Saturday, April 23, 2016


We have a terrific week ahead.  We start the week right on the heels of an incredibly powerful Full Moon in Scorpio. I’m sure most of us can still feel the rumblings, and perhaps many of us are a little moon struck from a new sense of awareness.
It’s good that we bring this energy to the week. The Sun makes a fantastic trine to a Capricorn Moon, bringing focus and intent to all we need to do. Then Venus enters Taurus on Friday, which is terrific since Taurus is one of the signs that Venus rules.
The one hiccup this week is when Mercury in Taurus goes retrograde on Thursday.
Wait, don’t panic. This Mercury Retrograde is actually helpful one…for once!!!! This Mercury Retrograde will be making sparkly, helpful trines to Pluto and Jupiter, helping us manage our money and our sense of self worth.
Truthfully, this week will be about evaluating what we value. Do we get paid enough for the work we do? Does our income match up with our sense of self worth? Do we value ourselves? This year has been a hot bed of astrological wildness, where we have all undergone quite the metamorphosis. Who we are now is most likely different from whom we were a mere few months ago. So who are we now? What do we admire, respect and value about ourselves, and of the people in our lives?

ARIES SUN/RISING: conversations about what you value in regards to work and possessions
TAURUS SUN/RISING: conversations about what you value about yourself & your place in the world.
GEMINI SUN/RISING: conversations about what you value in regards to spirituality
CANCER SUN/RISING: conversations about what you value about your community and friendships
LEO SUN/RISING: conversations about what you value about your ambition and what you are building
VIRGO SUN/RISING: conversations about what you value about your philosophy and your ideas about publishing/expansion
LIBRA SUN/RISING: conversations about what you value about sexuality, and what’s going on regards joint finances
SCORPIO SUN/RISING: conversations about what you value in partnerships, be it love, business or relationships
SAGITTARIUS SUN/RISING: conversations about what you value in regards to health and work
CAPRICORN SUN/RISING: conversations about what you value about children, joy and your creativity
AQUARIUS SUN/RISING: conversations about what you value about your family and home

PISCES SUN/RISING: conversations about what you value about your communications, schoolwork and siblings.

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