Friday, July 1, 2011

Solar Eclipse is Strong like Bull

Today's Solar Eclipse in Cancer is basically an amphed up new moon, where the moon cycle starts and it's a grand time to make a fresh start. However, this Solar Eclipse is very important, since it rounds up the two year Cancer/Capricorn Eclipse series. What happens is that for about two years, solar and lunar eclipses ping pong between 2 signs that are exactly across from each other on the astrological wheel. However, these pairs always have a catch phrase that describes their desire and purpose, no matter how different the two signs may seem. Cancer and Capricorn are a perfect example of this. The catch phrase for this pair is "Security". Cancer creates it through making a family, a good home life and a good living. Capricorn does it via status and ambition; being the cream of the crop in everything thing you do is a grand way to gain security, and to know you can always fall back on your laurels.
So for the past two years, Security has most likely been a topic and concern for many of us. Its no suprise; so many have lost jobs and the world at large has seemed on the very brink of destruction. One response has been to try to hold onto jobs and homes, another has been to pave a new way. Either way, today pretty much sums up the search for security and grounding. We will all find a way to mash what we have learned in the past two years into some intense lessons about survival, and show us how to go forward in an uncertain world; or it can help us learn that all this is temporary. The new eclipse series that will be happening in bubbly Gemini and joval, enterprising Sag will show us how well we have learned our lessons from Cancer and Capricorn.

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