Saturday, August 23, 2014


I believe a New Moon is a universe ordained fresh start. You want to begin a project or intention, or just wipe a slate clean? A New Moon, in my opinion, is one of the most potent time to do so. It’s like a New Year’s Eve, full of possibility and resolutions. It would be easy to claim that this New Moon is only for Virgoesq behavior.
This New Moon carries quite a lot of weight with it. It’s conjunct one of the Fixed Stars, Regulus. What does this mean? Regulus moves only 1 degree every 72 years, so its super slow, and now that it’s in Virgo the focus here is no longer the proud roar of royalty and other Leo sensibilities; it’s now the time for the common woman, the one who performs service as a labor of love, not drudgery. This is not a selfish “I’m making plans for bettering myself and bringing good things to me” New Moon. Rather it is a New Moon to put yourself second, and to make sure that you are doing the good, right and just thing. In doing so, you will in fact be cleaning up your life. (PS if you are interested in learning more about Regulus  check out; there is greater detail about this Star here)
In addition, there so much noise and ANGER resolving this New Moon; Pluto in Capricorn is making an unpleasant aspect to Venus in Leo; Pluto here wants to squash the joy, with Venus in Leo scratching to shine. We also have Mars (the planet of will/sex/war/self) conjunct Saturn (discipline/planning/structure) in Scorpio. This is a screaming match of ugly proportions. Responsibility over self-expression? Destructive Rebellion? With this New Moon NO ONE is falling in line. Even when just the tiniest bit of cooperation could change the course of action into something wonderful, rather then yet another break down.
This could be the ideal time to star over, to clean up and organize the messiness of your life. However these planetary aspects bring the necessity of acting in flawless integrity and honesty. Not hurtful “hey I’m just being honest, and you are being too sensitive” honesty, you know that passive aggressive kind. But the real kind that cleans things up and makes things clear.
This is the time to not just clean house and get organized, but it’s time to CLEAN UP YOUR LIFE!
This cannot be a haphazard cleaning up of your Life. You must be honest about it. Because if there is anything Mars and Saturn have in common here in Scorpio, it’s the need and admiration for HONESTY. Play along here for best possible results.
There’s been too much of trying to get by, trying to keep your head above water at the risk of giving up dreams, but ultimately drowning
 There has been the other extreme, of throwing out the baby with the bathwater, escaping from the drudgery of your life….running to the open road with your thumb and an overstuffed backpack.
Come back home or come back from the dead. But come back to the land of the living and handle your stuff. After all, this is the perfect moon to do so.

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