Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Is it so bad to want to get wild? Is it so bad to want to shake loose of all the rules and constraints we live under? I’m sure that most of us are feeling the world tightening around us. If we use the power of this New Moon in Leo wisely, it just might save our sorry butts.
This month isn’t going to be much different from much of what we have seen this year; we won’t see much relief from the weight of the world. We have a Jupiter/Pluto/Uranus T Square that is happening this month that lets us know, under no uncertain terms that the planetary truce of July is now OVER. It’s back to the battlefield.
However, this New Moon in Leo will show us how to do your thing while the world continues to take on the tone of the Wild West…on one side we have folks who want to save your soul and on the other side folks who want to show just how big and bad they are. Since the Sun in Leo is conjunct to this New Moon, the Leo power is doubled and more powerful then before. Now is the time to strut your stuff and pull everyone onto the dance floor.
The beauty of all New Moons is that it opens up a whole new start. Much like candles on a birthday cake, it’s the prime time to make wishes that are certain to come true.  The first 10 days after a New Moon is the best time to start a new project…or a new phase on one you have been working on.
This New Moon makes a saucy trine to Uranus in Aries… it’s like the two bawdiest girls in school giggling over their next adventure.  These two are fearless, sexy and uncontrollable. Whatever they get up to, it’s going to be a whole lot of fun and maybe just a little bit of trouble.  This unique fire trine adds something special to this New Moon; a little more gusto and a lot more passion. Since Saturn in Scorpio is in a waning square with the Moon in Leo, his energy isn’t as rough as it could be; in this case, he merely reminds this New Moon in Leo to finally live up to her true potential…. to shine bright and be real about it. This New Moon is a rare chance to be completely focused on the self.
Perhaps this New Moon is the best time to figure out how to have fun, and live in the spotlight. Leo is a fixed sign, so whatever she fixates on she has follow through on. Channel her energy to make fun, powerful changes for the good. Leo is also the sign that rules the Heart; make sure whatever you do or start this New Moon is akin to your greatest heart’s desire.
Take this time to dance and embrace what brings you joy. Most importantly…

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