury retrograde shadow, and then once mercury went direct mars then Saturn went retrograde.
What gives?
"I got a threshold for the abuse that I will take. Now, right now, I'm a F#$&ing race car, right, and you got me in the red. And I'm just sayin', I'm just sayin' that it's F#$&ing dangerous to have a race car in the F#$&ing red"- Vincent Vega, Pulp Fiction
"I got a threshold for the abuse that I will take. Now, right now, I'm a F#$&ing race car, right, and you got me in the red. And I'm just sayin', I'm just sayin' that it's F#$&ing dangerous to have a race car in the F#$&ing red"- Vincent Vega, Pulp Fiction
I think this is how A LOT of people feel right about now. That they could be convinced they have all I need to let’er rip, to go go go
Alas, that is not meant to be.
While Mars is like Vincent Vega, stuck, cleaning up the mess he made due to over excitement and carelessness (which is SUCH a Mars thing to do) Saturn (the Wolf) is making sure that business gets taken care of by the ones who caused the mess. But, ultimately it was the Wolf who saved the day.
I'll take my cues from the Wolf any day.
While Mars is like Vincent Vega, stuck, cleaning up the mess he made due to over excitement and carelessness (which is SUCH a Mars thing to do) Saturn (the Wolf) is making sure that business gets taken care of by the ones who caused the mess. But, ultimately it was the Wolf who saved the day.
I'll take my cues from the Wolf any day.
That being said, I have learned my lesson well. When Saturn
is at the helm of ANYTHING, its best to just take your cues from Saturn. And
when Saturn is Retrograde, it means you better take your ass back to the
drawing board. Just do it. When dealing with Saturn, the juice is NOT worth
I know this because I spent a good solid 6 ½ years
being Saturn’s bitch. Not like a sexy D/S bitch (that’s more Pluto style, and
something my Scorpio Moon would dig).
About 6½ years ago Saturn entered
Virgo, where during that transit it squared my natal Venus, made a conjunction
to my natal Mars and then made a conjunction to my natal Saturn….aaaaand when
that happens that’s a Saturn return. Shortly after that Saturn entered Libra
and moved into my first house, only to make a conjunction to my natal Pluto,
and a square to my Sun. Then Saturn moved into Scorpio, and took up residence
on my beleaguered moon.
What does this mean? It means that I had a LOT of things that
needed to be cleaned up in my life, from how I handle anger, how I handle my
responsibilities, how I show up in my romantic relationships, how I take
responsibility for myself (or how I didn’t). The Saturn life showed my how I do
my best to destroy myself, but find a way to put myself together again into a
far more authentic version of myself. Saturn showed me how to get a hold of my
emotions, and how to stop with my burn and raze policy in dealing with my
emotions, and instead understand that everything is NOT life or death.
Currently Saturn is conjunct my natal Uranus, which compels
me to think outside the box, to stop being a lemming or sheep. Baaaa…..
That being said, I’m not gonna fuss too much about this
current halt. Because I finally trust Saturn. He has gone retrograde, and in
that process has told me to pump the breaks on my projects. I feel he is right,
so I am back to the drawing board in many ways. I’m willing to keep my eyes
open, and see what this Saturn retrograde has to teach me.
I hear that whip crackin’…
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