Tuesday, December 15, 2015

CATCHING FIRE-A busy week for Sun in Sagittarius

This week the Sun in Sagittarius makes a square to Jupiter in Virgo, and then a square to the North Node in Virgo and South Node in Pisces.

What does this mean?

The Sun making a blazing square to Jupiter is often akin to that moment where the campfire finally takes hold and lets go of a huge red/orange flame…strong and hot.

Remember that fire is the ultimate way to purify anything.

The Sun making squares to both the South Node in Pisces and the North Node in Virgo is about creating action in regards to the movement your life is to move towards. Where are you going? What bewildering past do you need to let go of?

In astrology a square is an aspect where one planet makes a 90-degree angle to another planet; depending on the planets, it can be a stressful time or one of great big things happening. A square is a plot twist, a crescendo…a way for the cosmos to move the story forward.

I know, I hear you asking BUT WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!?!?

This is how I think of it: The Sun is the brightest star in the cosmos, is meeting up with the biggest, most benevolent planet in the cosmos. They are making as aspect to move the story, your story along in a big, bright way. What do you want/need/desire to accomplish or begin? What’s been simmering on low for days, months even years? The Sun/Jupiter meet up wants to help you get that thing cooking.

The North Node is the direction you are supposed to move towards, and the South Node is what you are supposed to move away from.

The Sun making squares to your past (South Node in Pisces) and your future (North Node in Virgo). Something needs to be released, something that has been hanging on in your psyche, in the back of your mind that should find its way out. In turn, something will be released, and you will feel clean. New. Healthy and whole. You’ll be free of some ancient murkiness that has bogged down your vision.

This incendiary energy is running rampant until Friday, 12/18. Feed what has to go into the fire, and watch the sparks fly.

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