Monday, February 1, 2016


Hello my dear Astro darlings! This week is the start of something. First, Mercury is now picking up speed, getting away from the rigmarole of the Mercury RX and connection with Pluto.
Over the past 6-8 weeks Pluto has been doing his work, in league with the willing Mercury and clashing with the electrifying Uranus. Pluto isn’t quite done, as we will see as Venus makes a Conjunction with him during the week. More revelations and seeing where the power leaks are in our relationships, finances. Could be you learning that it is you who is the power hungry maniac in your life.
 Jupiter in Virgo is working in league with Pluto, but from a different angle; Both Jupiter and Pluto are trying to edge us into new, fated beginnings, empowerment and positive developments. Jupiter is doing this by making a conjunction to the North Node, and later on this week Mercury makes a trine to Jupiter, furthering plans, communications etc.
Mars will be joining the Pluto party by making a sextile to this planet. This gives our plans, lessons etc. a huge push. There is no room for b.s around these days; we are all waking up to a new truth that has been dropped on us, and now we are all trying to adapt, and find a way to work all this new info and feeling into our lives. Whatever happens, we are all ready to move forward with a sense of purpose.

ARIES: You are still working on your place in the world, your work identity and your own new-electrified self. You’ve got a fire in your belly and you are ready for the future. You are getting a sweet push from your own newly attuned connection to the needs of daily life, focus and self-organization. Expect a new focus and desire to express your awesome, and to leap frog ahead of the competition in your life.

TAURUS: The conversation about love and romance is still going on, as well as the whole thing about how you see the world at large. Lots of weirding out shake ups; people drifting in and out of your life that feel very déjà vu? Dreams carry odd messages that make you want to sleep with your light on? Don’t fight this. It’s part of an evolution that is inevitable.

GEMINI: There are new demands being made on you in the way of intimacy, shared resources and your own rebirth of sorts.  There’s a groove that needs to be found for you on a daily basis, and you are finding yourself aggressively going after it; you know now that in order for your new plan/adventure to get off the ground you need to really work the “grown-up” angle. Eat your veggies. Drink water. Get your 8 hours of sleep. Pay attention to your allies.

CANCER: Partnerships and those that you are closely linked up in your life are going to want your attention this week. You are learning that it’s making smart choices on those you have in your life and the best kind of alliances that will help make you a success in your life.  There’s something you’ve missed…this week will grant you clarity. Focus on total health in every possible way; relationship, mind/body/spirit clarity and integrity here.

LEO: There’s been a lot of conversation for you about how effective you are in your daily life, especially with how you work, how you make your money and how healthy it is. It’s been a conversation that’s been in effect for a number of years, but now you are finally fully aware of it. You may find that the work you do, or how you handle your every day life is at odds with your own belief system, and with the life you want to live. This week will show you something you haven’t seen before.

VIRGO: This could play out for you in a few different ways: conversations about creation, being it children or a piece of art is going to under go some kind of restructuring. This is for the best, because it can help give you an edge that you may not have had before. It could come as a windfall, a revelation about a side of yourself you didn’t know you had, or a glimpse of a new direction. No matter how it shakes down, it’s looking good.

LIBRA: your home and family of origin is going to get a wake up call from your partnerships and you are going to find that it is important that your home match up with whom you are. Perhaps you’ve had to toe the line too long with your own family/home and are fed up. Perhaps you realize that you are ready for an upgrade in regards to how you present yourself in the world and where you go for comfort. Something will be reveled to you that will push you in the right direction.

SCORPIO: Stuff about how you communicate and anything to do with writing/school will get a zing from your everyday life, you’re routine. What are you missing here? There’s a chance here that greater organization and realistic thoughts will help you get an edge where you may have been floundering. No matter what, you have to pay attention to your approach here. Your words carry a ton of weight these days; be careful how you wield them.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s been what feels like an endless, epic conversation about money and what you get paid for what you do. Make no mistake about it; it’s intrinsically linked up to the value that you place on yourself. Will giving a great big push on who you are and what gets you revved up the way to get the results that you really want? Probably…but you may not have figured that out yet. You are in a prime spot to shine and really come up in the world. Don’t psyche yourself out.

CAPRICORN: The kinds of changes you have been undergoing have been so strong yet so subtle that you may not be entirely aware of them. Over the past 2 months you are indeed now having conversations about it, while realizing that the way you see the world is starting to link up to the you that you are now becoming. Don’t get involved with needless conflict or other people’s problems. Keep your nose clean and focus on you.

AQUARIUS: This week offers some spooky insights, and even a ghost from a distant past may make a cameo. Pay attention to your gut, and the lessons that you are gleaning from your deep mind and spirit. You are ready to amp up your big hot work vibe, and you’ll have some helpful allies along the way that you never saw coming.  Remember: no man is an island. Stock up on thank you cards now.

PISCES: A surge in realizing your most awesome sense of self is on the horizon, and you are realizing that it’ because of a long standing shift of who you are. However, your relationships to your friends and social groups need some work. Either the company you keep is not up to par, or you may be dropping the ball in the role you play with your friends. One way or another there will be a reckoning. Be good to your allies, and they will be good to you.

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