Saturday, March 23, 2013


“You get excitement in your bones, and everything’s a game”-Right as Rain- Adele

Yesterday we had fierce Mars and willful Uranus are both in Aries and locked in an arm wrestling match. Funny thing is that they both didn’t win, and won’t win until they realize how they can help each other. Then, of course the moon has been sashaying in showy Leo (which is a fire sign like Aries)
Oh. Brother.
While Mars and Uranus snort and spit at each other, not realizing yet how they can help each other achieve their common goals (independence and freedom) Leo will keep us all distracted by showing us the pretty; by dancing and wearing the fancy duds to go out all night, or just to go to the grocery store.
Go to a party. I promise you, if you go to a party when the moon is in Leo, it’s a magnificent time.
Although the moon is void course (not moving or doing anything that matters in relation to other planets, or us) its nice that for the rest of the weekend we are held in the cult of Leo.
You might get a tattoo, audition for a roll in a movie, sing at a piano bar, or profess your undying love (only to regret it minutes later)
Whatever it is, don’t take it seriously. Have fun. And bring cab fare, just in case.

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