Hello Starbabies! Welcome to
a new week of strong shifts and a no nonsense attitude when it comes to the way
that you want to live your life. You have a bigger sense now of what it is that
you deeply desire and of how you want to just be freaking happy. Not crazy…not
insane to want to live a good life. More importantly, you just want to be free
from the heavy stuff. This week shows you how to fight the dark with light;
this week shows you that worry is just a negative form of prayer. This week
shows you how to work for your happiness; it’s not always a God-Given right.
Take this week and be a warrior for Joy.
something so hot about you this week; you feel incandescent in a way that
you haven’t felt in a while. So much of your life over the past decade has been
shifting landscapes and rough reckoning at every turn. It’s a huge shift that
is apparent this week. You have shaken off any lingering insecurities or
parasitic vibes, including your own. Own your fire.
happen swiftly this week; you are prime for a fast and powerful shift in realms
that deal with family, home and hearth. Although you need to be willing to
fight hard and dirty for your turf, the odds are high that you won’t need to;
you just need to show the gods and that very important person in your life
that you have the grit to get the job done.
an odd love vibe here; you crave connection and want to shift away from your
habitual playfulness. You have some very real clarity around your partnerships
and relationships. You also have the clarity to see who has made the cut to
last and who was merely temporary. Keep your own counsel for now, as you get
real and honest about what is your next step.
ruthlessly cauterizing and cutting out all that even slightly hints at decay
and disorder. The fun thing here is that you are so charming about it…even
humorous about your methods. You are no longer interested in being exhausted by
issues around alliances that have run cold. You are all about value and how
everything in your life needs to produce; flow of energy; money and love are
necessary for you now.
LEO SUN/RISING: While it’s
tempting to look back at some ill-fated liaisons, partnerships and alliances,
you are starting to know better. You run the risk of being yanked back into
situations that you have outgrown. It’s ok to grow past that you once were.
It’s fine to recognize that it’s time to level up all aspects of your life.
It’s also ok to admit that the things that have given you joy has shifted. It’s
called growth, and it’s a good thing.
week to rethink a plan or plot; there might be more foundation work that needs
to be done at this point. It’s always a good idea to have a back up plan, but
not at the risk of undermining your deepest plans and ambitions. More importantly
you are in a space where your secret power is seeing through the delusions of
others; your intuition is on point and your flashlight in any dark scenarios.
about keeping everything streamlined; your usual gift of gab and charm is so
useful, but for now it’s a trick that you’d rather keep up your sleeve. This
week you mean business; you are tired of time being wasted and promises broken.
You make your position clear and known in such powerful ways that it gains you
amazing allies and the respect of your adversaries.
inspiration and restlessness means that you are ready to move onto greener
pastures; odds are high that you’ve spent waaaay too much time in a certain
place/attitude/job and now it’s time to begin a shimmy and a shake into
something bigger and better. Now, it’s key to stay cool and not burn any
bridges at this point. Wait for your ship to come in first, if you can hold off
until then.
productive is all-important these days, especially since you can feel the walls
closing in on you…that time is passing and you need to get a move on. This is a
truth that we all have to face; however you need to remember that you still
need wiggle room to learn more enriching lessons. There’s room for joy in the
lessons, and knowledge that you are better off now than you were before.
you feel your insecurities well up unbidden and in odd ways, just remember that
it’s your ego fighting change. Yes, your inner self wants to maintain that old,
stagnant status quo just because it’s familiar. However this week you are so
incredibly aware of this trick of consciousness. Don’t let yourself get swept
back into old patterns; you have worlds to conquer and adventures to go on.
backslide and miss out on all the goodness ahead of you; you have a deep desire
to connect….yet run away all at the same time. The thing that has to happen for
you this week is to get comfortable with being confronted. You also need to
make sure that you shift your awareness in ways that bring you more of the good
things in life, rather than you ruminating about things that didn’t go the way
that you wanted them to.
will be an interesting one where you need to pay attention to those that want
to suck you dry. You are generous with your time and energy…however you might
need to realize that there are some people that are going to grasp onto you as
if you were a life preserver. It’s not your job to save everyone. It IS your
job to share your gifts, lavishly and generously without the hint of strings
going in either direction.
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